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- /*
- * @Author: Your Name lishengyin@sz-sunwin.com
- * @Date: 2022-06-15 22:08:07
- * @LastEditors: Your Name lishengyin@sz-sunwin.com
- * @LastEditTime: 2022-06-16 22:40:11
- * @FilePath: /ins/source/controllers/include/api_v1_User.h
- * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <drogon/HttpController.h>
- using namespace drogon;
- namespace api
- {
- namespace v1
- {
- class User : public drogon::HttpController<User>
- {
- public:
- // use METHOD_ADD to add your custom processing function here;
- METHOD_ADD(User::login,"/token?userId={1}&passwd={2}",Post);
- METHOD_ADD(User::getInfo,"/{1}/info?token={2}",Get, "LoginFilter");
- // your declaration of processing function maybe like this:
- void login(const HttpRequestPtr &req,
- std::function<void (const HttpResponsePtr &)> &&callback,
- std::string &&userId,
- const std::string &password);
- void getInfo(const HttpRequestPtr &req,
- std::function<void (const HttpResponsePtr &)> &&callback,
- std::string userId,
- const std::string &token) const;
- };
- }
- }