There is only one parameter file called config.yaml, which is locate in rslidar_sdk/config/config.yaml. The whole file can be divided into two parts, the common and lidar . In multi-LiDARs case, the parameters in common part will be shared by all LiDARs, while the parameters in lidar part need to be adjust according to specific LiDAR.
Note: The config.yaml is very strict to indentation! Please make sure the indentation is not changed when adjusting the parameters!
This part is used to decide the source of LiDAR data, and whether to send out the result or not.
msg_source: 1 #0: not use Lidar
#1: packet message comes from online Lidar
#2: packet message comes from ROS or ROS2
#3: packet message comes from Pcap file
#4: packet message comes from Protobuf-UDP
#5: point cloud comes from Protobuf-UDP
send_packet_ros: false #true: Send packets through ROS or ROS2(Used to record packet)
send_point_cloud_ros: false #true: Send point cloud through ROS or ROS2
send_packet_proto: false #true: Send packets through Protobuf-UDP
send_point_cloud_proto: false #true: Send point cloud through Protobuf-UDP
pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file
0 -- Not use lidar. Basically you will never set this parameter to 0.
1 -- When connecting with a running lidar, set to 1. For more details, please refer to Online connect lidar and send point cloud through ROS
2 -- The lidar packet come from ROS or ROS2. This will be used in offline decode rosbag. For more details, please refer to Record rosbag & Offline decode rosbag
3 -- The lidar packet come from offline pcap bag. For more details, please refer to Decode pcap bag and send point cloud through ROS
4 -- The lidar packet come from Protobuf-UDP. For more details, please refer to Use protobuf send & receive
5 -- The lidar point cloud come from Protobuf-UDP. For more details, please refer to Use protobuf send & receive
True -- The lidar packets will be sent to ROS or ROS2. e.g. When you connect a lidar and want to record rosbag, you can set the *msg_source=1* and set *send_packet_ros = true*.
false -- Do nothing.
Note1: If the msg_source =2, there is no use to set send_packet_ros to true because the packet come from ROS and there is no reason to send them back to ROS.
Note2: Since the ROS packet message type is robosense self-defined type, you can't directly echo the topic through ROS. Mostly the packets are only used to record offline bag because the size is much smaller than point cloud.
true -- The lidar point cloud will be sent to ROS or ROS2. e.g. When you connect a lidar and want to see point cloud on ROS-Rviz, you can the *msg_source =1* and set *send_point_cloud_ros = true*.
false -- Do nothing.
Note: The ROS point cloud type is the ROS official defined type -- sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, which means the point cloud can be visualized on ROS-Rviz directly. Also you can record the point cloud to rosbag but its size may be very large, that's why we suggest to record packets.
true -- The lidar packets will be sent out as protobuf message through ethernet in UDP protocal. e.g. When you connect the lidar with computerA and want to see the point cloud on computerB, you can run a rslidar_sdk on computerA and set the *msg_source = 1*, set *send_packet_proto = true*. Then, on computerB, set the *msg_source = 4* and set *send_point_cloud_ros = true*, then you can see the point cloud on computerB through ROS-Rviz.
false -- Do nothing
true -- The lidar point cloud will be sent out as protobuf message through ethernet in UDP protocal. e.g. When you connect the lidar with computerA and want to see the point cloud on computerB, you can run a rslidar_sdk on computerA and *set the msg_source = 1*, set *send_point_cloud_proto = true*. Then, on computerB, set the *msg_source = 5* and *set send_point_cloud_ros = true*, then you can see the point cloud on computerB through ROS-Rviz.
Node: We suggest send packets through ethernet rather than point cloud because point cloud size is too larger and it may take up a lot of bandwidth.
If the *msg_source = 3*, please make sure the pcap_path is correct.
This part need to be adjust according to different LiDAR (in multi-LiDARs case). Here is an example for one LiDAR and three LiDARs.
One lidar example
- driver:
lidar_type: RS128 #The lidar type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80
frame_id: /rslidar #The frame id of message
device_ip: #The device ip address
msop_port: 6699 #The msop port of lidar,default is 6699
difop_port: 7788 #The difop port of lidar, default is 7788
start_angle: 0 #The start angle of point cloud area
end_angle: 360 #The end angle of point cloud area
min_distance: 0.2 #The minimum distance of point cloud area
max_distance: 200 #The maximum distance of point cloud area
use_lidar_clock: false #true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp;false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
angle_path: /home/robosense/angle.csv
ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets #The topic which used to receive lidar packets from ROS
ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets #The topic which used to send lidar packets through ROS
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points #The topic which used to send point cloud through ROS
point_cloud_recv_port: 60021 #The port number used for receiving point cloud
point_cloud_send_port: 60021 #The port number which the point cloud will be send to
point_cloud_send_ip: #The ip address which the point cloud will be send to
msop_recv_port: 60022 #The port number used for receiving lidar msop packets
difop_recv_port: 60023 #The port number used for receiving lidar difop packets
msop_send_port: 60022 #The port number which the msop packets will be send to
difop_send_port: 60023 #The port number which the difop packets will be send to
packet_send_ip: #The ip address which the lidar packets will be send to
Three lidar example
- driver:
lidar_type: RS128 #The lidar type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80
frame_id: /rslidar #The frame id of message
device_ip: #The device ip address
msop_port: 6699 #The msop port of lidar,default is 6699
difop_port: 7788 #The difop port of lidar, default is 7788
start_angle: 0 #The start angle of point cloud area
end_angle: 360 #The end angle of point cloud area
min_distance: 0.2 #The minimum distance of point cloud area
max_distance: 200 #The maximum distance of point cloud area
use_lidar_clock: false #true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp;false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
angle_path: /home/robosense/angle.csv #The path of the angle calibration file. For the latest version lidars, there is no need to use this file.
ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets #The topic which used to receive lidar packets from ROS
ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets #The topic which used to send lidar packets through ROS
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points #The topic which used to send point cloud through ROS
point_cloud_recv_port: 60021 #The port number used for receiving point cloud
point_cloud_send_port: 60021 #The port number which the point cloud will be send to
point_cloud_send_ip: #The ip address which the point cloud will be send to
msop_recv_port: 60022 #The port number used for receiving lidar msop packets
difop_recv_port: 60023 #The port number used for receiving lidar difop packets
msop_send_port: 60022 #The port number which the msop packets will be send to
difop_send_port: 60023 #The port number which the difop packets will be send to
packet_send_ip: #The ip address which the lidar packets will be send to
- driver:
lidar_type: RSBP #The lidar type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80
frame_id: /rslidar #The frame id of message
device_ip: #The device ip address
msop_port: 1990 #The msop port of lidar,default is 6699
difop_port: 1991 #The difop port of lidar, default is 7788
start_angle: 0 #The start angle of point cloud area
end_angle: 360 #The end angle of point cloud area
min_distance: 0.2 #The minimum distance of point cloud area
max_distance: 200 #The maximum distance of point cloud area
use_lidar_clock: false #true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp;false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
angle_path: /home/robosense/angle.csv #The path of the angle calibration file. For the latest version lidars, there is no need to use this file.
ros_recv_packet_topic: /left/rslidar_packets #The topic which used to receive lidar packets from ROS
ros_send_packet_topic: /left/rslidar_packets #The topic which used to send lidar packets through ROS
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /left/rslidar_points #The topic which used to send point cloud through ROS
point_cloud_recv_port: 60024 #The port number used for receiving point cloud
point_cloud_send_port: 60024 #The port number which the point cloud will be send to
point_cloud_send_ip: #The ip address which the point cloud will be send to
msop_recv_port: 60025 #The port number used for receiving lidar msop packets
difop_recv_port: 60026 #The port number used for receiving lidar difop packets
msop_send_port: 60025 #The port number which the msop packets will be send to
difop_send_port: 60026 #The port number which the difop packets will be send to
packet_send_ip: #The ip address which the lidar packets will be send to
- driver:
lidar_type: RSBP #The lidar type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80
frame_id: /rslidar #The frame id of message
device_ip: #The device ip address
msop_port: 2000 #The msop port of lidar,default is 6699
difop_port: 2001 #The difop port of lidar, default is 7788
start_angle: 0 #The start angle of point cloud area
end_angle: 360 #The end angle of point cloud area
min_distance: 0.2 #The minimum distance of point cloud area
max_distance: 200 #The maximum distance of point cloud area
use_lidar_clock: false #true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp;false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
angle_path: /home/robosense/angle.csv #The path of the angle calibration file. For the latest version lidars, there is no need to use this file.
ros_recv_packet_topic: /right/rslidar_packets #The topic which used to receive lidar packets from ROS
ros_send_packet_topic: /right/rslidar_packets #The topic which used to send lidar packets through ROS
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /right/rslidar_points #The topic which used to send point cloud through ROS
point_cloud_recv_port: 60027 #The port number used for receiving point cloud
point_cloud_send_port: 60027 #The port number which the point cloud will be send to
point_cloud_send_ip: #The ip address which the point cloud will be send to
msop_recv_port: 60028 #The port number used for receiving lidar msop packets
difop_recv_port: 60029 #The port number used for receiving lidar difop packets
msop_send_port: 60028 #The port number which the msop packets will be send to
difop_send_port: 60029 #The port number which the difop packets will be send to
packet_send_ip: #The ip address which the lidar packets will be send to