/********** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. (See .) This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA **********/ // Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Live Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. // Basic Usage Environment: for a simple, non-scripted, console application // C++ header #ifndef _BASIC_USAGE_ENVIRONMENT0_HH #define _BASIC_USAGE_ENVIRONMENT0_HH #ifndef _BASICUSAGEENVIRONMENT_VERSION_HH #include "BasicUsageEnvironment_version.hh" #endif #ifndef _USAGE_ENVIRONMENT_HH #include "UsageEnvironment.hh" #endif #ifndef _DELAY_QUEUE_HH #include "DelayQueue.hh" #endif #define RESULT_MSG_BUFFER_MAX 1000 // An abstract base class, useful for subclassing // (e.g., to redefine the implementation of "operator<<") class BasicUsageEnvironment0: public UsageEnvironment { public: // redefined virtual functions: virtual MsgString getResultMsg() const; virtual void setResultMsg(MsgString msg); virtual void setResultMsg(MsgString msg1, MsgString msg2); virtual void setResultMsg(MsgString msg1, MsgString msg2, MsgString msg3); virtual void setResultErrMsg(MsgString msg, int err = 0); virtual void appendToResultMsg(MsgString msg); virtual void reportBackgroundError(); protected: BasicUsageEnvironment0(TaskScheduler& taskScheduler); virtual ~BasicUsageEnvironment0(); private: void reset(); char fResultMsgBuffer[RESULT_MSG_BUFFER_MAX]; unsigned fCurBufferSize; unsigned fBufferMaxSize; }; class HandlerSet; // forward #define MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS 32 // An abstract base class, useful for subclassing // (e.g., to redefine the implementation of socket event handling) class BasicTaskScheduler0: public TaskScheduler { public: virtual ~BasicTaskScheduler0(); virtual void SingleStep(unsigned maxDelayTime = 0) = 0; // "maxDelayTime" is in microseconds. It allows a subclass to impose a limit // on how long "select()" can delay, in case it wants to also do polling. // 0 (the default value) means: There's no maximum; just look at the delay queue public: // Redefined virtual functions: virtual TaskToken scheduleDelayedTask(int64_t microseconds, TaskFunc* proc, void* clientData); virtual void unscheduleDelayedTask(TaskToken& prevTask); virtual void doEventLoop(char volatile* watchVariable); virtual EventTriggerId createEventTrigger(TaskFunc* eventHandlerProc); virtual void deleteEventTrigger(EventTriggerId eventTriggerId); virtual void triggerEvent(EventTriggerId eventTriggerId, void* clientData = NULL); protected: BasicTaskScheduler0(); protected: // To implement delayed operations: DelayQueue fDelayQueue; // To implement background reads: HandlerSet* fHandlers; int fLastHandledSocketNum; // To implement event triggers: EventTriggerId volatile fTriggersAwaitingHandling; // implemented as a 32-bit bitmap EventTriggerId fLastUsedTriggerMask; // implemented as a 32-bit bitmap TaskFunc* fTriggeredEventHandlers[MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS]; void* fTriggeredEventClientDatas[MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS]; unsigned fLastUsedTriggerNum; // in the range [0,MAX_NUM_EVENT_TRIGGERS) }; #endif