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1 简介

​ 本文档将展示如何解码pcap包并发送点云数据到ROS。 在阅读本文档之前,请确保已阅读雷达用户手册和 参数简介

2 步骤

​ 请按照以下步骤进行配置。

2.1 获取数据端口号 & IP地址

​ 首先根据雷达用户手册连接雷达并设置好您的电脑的IP地址。此时应该已经可以使用RSView软件查看点云。并已知雷达的msop端口号, difop端口号和ip地址,默认端口是msop = 6699difop = 7788, 默认ip地址是*ip=*。 如果不清楚上述内容,请查看雷达用户手册。

2.2 设置参数文件的common部分

  msg_source: 3                                         #0: not use Lidar
                                                        #1: packet message comes from online Lidar
                                                        #2: packet message comes from ROS or ROS2
                                                        #3: packet message comes from Pcap file
                                                        #4: packet message comes from Protobuf-UDP
                                                        #5: point cloud comes from Protobuf-UDP
  send_packet_ros: false                                #true: Send packets through ROS or ROS2(Used to record packet)
  send_point_cloud_ros: true                            #true: Send point cloud through ROS or ROS2
  send_packet_proto: false                              #true: Send packets through Protobuf-UDP
  send_point_cloud_proto: false                         #true: Send point cloud through Protobuf-UDP
  pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap                 #The path of pcap file

​ 由于消息来自pcap包,因此请设置 msg_source = 3

​ 将点云发送到ROS以查看,因此设置 send_point_cloud_ros = true

​ 请确保 pcap包的路径pcap_path 是正确的。

2.3 设置参数文件的 lidar-driver部分

  - driver:
      lidar_type: RS128            #The lidar type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80
      frame_id: /rslidar           #The frame id of message
      device_ip:     #The device ip address
      msop_port: 6699              #The msop port of lidar,default is 6699
      difop_port: 7788             #The difop port of lidar, default is 7788
      start_angle: 0               #The start angle of point cloud area
      end_angle: 360               #The end angle of point cloud area
      min_distance: 0.2            #The minimum distance of point cloud area
      max_distance: 200            #The maximum distance of point cloud area
      use_lidar_clock: false       #true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp;false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp  
      angle_path: /home/robosense/angle.csv   #The path of the angle calibration file. For the latest version lidars, there is no need to use this file.

​ 将 lidar_type 设置为LiDAR类型 - -RS16,RS32,RSBP,RS128, RS80。

​ 设置 device_ip 为LiDAR的IP地址, 默认值为 device_ip =

​ 设置 msop_portdifop_port 为雷达数据端口号, 默认值为 msop = 6699 和 difop = 7788


  ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets    #The topic which used to receive lidar packets from ROS
  ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets    #The topic which used to send lidar packets through ROS
  ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #The topic which used to send point cloud through ROS

​ 将 ros_send_point_cloud_topic 设置为发送点云的话题。

2.5 运行

​ 运行示例程序。


  msg_source: 3                                         #0: not use Lidar
                                                        #1: packet message comes from online Lidar
                                                        #2: packet message comes from ROS or ROS2
                                                        #3: packet message comes from Pcap file
                                                        #4: packet message comes from Protobuf-UDP
                                                        #5: point cloud comes from Protobuf-UDP
  send_packet_ros: false                                #true: Send packets through ROS or ROS2(Used to record packet)
  send_point_cloud_ros: true                            #true: Send point cloud through ROS or ROS2
  send_packet_proto: false                              #true: Send packets through Protobuf-UDP
  send_point_cloud_proto: false                         #true: Send point cloud through Protobuf-UDP
  pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap                 #The path of pcap file

  - driver:
      lidar_type: RS128            #The lidar type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RS128, RS80
      frame_id: /rslidar           #The frame id of message
      device_ip:     #The device ip address
      msop_port: 6699              #The msop port of lidar,default is 6699
      difop_port: 7788             #The difop port of lidar, default is 7788
      start_angle: 0               #The start angle of point cloud area
      end_angle: 360               #The end angle of point cloud area
      min_distance: 0.2            #The minimum distance of point cloud area
      max_distance: 200            #The maximum distance of point cloud area
      use_lidar_clock: false       #true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp;false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp  
      angle_path: /home/robosense/angle.csv   #The path of the angle calibration file. For the latest version lidars, there is no need to use this file.
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets    #The topic which used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets    #The topic which used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #The topic which used to send point cloud through ROS
      point_cloud_recv_port: 60021                     #The port number used for receiving point cloud 
      point_cloud_send_port: 60021                     #The port number which the point cloud will be send to
      point_cloud_send_ip:                   #The ip address which the point cloud will be send to 
      msop_recv_port: 60022                       #The port number used for receiving lidar msop packets
      difop_recv_port: 60023                      #The port number used for receiving lidar difop packets
      msop_send_port: 60022                       #The port number which the msop packets will be send to 
      difop_send_port: 60023                      #The port number which the difop packets will be send to 
      packet_send_ip:                   #The ip address which the lidar packets will be send to