@@ -0,0 +1,4449 @@
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+ * HCNetSDK.java
+ *
+ * Created on 2009-9-14, 19:31:34
+ */
+ *
+ * @author Xubinfeng
+ */
+package com.sunwin.device.general.linux;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import com.sun.jna.Callback;
+import com.sun.jna.Library;
+import com.sun.jna.Native;
+import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
+import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
+import com.sun.jna.Structure;
+import com.sun.jna.Union;
+import com.sun.jna.examples.win32.GDI32.RECT;
+import com.sun.jna.examples.win32.W32API;
+import com.sun.jna.examples.win32.W32API.HDC;
+import com.sun.jna.examples.win32.W32API.HWND;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference;
+import com.sun.jna.ptr.ShortByReference;
+public interface HCNetSDK extends Library {
+ HCNetSDK INSTANCE = (HCNetSDK) Native.loadLibrary(DeviceGeneral.models_path + "/libhcnetsdk.so", HCNetSDK.class);
+ /***宏定义***/
+ //常量
+ public static final int MAX_NAMELEN = 16; //DVR本地登陆名
+ public static final int MAX_RIGHT = 32; //设备支持的权限(1-12表示本地权限,13-32表示远程权限)
+ public static final int NAME_LEN = 32; //用户名长度
+ public static final int PASSWD_LEN = 16; //密码长度
+ public static final int SERIALNO_LEN = 48; //序列号长度
+ public static final int MACADDR_LEN = 6; //mac地址长度
+ public static final int MAX_ETHERNET = 2; //设备可配以太网络
+ public static final int PATHNAME_LEN = 128; //路径长度
+ public static final int MAX_TIMESEGMENT_V30 = 8; //9000设备最大时间段数
+ public static final int MAX_TIMESEGMENT = 4; //8000设备最大时间段数
+ public static final int MAX_SHELTERNUM = 4; //8000设备最大遮挡区域数
+ public static final int MAX_DAYS = 7; //每周天数
+ public static final int PHONENUMBER_LEN = 32; //pppoe拨号号码最大长度
+ public static final int MAX_DISKNUM_V30 = 33; //9000设备最大硬盘数/* 最多33个硬盘(包括16个内置SATA硬盘、1个eSATA硬盘和16个NFS盘) */
+ public static final int MAX_DISKNUM = 16; //8000设备最大硬盘数
+ public static final int MAX_DISKNUM_V10 = 8; //1.2版本之前版本
+ public static final int MAX_WINDOW_V30 = 32; //9000设备本地显示最大播放窗口数
+ public static final int MAX_WINDOW = 16; //8000设备最大硬盘数
+ public static final int MAX_VGA_V30 = 4; //9000设备最大可接VGA数
+ public static final int MAX_VGA = 1; //8000设备最大可接VGA数
+ public static final int MAX_USERNUM_V30 = 32; //9000设备最大用户数
+ public static final int MAX_USERNUM = 16; //8000设备最大用户数
+ public static final int MAX_EXCEPTIONNUM_V30 = 32; //9000设备最大异常处理数
+ public static final int MAX_EXCEPTIONNUM = 16; //8000设备最大异常处理数
+ public static final int MAX_LINK = 6; //8000设备单通道最大视频流连接数
+ public static final int MAX_DECPOOLNUM = 4; //单路解码器每个解码通道最大可循环解码数
+ public static final int MAX_DECNUM = 4; //单路解码器的最大解码通道数(实际只有一个,其他三个保留)
+ public static final int MAX_TRANSPARENTNUM = 2; //单路解码器可配置最大透明通道数
+ public static final int MAX_CYCLE_CHAN = 16; //单路解码器最大轮循通道数
+ public static final int MAX_DIRNAME_LENGTH = 80; //最大目录长度
+ public static final int MAX_STRINGNUM_V30 = 8; //9000设备最大OSD字符行数数
+ public static final int MAX_STRINGNUM = 4; //8000设备最大OSD字符行数数
+ public static final int MAX_STRINGNUM_EX = 8; //8000定制扩展
+ public static final int MAX_AUXOUT_V30 = 16; //9000设备最大辅助输出数
+ public static final int MAX_AUXOUT = 4; //8000设备最大辅助输出数
+ public static final int MAX_HD_GROUP = 16; //9000设备最大硬盘组数
+ public static final int MAX_NFS_DISK = 8; //8000设备最大NFS硬盘数
+ public static final int IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE = 32; //WIFI的SSID号长度
+ public static final int IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX = 32; //WIFI密锁最大字节数
+ public static final int MAX_SERIAL_NUM = 64; //最多支持的透明通道路数
+ public static final int MAX_DDNS_NUMS = 10; //9000设备最大可配ddns数
+ public static final int MAX_DOMAIN_NAME = 64; /* 最大域名长度 */
+ public static final int MAX_EMAIL_ADDR_LEN = 48; //最大email地址长度
+ public static final int MAX_EMAIL_PWD_LEN = 32; //最大email密码长度
+ public static final int MAXPROGRESS = 100; //回放时的最大百分率
+ public static final int MAX_SERIALNUM = 2; //8000设备支持的串口数 1-232, 2-485
+ public static final int CARDNUM_LEN = 20; //卡号长度
+ public static final int MAX_VIDEOOUT_V30 = 4; //9000设备的视频输出数
+ public static final int MAX_VIDEOOUT = 2; //8000设备的视频输出数
+ public static final int MAX_PRESET_V30 = 256; /* 9000设备支持的云台预置点数 */
+ public static final int MAX_TRACK_V30 = 256; /* 9000设备支持的云台轨迹数 */
+ public static final int MAX_CRUISE_V30 = 256; /* 9000设备支持的云台巡航数 */
+ public static final int MAX_PRESET = 128; /* 8000设备支持的云台预置点数 */
+ public static final int MAX_TRACK = 128; /* 8000设备支持的云台轨迹数 */
+ public static final int MAX_CRUISE = 128; /* 8000设备支持的云台巡航数 */
+ public static final int CRUISE_MAX_PRESET_NUMS = 32; /* 一条巡航最多的巡航点 */
+ public static final int MAX_SERIAL_PORT = 8; //9000设备支持232串口数
+ public static final int MAX_PREVIEW_MODE = 8; /* 设备支持最大预览模式数目 1画面,4画面,9画面,16画面.... */
+ public static final int MAX_MATRIXOUT = 16; /* 最大模拟矩阵输出个数 */
+ public static final int LOG_INFO_LEN = 11840; /* 日志附加信息 */
+ public static final int DESC_LEN = 16; /* 云台描述字符串长度 */
+ public static final int PTZ_PROTOCOL_NUM = 200; /* 9000最大支持的云台协议数 */
+ public static final int MAX_AUDIO = 1; //8000语音对讲通道数
+ public static final int MAX_AUDIO_V30 = 2; //9000语音对讲通道数
+ public static final int MAX_CHANNUM = 16; //8000设备最大通道数
+ public static final int MAX_ALARMIN = 16; //8000设备最大报警输入数
+ public static final int MAX_ALARMOUT = 4; //8000设备最大报警输出数
+//9000 IPC接入
+ public static final int MAX_ANALOG_CHANNUM = 32; //最大32个模拟通道
+ public static final int MAX_ANALOG_ALARMOUT = 32; //最大32路模拟报警输出
+ public static final int MAX_ANALOG_ALARMIN = 32; //最大32路模拟报警输入
+ public static final int MAX_IP_DEVICE = 32; //允许接入的最大IP设备数
+ public static final int MAX_IP_CHANNEL = 32; //允许加入的最多IP通道数
+ public static final int MAX_IP_ALARMIN = 128; //允许加入的最多报警输入数
+ public static final int MAX_IP_ALARMOUT = 64; //允许加入的最多报警输出数
+ /* 最大支持的通道数 最大模拟加上最大IP支持 */
+ public static final int MAX_CHANNUM_V30 = (MAX_ANALOG_CHANNUM + MAX_IP_CHANNEL);//64
+ public static final int MAX_ALARMOUT_V30 = (MAX_ANALOG_ALARMOUT + MAX_IP_ALARMOUT);//96
+ public static final int MAX_ALARMIN_V30 = (MAX_ANALOG_ALARMIN + MAX_IP_ALARMIN);//160
+ /*******************全局错误码 begin**********************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOERROR = 0; //没有错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR = 1; //用户名密码错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI = 2;//权限不足
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOINIT = 3;//没有初始化
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR = 4; //通道号错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_OVER_MAXLINK = 5; //连接到DVR的客户端个数超过最大
+ public static final int NET_DVR_VERSIONNOMATCH = 6; //版本不匹配
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT = 7;//连接服务器失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR = 8; //向服务器发送失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR = 9; //从服务器接收数据失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT = 10; //从服务器接收数据超时
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NETWORK_ERRORDATA = 11; //传送的数据有误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_ORDER_ERROR = 12; //调用次序错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_OPERNOPERMIT = 13; //无此权限
+ public static final int NET_DVR_COMMANDTIMEOUT = 14; //DVR命令执行超时
+ public static final int NET_DVR_ERRORSERIALPORT = 15; //串口号错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT = 16; //报警端口错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PARAMETER_ERROR = 17;//参数错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CHAN_EXCEPTION = 18; //服务器通道处于错误状态
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NODISK = 19; //没有硬盘
+ public static final int NET_DVR_ERRORDISKNUM = 20; //硬盘号错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DISK_FULL = 21; //服务器硬盘满
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR = 22;//服务器硬盘出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT = 23;//服务器不支持
+ public static final int NET_DVR_BUSY = 24;//服务器忙
+ public static final int NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL = 25;//服务器修改不成功
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR = 26;//密码输入格式不正确
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING = 27; //硬盘正在格式化,不能启动操作
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE = 28; //DVR资源不足
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED = 29; //DVR操作失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_OPENHOSTSOUND_FAIL = 30; //打开PC声音失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DVRVOICEOPENED = 31; //服务器语音对讲被占用
+ public static final int NET_DVR_TIMEINPUTERROR = 32; //时间输入不正确
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE = 33; //回放时服务器没有指定的文件
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CREATEFILE_ERROR = 34; //创建文件出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_FILEOPENFAIL = 35; //打开文件出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH = 36; //上次的操作还没有完成
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL = 37; //获取当前播放的时间出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL = 38; //播放出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR = 39;//文件格式不正确
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR = 40; //路径错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR = 41;//资源分配错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_AUDIO_MODE_ERROR = 42; //声卡模式错误
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOENOUGH_BUF = 43; //缓冲区太小
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CREATESOCKET_ERROR = 44; //创建SOCKET出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SETSOCKET_ERROR = 45; //设置SOCKET出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_MAX_NUM = 46; //个数达到最大
+ public static final int NET_DVR_USERNOTEXIST = 47; //用户不存在
+ public static final int NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR = 48;//写FLASH出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_UPGRADEFAIL = 49;//DVR升级失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CARDHAVEINIT = 50; //解码卡已经初始化过
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYERFAILED = 51; //调用播放库中某个函数失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_MAX_USERNUM = 52; //设备端用户数达到最大
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GETLOCALIPANDMACFAIL = 53;//获得客户端的IP地址或物理地址失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOENCODEING = 54; //该通道没有编码
+ public static final int NET_DVR_IPMISMATCH = 55; //IP地址不匹配
+ public static final int NET_DVR_MACMISMATCH = 56;//MAC地址不匹配
+ public static final int NET_DVR_UPGRADELANGMISMATCH = 57;//升级文件语言不匹配
+ public static final int NET_DVR_MAX_PLAYERPORT = 58;//播放器路数达到最大
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOSPACEBACKUP = 59;//备份设备中没有足够空间进行备份
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NODEVICEBACKUP = 60; //没有找到指定的备份设备
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PICTURE_BITS_ERROR = 61; //图像素位数不符,限24色
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PICTURE_DIMENSION_ERROR = 62;//图片高*宽超限, 限128*256
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PICTURE_SIZ_ERROR = 63; //图片大小超限,限100K
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKFAILED = 64; //载入当前目录下Player Sdk出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKPROC_ERROR = 65; //找不到Player Sdk中某个函数入口
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LOADDSSDKFAILED = 66; //载入当前目录下DSsdk出错
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LOADDSSDKPROC_ERROR = 67; //找不到DsSdk中某个函数入口
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DSSDK_ERROR = 68; //调用硬解码库DsSdk中某个函数失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_VOICEMONOPOLIZE = 69; //声卡被独占
+ public static final int NET_DVR_JOINMULTICASTFAILED = 70; //加入多播组失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CREATEDIR_ERROR = 71; //建立日志文件目录失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_BINDSOCKET_ERROR = 72; //绑定套接字失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SOCKETCLOSE_ERROR = 73; //socket连接中断,此错误通常是由于连接中断或目的地不可达
+ public static final int NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING = 74; //注销时用户ID正在进行某操作
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR = 75; //监听失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION = 76; //程序异常
+ public static final int NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED = 77; //写文件失败
+ public static final int NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY = 78;//禁止格式化只读硬盘
+ public static final int NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME = 79;//用户配置结构中存在相同的用户名
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR = 80; /*导入参数时设备型号不匹配*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR = 81; /*导入参数时语言不匹配*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR = 82; /*导入参数时软件版本不匹配*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE = 83; /*预览时外接IP通道不在线*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR = 84; /*加载高清IPC通讯库StreamTransClient.dll失败*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR = 85; /*加载转码库失败*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW = 86; /*超出最大的ip接入通道数*/
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_NOERROR = 500; //no error
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_PARA_OVER = 501;//input parameter is invalid;
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_ORDER_ERROR = 502;//The order of the function to be called is error.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_TIMER_ERROR = 503;//Create multimedia clock failed;
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_DEC_VIDEO_ERROR = 504;//Decode video data failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_DEC_AUDIO_ERROR = 505;//Decode audio data failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_ALLOC_MEMORY_ERROR = 506; //Allocate memory failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR = 507; //Open the file failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR = 508;//Create thread or event failed
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR = 509;//Create DirectDraw object failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR = 510;//failed when creating off-screen surface.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER = 511; //buffer is overflow
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR = 512; //failed when creating audio device.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR = 513;//Set volume failed
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY = 514;//The function only support play file.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY = 515;//The function only support play stream.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT = 516;//System not support.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN = 517; //No file header.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT = 518; //The version of decoder and encoder is not adapted.
+ public static final int NET_PALYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR = 519; //Initialize decoder failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR = 520; //The file data is unknown.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR = 521; //Initialize multimedia clock failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR = 522;//Blt failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR = 523;//Update failed.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI = 524; //openfile error, streamtype is multi
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO = 525; //openfile error, streamtype is video
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR = 526; //JPEG compress error
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT = 527; //Don't support the version of this file.
+ public static final int NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR = 528; //extract video data failed.
+ /*******************全局错误码 end**********************/
+ /*************************************************
+ NET_DVR_IsSupport()返回值
+ 1-9位分别表示以下信息(位与是TRUE)表示支持;
+ **************************************************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_DDRAW = 0x01;//支持DIRECTDRAW,如果不支持,则播放器不能工作;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_BLT = 0x02;//显卡支持BLT操作,如果不支持,则播放器不能工作;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_BLTFOURCC = 0x04;//显卡BLT支持颜色转换,如果不支持,播放器会用软件方法作RGB转换;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_BLTSHRINKX = 0x08;//显卡BLT支持X轴缩小;如果不支持,系统会用软件方法转换;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_BLTSHRINKY = 0x10;//显卡BLT支持Y轴缩小;如果不支持,系统会用软件方法转换;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_BLTSTRETCHX = 0x20;//显卡BLT支持X轴放大;如果不支持,系统会用软件方法转换;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_BLTSTRETCHY = 0x40;//显卡BLT支持Y轴放大;如果不支持,系统会用软件方法转换;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_SSE = 0x80;//CPU支持SSE指令,Intel Pentium3以上支持SSE指令;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SUPPORT_MMX = 0x100;//CPU支持MMX指令集,Intel Pentium3以上支持SSE指令;
+ /**********************云台控制命令 begin*************************/
+ public static final int LIGHT_PWRON = 2; /* 接通灯光电源 */
+ public static final int WIPER_PWRON = 3; /* 接通雨刷开关 */
+ public static final int FAN_PWRON = 4; /* 接通风扇开关 */
+ public static final int HEATER_PWRON = 5; /* 接通加热器开关 */
+ public static final int AUX_PWRON1 = 6; /* 接通辅助设备开关 */
+ public static final int AUX_PWRON2 = 7; /* 接通辅助设备开关 */
+ public static final int SET_PRESET = 8; /* 设置预置点 */
+ public static final int CLE_PRESET = 9; /* 清除预置点 */
+ public static final int ZOOM_IN = 11; /* 焦距以速度SS变大(倍率变大) */
+ public static final int ZOOM_OUT = 12; /* 焦距以速度SS变小(倍率变小) */
+ public static final int FOCUS_NEAR = 13; /* 焦点以速度SS前调 */
+ public static final int FOCUS_FAR = 14; /* 焦点以速度SS后调 */
+ public static final int IRIS_OPEN = 15; /* 光圈以速度SS扩大 */
+ public static final int IRIS_CLOSE = 16; /* 光圈以速度SS缩小 */
+ public static final int TILT_UP = 21; /* 云台以SS的速度上仰 */
+ public static final int TILT_DOWN = 22; /* 云台以SS的速度下俯 */
+ public static final int PAN_LEFT = 23; /* 云台以SS的速度左转 */
+ public static final int PAN_RIGHT = 24; /* 云台以SS的速度右转 */
+ public static final int UP_LEFT = 25; /* 云台以SS的速度上仰和左转 */
+ public static final int UP_RIGHT = 26; /* 云台以SS的速度上仰和右转 */
+ public static final int DOWN_LEFT = 27; /* 云台以SS的速度下俯和左转 */
+ public static final int DOWN_RIGHT = 28; /* 云台以SS的速度下俯和右转 */
+ public static final int PAN_AUTO = 29; /* 云台以SS的速度左右自动扫描 */
+ public static final int FILL_PRE_SEQ = 30; /* 将预置点加入巡航序列 */
+ public static final int SET_SEQ_DWELL = 31; /* 设置巡航点停顿时间 */
+ public static final int SET_SEQ_SPEED = 32; /* 设置巡航速度 */
+ public static final int CLE_PRE_SEQ = 33;/* 将预置点从巡航序列中删除 */
+ public static final int STA_MEM_CRUISE = 34;/* 开始记录轨迹 */
+ public static final int STO_MEM_CRUISE = 35;/* 停止记录轨迹 */
+ public static final int RUN_CRUISE = 36; /* 开始轨迹 */
+ public static final int RUN_SEQ = 37; /* 开始巡航 */
+ public static final int STOP_SEQ = 38; /* 停止巡航 */
+ public static final int GOTO_PRESET = 39; /* 快球转到预置点 */
+ public static final int DEL_SEQ = 43; //删除巡航路径
+ public static final int STOP_CRUISE = 44; /* 停止运行轨迹*/
+ public static final int DELETE_CRUISE = 45;/* 删除单条轨迹 */
+ public static final int DELETE_ALL_CRUISE = 46; /*删除所有轨迹*/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_CONTROL_PTZ_PATTERN = 3313;/*快球云台花样扫描*/
+ /**********************云台控制命令 end*************************/
+ /*************************************************
+ 回放时播放控制命令宏定义
+ NET_DVR_PlayBackControl
+ NET_DVR_PlayControlLocDisplay
+ NET_DVR_DecPlayBackCtrl的宏定义
+ 具体支持查看函数说明和代码
+ **************************************************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYSTART = 1;//开始播放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYSTOP = 2;//停止播放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYPAUSE = 3;//暂停播放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYRESTART = 4;//恢复播放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYFAST = 5;//快放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYSLOW = 6;//慢放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYNORMAL = 7;//正常速度
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYFRAME = 8;//单帧放
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYSTARTAUDIO = 9;//打开声音
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYSTOPAUDIO = 10;//关闭声音
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYAUDIOVOLUME = 11;//调节音量
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYSETPOS = 12;//改变文件回放的进度
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYGETPOS = 13;//获取文件回放的进度
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYGETTIME = 14;//获取当前已经播放的时间(按文件回放的时候有效)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYGETFRAME = 15;//获取当前已经播放的帧数(按文件回放的时候有效)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GETTOTALFRAMES = 16;//获取当前播放文件总的帧数(按文件回放的时候有效)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GETTOTALTIME = 17;//获取当前播放文件总的时间(按文件回放的时候有效)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_THROWBFRAME = 20;//丢B帧
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SETSPEED = 24;//设置码流速度
+ public static final int NET_DVR_KEEPALIVE = 25;//保持与设备的心跳(如果回调阻塞,建议2秒发送一次)
+/* key value send to CONFIG program */
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_1 = 1;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_2 = 2;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_3 = 3;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_4 = 4;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_5 = 5;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_6 = 6;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_7 = 7;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_8 = 8;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_9 = 9;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_0 = 10;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_POWER = 11;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_MENU = 12;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_ENTER = 13;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_CANCEL = 14;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_UP = 15;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_DOWN = 16;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_LEFT = 17;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_RIGHT = 18;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_EDIT = 19;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_ADD = 20;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_MINUS = 21;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_PLAY = 22;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_REC = 23;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_PAN = 24;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_M = 25;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_A = 26;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_F1 = 27;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_F2 = 28;
+ /* for PTZ control */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_UP_START = KEY_CODE_UP;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_UP_STO = 32;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_DOWN_START = KEY_CODE_DOWN;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_DOWN_STOP = 33;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_LEFT_START = KEY_CODE_LEFT;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_LEFT_STOP = 34;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_RIGHT_START = KEY_CODE_RIGHT;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_RIGHT_STOP = 35;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_AP1_START = KEY_CODE_EDIT;/* 光圈+ */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_AP1_STOP = 36;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_AP2_START = KEY_CODE_PAN;/* 光圈- */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_AP2_STOP = 37;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_FOCUS1_START = KEY_CODE_A;/* 聚焦+ */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_FOCUS1_STOP = 38;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_FOCUS2_START = KEY_CODE_M ;/* 聚焦- */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_FOCUS2_STOP = 39;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_B1_START = 40;/* 变倍+ */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_B1_STOP = 41;
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_B2_START = 42;/* 变倍- */
+ public static final int KEY_PTZ_B2_STOP = 43;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_11 = 44;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_12 = 45;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_13 = 46;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_14 = 47;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_15 = 48;
+ public static final int KEY_CODE_16 = 49;
+ /*************************参数配置命令 begin*******************************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DEVICECFG = 100; //获取设备参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_DEVICECFG = 101; //设置设备参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_NETCFG = 102; //获取网络参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_NETCFG = 103; //设置网络参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PICCFG = 104; //获取图象参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PICCFG = 105; //设置图象参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_COMPRESSCFG = 106; //获取压缩参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_COMPRESSCFG = 107; //设置压缩参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_RECORDCFG = 108; //获取录像时间参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_RECORDCFG = 109; //设置录像时间参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DECODERCFG = 110; //获取解码器参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_DECODERCFG = 111; //设置解码器参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_RS232CFG = 112; //获取232串口参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_RS232CFG = 113; //设置232串口参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_ALARMINCFG = 114; //获取报警输入参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_ALARMINCFG = 115; //设置报警输入参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_ALARMOUTCFG = 116; //获取报警输出参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_ALARMOUTCFG = 117; //设置报警输出参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_TIMECFG = 118; //获取DVR时间
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_TIMECFG = 119; //设置DVR时间
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PREVIEWCFG = 120; //获取预览参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PREVIEWCFG = 121; //设置预览参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_VIDEOOUTCFG = 122; //获取视频输出参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_VIDEOOUTCFG = 123; //设置视频输出参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_USERCFG = 124; //获取用户参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_USERCFG = 125; //设置用户参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_EXCEPTIONCFG = 126; //获取异常参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_EXCEPTIONCFG = 127; //设置异常参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_ZONEANDDST = 128; //获取时区和夏时制参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_ZONEANDDST = 129; //设置时区和夏时制参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_SHOWSTRING = 130; //获取叠加字符参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_SHOWSTRING = 131; //设置叠加字符参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_EVENTCOMPCFG = 132; //获取事件触发录像参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_EVENTCOMPCFG = 133; //设置事件触发录像参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_AUXOUTCFG = 140; //获取报警触发辅助输出设置(HS设备辅助输出2006-02-28)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_AUXOUTCFG = 141; //设置报警触发辅助输出设置(HS设备辅助输出2006-02-28)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PREVIEWCFG_AUX = 142; //获取-s系列双输出预览参数(-s系列双输出2006-04-13)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PREVIEWCFG_AUX = 143; //设置-s系列双输出预览参数(-s系列双输出2006-04-13)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PICCFG_EX = 200; //获取图象参数(SDK_V14扩展命令)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PICCFG_EX = 201; //设置图象参数(SDK_V14扩展命令)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_USERCFG_EX = 202; //获取用户参数(SDK_V15扩展命令)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_USERCFG_EX = 203; //设置用户参数(SDK_V15扩展命令)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_COMPRESSCFG_EX = 204; //获取压缩参数(SDK_V15扩展命令2006-05-15)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_COMPRESSCFG_EX = 205; //设置压缩参数(SDK_V15扩展命令2006-05-15)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_NETAPPCFG = 222; //获取网络应用参数 NTP/DDNS/EMAIL
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_NETAPPCFG = 223; //设置网络应用参数 NTP/DDNS/EMAIL
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_NTPCFG = 224; //获取网络应用参数 NTP
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_NTPCFG = 225; //设置网络应用参数 NTP
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DDNSCFG = 226; //获取网络应用参数 DDNS
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_DDNSCFG = 227; //设置网络应用参数 DDNS
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DEVICECFG_V40 = 1100; //获取设备参数(扩展)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_AUDIO_INPUT = 3201; //获取音频输入参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_AUDIO_INPUT = 3202; //设置音频输入参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_EMAILCFG = 228; //获取网络应用参数 EMAIL
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_EMAILCFG = 229; //设置网络应用参数 EMAIL
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_NFSCFG = 230; /* NFS disk config */
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_NFSCFG = 231; /* NFS disk config */
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_SHOWSTRING_EX = 238; //获取叠加字符参数扩展(支持8条字符)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_SHOWSTRING_EX = 239; //设置叠加字符参数扩展(支持8条字符)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_NETCFG_OTHER = 244; //获取网络参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_NETCFG_OTHER = 245; //设置网络参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_EMAILPARACFG = 250; //Get EMAIL parameters
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_EMAILPARACFG = 251; //Setup EMAIL parameters
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DDNSCFG_EX = 274;//获取扩展DDNS参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_DDNSCFG_EX = 275;//设置扩展DDNS参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PTZPOS = 292; //云台设置PTZ位置
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PTZPOS = 293; //云台获取PTZ位置
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PTZSCOPE = 294;//云台获取PTZ范围
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_MULTI_STREAM_COMPRESSIONCFG = 3216;//远程获取多码流压缩参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_MULTI_STREAM_COMPRESSIONCFG = 3217;//远程设置多码流压缩参数
+ /***************************DS9000新增命令(_V30) begin *****************************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_NETCFG_V30 = 1000; //获取网络参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_NETCFG_V30 = 1001; //设置网络参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PICCFG_V30 = 1002; //获取图象参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PICCFG_V30 = 1003; //设置图象参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_RECORDCFG_V30 = 1004; //获取录像参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_RECORDCFG_V30 = 1005; //设置录像参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_USERCFG_V30 = 1006; //获取用户参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_USERCFG_V30 = 1007; //设置用户参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DDNSCFG_V30 = 1010; //获取DDNS(9000扩展)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_DDNSCFG_V30 = 1011; //设置DDNS(9000扩展)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_EMAILCFG_V30 = 1012;//获取EMAIL参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_EMAILCFG_V30 = 1013;//设置EMAIL参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_CRUISE = 1020;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_CRUISE = 1021;
+//报警输入结构参数 (NET_DVR_ALARMINCFG_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_ALARMINCFG_V30 = 1024;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_ALARMINCFG_V30 = 1025;
+//报警输出结构参数 (NET_DVR_ALARMOUTCFG_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_ALARMOUTCFG_V30 = 1026;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_ALARMOUTCFG_V30 = 1027;
+//视频输出结构参数 (NET_DVR_VIDEOOUT_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_VIDEOOUTCFG_V30 = 1028;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_VIDEOOUTCFG_V30 = 1029;
+//叠加字符结构参数 (NET_DVR_SHOWSTRING_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_SHOWSTRING_V30 = 1030;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_SHOWSTRING_V30 = 1031;
+//异常结构参数 (NET_DVR_EXCEPTION_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_EXCEPTIONCFG_V30 = 1034;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_EXCEPTIONCFG_V30 = 1035;
+//串口232结构参数 (NET_DVR_RS232CFG_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_RS232CFG_V30 = 1036;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_RS232CFG_V30 = 1037;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_COMPRESSCFG_V30 = 1040;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_COMPRESSCFG_V30 = 1041;
+//获取485解码器参数 (NET_DVR_DECODERCFG_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_DECODERCFG_V30 = 1042; //获取解码器参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_DECODERCFG_V30 = 1043; //设置解码器参数
+//获取预览参数 (NET_DVR_PREVIEWCFG_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PREVIEWCFG_V30 = 1044; //获取预览参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PREVIEWCFG_V30 = 1045; //设置预览参数
+//辅助预览参数 (NET_DVR_PREVIEWCFG_AUX_V30结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PREVIEWCFG_AUX_V30 = 1046; //获取辅助预览参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PREVIEWCFG_AUX_V30 = 1047; //设置辅助预览参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IPPARACFG = 1048; //获取IP接入配置信息
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IPPARACFG = 1049; //设置IP接入配置信息
+//IP报警输入接入配置参数 (NET_DVR_IPALARMINCFG结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IPALARMINCFG = 1050; //获取IP报警输入接入配置信息
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IPALARMINCFG = 1051; //设置IP报警输入接入配置信息
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IPALARMOUTCFG = 1052; //获取IP报警输出接入配置信息
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IPALARMOUTCFG = 1053; //设置IP报警输出接入配置信息
+//硬盘管理的参数获取 (NET_DVR_HDCFG结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_HDCFG = 1054; //获取硬盘管理配置参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_HDCFG = 1055; //设置硬盘管理配置参数
+//盘组管理的参数获取 (NET_DVR_HDGROUP_CFG结构)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_HDGROUP_CFG = 1056; //获取盘组管理配置参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_HDGROUP_CFG = 1057; //设置盘组管理配置参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_COMPRESSCFG_AUD = 1058; //获取设备语音对讲编码参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_COMPRESSCFG_AUD = 1059; //设置设备语音对讲编码参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_ISP_CAMERAPARAMCFG = 3255; //获取设备的配置信息
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_ISP_CAMERAPARAMCFG = 3256; //设置设备的配置信息
+ /***************************DS9000新增命令(_V30) end *****************************/
+ /*************************参数配置命令 end*******************************/
+ /*******************查找文件和日志函数返回值*************************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_FILE_SUCCESS = 1000; //获得文件信息
+ public static final int NET_DVR_FILE_NOFIND = 1001; //没有文件
+ public static final int NET_DVR_ISFINDING = 1002;//正在查找文件
+ public static final int NET_DVR_NOMOREFILE = 1003;//查找文件时没有更多的文件
+ public static final int NET_DVR_FILE_EXCEPTION = 1004;//查找文件时异常
+ /*********************回调函数类型 begin************************/
+ public static final int COMM_ALARM = 0x1100; //8000报警信息主动上传
+ public static final int COMM_TRADEINFO = 0x1500; //ATMDVR主动上传交易信息
+ public static final int COMM_ALARM_V30 = 0x4000;//9000报警信息主动上传
+ public static final int COMM_ALARM_V40 = 0x4007;
+ public static final int COMM_IPCCFG = 0x4001;//9000设备IPC接入配置改变报警信息主动上传
+ public static final int COMM_ALARM_PDC = 0x1103; //客流量统计报警上传
+ public static final int COMM_UPLOAD_PLATE_RESULT = 0x2800;//交通抓拍结果(车辆、车牌识别及抓拍图片)上传
+ /*************操作异常类型(消息方式, 回调方式(保留))****************/
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_EXCHANGE = 0x8000;//用户交互时异常
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_AUDIOEXCHANGE = 0x8001;//语音对讲异常
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_ALARM = 0x8002;//报警异常
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_PREVIEW = 0x8003;//网络预览异常
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_SERIAL = 0x8004;//透明通道异常
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_RECONNECT = 0x8005; //预览时重连
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_ALARMRECONNECT = 0x8006;//报警时重连
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_SERIALRECONNECT = 0x8007;//透明通道重连
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_PLAYBACK = 0x8010;//回放异常
+ public static final int EXCEPTION_DISKFMT = 0x8011;//硬盘格式化
+ /********************预览回调函数*********************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SYSHEAD = 1;//系统头数据
+ public static final int NET_DVR_STREAMDATA = 2;//视频流数据(包括复合流和音视频分开的视频流数据)
+ public static final int NET_DVR_AUDIOSTREAMDATA = 3;//音频流数据
+ public static final int NET_DVR_STD_VIDEODATA = 4;//标准视频流数据
+ public static final int NET_DVR_STD_AUDIODATA = 5;//标准音频流数据
+ public static final int NET_DVR_REALPLAYEXCEPTION = 111;//预览异常
+ public static final int NET_DVR_REALPLAYNETCLOSE = 112;//预览时连接断开
+ public static final int NET_DVR_REALPLAY5SNODATA = 113;//预览5s没有收到数据
+ public static final int NET_DVR_REALPLAYRECONNECT = 114;//预览重连
+ /********************回放回调函数*********************/
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYBACKOVER = 101;//回放数据播放完毕
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYBACKEXCEPTION = 102;//回放异常
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYBACKNETCLOSE = 103;//回放时候连接断开
+ public static final int NET_DVR_PLAYBACK5SNODATA = 104; //回放5s没有收到数据
+ /*********************回调函数类型 end************************/
+/* 设备类型 */
+ public static final int DVR = 1; /*对尚未定义的dvr类型返回NETRET_DVR*/
+ public static final int ATMDVR = 2; /*atm dvr*/
+ public static final int DVS = 3; /*DVS*/
+ public static final int DEC = 4; /* 6001D */
+ public static final int ENC_DEC = 5; /* 6001F */
+ public static final int DVR_HC = 6; /*8000HC*/
+ public static final int DVR_HT = 7; /*8000HT*/
+ public static final int DVR_HF = 8; /*8000HF*/
+ public static final int DVR_HS = 9; /* 8000HS DVR(no audio) */
+ public static final int DVR_HTS = 10; /* 8016HTS DVR(no audio) */
+ public static final int DVR_HB = 11; /* HB DVR(SATA HD) */
+ public static final int DVR_HCS = 12; /* 8000HCS DVR */
+ public static final int DVS_A = 13; /* 带ATA硬盘的DVS */
+ public static final int DVR_HC_S = 14; /* 8000HC-S */
+ public static final int DVR_HT_S = 15; /* 8000HT-S */
+ public static final int DVR_HF_S = 16; /* 8000HF-S */
+ public static final int DVR_HS_S = 17; /* 8000HS-S */
+ public static final int ATMDVR_S = 18; /* ATM-S */
+ public static final int LOWCOST_DVR = 19; /*7000H系列*/
+ public static final int DEC_MAT = 20; /*多路解码器*/
+ public static final int DVR_MOBILE = 21; /* mobile DVR */
+ public static final int DVR_HD_S = 22; /* 8000HD-S */
+ public static final int DVR_HD_SL = 23; /* 8000HD-SL */
+ public static final int DVR_HC_SL = 24; /* 8000HC-SL */
+ public static final int DVR_HS_ST = 25; /* 8000HS_ST */
+ public static final int DVS_HW = 26; /* 6000HW */
+ public static final int IPCAM = 30; /*IP 摄像机*/
+ public static final int MEGA_IPCAM = 31; /*X52MF系列,752MF,852MF*/
+ public static final int IPCAM_X62MF = 32; /*X62MF系列可接入9000设备,762MF,862MF*/
+ public static final int IPDOME = 40; /*IP标清快球*/
+ public static final int MEGA_IPDOME = 41; /*IP高清快球*/
+ public static final int IPMOD = 50; /*IP 模块*/
+ public static final int DS71XX_H = 71; /* DS71XXH_S */
+ public static final int DS72XX_H_S = 72; /* DS72XXH_S */
+ public static final int DS73XX_H_S = 73; /* DS73XXH_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_HS_S = 81; /* DS81XX_HS_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_HL_S = 82; /* DS81XX_HL_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_HC_S = 83; /* DS81XX_HC_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_HD_S = 84; /* DS81XX_HD_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_HE_S = 85; /* DS81XX_HE_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_HF_S = 86; /* DS81XX_HF_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_AH_S = 87; /* DS81XX_AH_S */
+ public static final int DS81XX_AHF_S = 88; /* DS81XX_AHF_S */
+ public static final int DS90XX_HF_S = 90; /*DS90XX_HF_S*/
+ public static final int DS91XX_HF_S = 91; /*DS91XX_HF_S*/
+ public static final int DS91XX_HD_S = 92; /*91XXHD-S(MD)*/
+ /* 操作 */
+ public static final int MAJOR_OPERATION = 0x3;
+ public static final int MAJOR_EVENT = 0x5;
+ public static final int MINOR_START_DVR = 0x41; /* 开机 */
+ public static final int MINOR_STOP_DVR = 0x42;/* 关机 */
+ public static final int MINOR_STOP_ABNORMAL = 0x43;/* 异常关机 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REBOOT_DVR = 0x44; /*本地重启设备*/
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_LOGIN = 0x50; /* 本地登陆 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_LOGOUT = 0x51; /* 本地注销登陆 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_CFG_PARM = 0x52; /* 本地配置参数 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_PLAYBYFILE = 0x53; /* 本地按文件回放或下载 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_PLAYBYTIME = 0x54; /* 本地按时间回放或下载*/
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_START_REC = 0x55; /* 本地开始录像 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_STOP_REC = 0x56; /* 本地停止录像 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_PTZCTRL = 0x57; /* 本地云台控制 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_PREVIEW = 0x58;/* 本地预览 (保留不使用)*/
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_MODIFY_TIME = 0x59;/* 本地修改时间(保留不使用) */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_UPGRADE = 0x5a;/* 本地升级 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_RECFILE_OUTPUT = 0x5b; /* 本地备份录象文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_FORMAT_HDD = 0x5c; /* 本地初始化硬盘 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_CFGFILE_OUTPUT = 0x5d; /* 导出本地配置文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_CFGFILE_INPUT = 0x5e; /* 导入本地配置文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_COPYFILE = 0x5f; /* 本地备份文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_LOCKFILE = 0x60; /* 本地锁定录像文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_UNLOCKFILE = 0x61; /* 本地解锁录像文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_DVR_ALARM = 0x62; /* 本地手动清除和触发报警*/
+ public static final int MINOR_IPC_ADD = 0x63; /* 本地添加IPC */
+ public static final int MINOR_IPC_DEL = 0x64; /* 本地删除IPC */
+ public static final int MINOR_IPC_SET = 0x65; /* 本地设置IPC */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_START_BACKUP = 0x66; /* 本地开始备份 */
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_STOP_BACKUP = 0x67;/* 本地停止备份*/
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_COPYFILE_START_TIME = 0x68;/* 本地备份开始时间*/
+ public static final int MINOR_LOCAL_COPYFILE_END_TIME = 0x69; /* 本地备份结束时间*/
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_LOGIN = 0x70;/* 远程登录 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_LOGOUT = 0x71;/* 远程注销登陆 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_START_REC = 0x72;/* 远程开始录像 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_STOP_REC = 0x73;/* 远程停止录像 */
+ public static final int MINOR_START_TRANS_CHAN = 0x74;/* 开始透明传输 */
+ public static final int MINOR_STOP_TRANS_CHAN = 0x75; /* 停止透明传输 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_GET_PARM = 0x76;/* 远程获取参数 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_CFG_PARM = 0x77;/* 远程配置参数 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_GET_STATUS = 0x78;/* 远程获取状态 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_ARM = 0x79; /* 远程布防 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_DISARM = 0x7a;/* 远程撤防 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_REBOOT = 0x7b; /* 远程重启 */
+ public static final int MINOR_START_VT = 0x7c;/* 开始语音对讲 */
+ public static final int MINOR_STOP_VT = 0x7d;/* 停止语音对讲 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_UPGRADE = 0x7e; /* 远程升级 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_PLAYBYFILE = 0x7f; /* 远程按文件回放 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_PLAYBYTIME = 0x80; /* 远程按时间回放 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_PTZCTRL = 0x81; /* 远程云台控制 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_FORMAT_HDD = 0x82; /* 远程格式化硬盘 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_STOP = 0x83; /* 远程关机 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_LOCKFILE = 0x84;/* 远程锁定文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_UNLOCKFILE = 0x85;/* 远程解锁文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_CFGFILE_OUTPUT = 0x86; /* 远程导出配置文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_CFGFILE_INTPUT = 0x87; /* 远程导入配置文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_RECFILE_OUTPUT = 0x88; /* 远程导出录象文件 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_DVR_ALARM = 0x89; /* 远程手动清除和触发报警*/
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_IPC_ADD = 0x8a; /* 远程添加IPC */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_IPC_DEL = 0x8b;/* 远程删除IPC */
+ public static final int MINOR_REMOTE_IPC_SET = 0x8c; /* 远程设置IPC */
+ public static final int MINOR_REBOOT_VCA_LIB = 0x8d; /*重启智能库*/
+ /*日志附加信息*/
+ public static final int MAJOR_INFORMATION = 0x4; /*附加信息*/
+ public static final int MINOR_HDD_INFO = 0xa1;/*硬盘信息*/
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_INFO = 0xa2; /*SMART信息*/
+ public static final int MINOR_REC_START = 0xa3; /*开始录像*/
+ public static final int MINOR_REC_STOP = 0xa4;/*停止录像*/
+ public static final int MINOR_REC_OVERDUE = 0xa5;/*过期录像删除*/
+ public static final int MINOR_LINK_START = 0xa6; // ivms,多路解码器等连接前端设备
+ public static final int MINOR_LINK_STOP = 0xa7;// ivms,多路解码器等断开前端设备
+ public static final int MINOR_NET_DISK_INFO = 0xa8;
+ public static final int MINOR_RAID_INFO = 0xa9;
+ public static final int MINOR_RUN_STATUS_INFO = 0xaa;
+ public static final int PARA_VIDEOOUT = 0x1;
+ public static final int PARA_IMAGE = 0x2;
+ public static final int PARA_ENCODE = 0x4;
+ public static final int PARA_NETWORK = 0x8;
+ public static final int PARA_ALARM = 0x10;
+ public static final int PARA_EXCEPTION = 0x20;
+ public static final int PARA_DECODER = 0x40; /*解码器*/
+ public static final int PARA_RS232 = 0x80;
+ public static final int PARA_PREVIEW = 0x100;
+ public static final int PARA_SECURITY = 0x200;
+ public static final int PARA_DATETIME = 0x400;
+ public static final int PARA_FRAMETYPE = 0x800; /*帧格式*/
+ public static final int PARA_VCA_RULE = 0x1000; //行为规则
+ // 主类型
+ public static final int MAJOR_EXCEPTION = 0x2;
+ // 次类型
+ public static final int MINOR_RAID_ERROR = 0x20; /* 阵列异常 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VI_LOST = 0x21;/* 视频信号丢失 */
+ public static final int MINOR_ILLEGAL_ACCESS = 0x22;/* 非法访问 */
+ public static final int MINOR_HD_FULL = 0x23;/* 硬盘满 */
+ public static final int MINOR_HD_ERROR = 0x24;/* 硬盘错误 */
+ public static final int MINOR_DCD_LOST = 0x25;/* MODEM 掉线(保留不使用) */
+ public static final int MINOR_IP_CONFLICT = 0x26; /* IP地址冲突 */
+ public static final int MINOR_NET_BROKEN = 0x27; /* 网络断开 */
+ public static final int MINOR_REC_ERROR = 0x28; /* 录像出错 */
+ public static final int MINOR_IPC_NO_LINK = 0x29; /* IPC连接异常 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VI_EXCEPTION = 0x2a; /* 视频输入异常(只针对模拟通道) */
+ public static final int MINOR_IPC_IP_CONFLICT = 0x2b; /* ipc ip 地址 冲突 */
+ public static final int MINOR_SENCE_EXCEPTION = 0x2c; // 场景异常
+ public static final int MAJOR_ALARM = 0x1;
+// 次类型
+ public static final int MINOR_ALARM_IN = 0x1; /* 报警输入 */
+ public static final int MINOR_ALARM_OUT = 0x2; /* 报警输出 */
+ public static final int MINOR_MOTDET_START = 0x3; /* 移动侦测报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_MOTDET_STOP = 0x4; /* 移动侦测报警结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_HIDE_ALARM_START = 0x5; /* 遮挡报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_HIDE_ALARM_STOP = 0x6; /* 遮挡报警结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_START = 0x7; /* 智能报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_STOP = 0x8; /* 智能报警停止 */
+ public static final int MINOR_ITS_ALARM_START = 0x09; // 交通事件报警开始
+ public static final int MINOR_ITS_ALARM_STOP = 0x0A; // 交通事件报警结束
+ // 2010-11-10 网络报警日志
+ public static final int MINOR_NETALARM_START = 0x0b; /* 网络报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_NETALARM_STOP = 0x0c; /* 网络报警结束 */
+ // 2010-12-16 报警板日志,与"MINOR_ALARM_IN"配对使用
+ public static final int MINOR_NETALARM_RESUME = 0x0d; /* 网络报警恢复 */
+ // 2012-4-5 IPC PIR、无线、呼救报警
+ public static final int MINOR_WIRELESS_ALARM_START = 0x0e; /* 无线报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_WIRELESS_ALARM_STOP = 0x0f; /* 无线报警结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_PIR_ALARM_START = 0x10; /* 人体感应报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_PIR_ALARM_STOP = 0x11; /* 人体感应报警结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_CALLHELP_ALARM_START = 0x12; /* 呼救报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_CALLHELP_ALARM_STOP = 0x13; /* 呼救报警结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_IPCHANNEL_ALARMIN_START = 0x14; // 数字通道报警输入开始:PCNVR在接收到数字通道的MINOR_ALARM_IN产生“数字通道报警输入开始”,10s,再收不到MINOR_ALARM_IN,产生“数字通道报警输入结束”
+ public static final int MINOR_IPCHANNEL_ALARMIN_STOP = 0x15; // 数字通道报警输入开始:同上
+ public static final int MINOR_DETECTFACE_ALARM_START = 0x16; /* 人脸侦测报警开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_DETECTFACE_ALARM_STOP = 0x17; /* 人脸侦测报警结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VQD_ALARM_START = 0x18; // VQD报警
+ public static final int MINOR_VQD_ALARM_STOP = 0x19; // VQD报警结束
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_SECNECHANGE_DETECTION = 0x1a; // 场景侦测报警
+ // 2013-07-16
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_REGION_EXITING_BEGIN = 0x1b; // 离开区域侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_REGION_EXITING_END = 0x1c; // 离开区域侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_LOITERING_BEGIN = 0x1d; // 徘徊侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_LOITERING_END = 0x1e; // 徘徊侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_LINE_DETECTION_BEGIN = 0x20;
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_LINE_DETECTION_END = 0x21;
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_INTRUDE_BEGIN = 0x22; // 区域侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_INTRUDE_END = 0x23; // 区域侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOINPUT = 0x24; // 音频异常输入
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOABNORMAL = 0x25; // 声强突变
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_DEFOCUS_DETECTION_BEGIN = 0x26; // 虚焦侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_DEFOCUS_DETECTION_END = 0x27; // 虚焦侦测结束
+ // 民用NVR
+ public static final int MINOR_EXT_ALARM = 0x28;/* IPC外部报警 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_FACE_ALARM_BEGIN = 0x29; /* 人脸侦测开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_REGION_ENTRANCE_BEGIN = 0x2a; // 进入区域侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_REGION_ENTRANCE_END = 0x2b; // 进入区域侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_PEOPLE_GATHERING_BEGIN = 0x2c; // 人员聚集侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_PEOPLE_GATHERING_END = 0x2d; // 人员聚集侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_FAST_MOVING_BEGIN = 0x2e; // 快速运动侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_FAST_MOVING_END = 0x2f; // 快速运动侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_FACE_ALARM_END = 0x30; /* 人脸侦测结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_SCENE_CHANGE_ALARM_BEGIN = 0x31; /* 场景变更侦测开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_SCENE_CHANGE_ALARM_END = 0x32; /* 场景变更侦测结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOINPUT_BEGIN = 0x33; /* 音频异常输入开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOINPUT_END = 0x34; /* 音频异常输入结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOABNORMAL_BEGIN = 0x35; /* 声强突变侦测开始 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOABNORMAL_END = 0x36; /* 声强突变侦测结束 */
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_LECTURE_DETECTION_BEGIN = 0x37; // 授课侦测开始报警
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_LECTURE_DETECTION_END = 0x38; // 授课侦测结束报警
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ALARM_AUDIOSTEEPDROP = 0x39; // 声强陡降
+ // 2014-03-21
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ANSWER_DETECTION_BEGIN = 0x3a; // 回答问题侦测开始报警
+ public static final int MINOR_VCA_ANSWER_DETECTION_END = 0x3b; // 回答问题侦测结束报警
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_PARKING_BEGIN = 0x3c; // 停车侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_PARKING_END = 0x3d; // 停车侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_UNATTENDED_BAGGAGE_BEGIN = 0x3e; // 物品遗留侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_UNATTENDED_BAGGAGE_END = 0x3f; // 物品遗留侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_OBJECT_REMOVAL_BEGIN = 0x40; // 物品拿取侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_OBJECT_REMOVAL_END = 0x41; // 物品拿取侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_VEHICLE_ALARM_START = 0x46; // 车牌检测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_VEHICLE_ALARM_STOP = 0x47; // 车牌检测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_THERMAL_FIREDETECTION = 0x48; // 热成像火点检测侦测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_THERMAL_FIREDETECTION_END = 0x49; // 热成像火点检测侦测结束
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_VANDALPROOF_BEGIN = 0x50; // 防破坏检测开始
+ public static final int MINOR_SMART_VANDALPROOF_END = 0x51; // 防破坏检测结束
+ // 0x400-0x1000 门禁报警
+ public static final int MINOR_ALARMIN_SHORT_CIRCUIT = 0x400; // 防区短路报警
+ public static final int MINOR_ALARMIN_BROKEN_CIRCUIT = 0x401; // 防区断路报警
+ public static final int MINOR_ALARMIN_EXCEPTION = 0x402; // 防区异常报警
+ public static final int MINOR_ALARMIN_RESUME = 0x403; // 防区报警恢复
+ public static final int MINOR_HOST_DESMANTLE_ALARM = 0x404; // 防区防拆报警
+ public static final int MINOR_HOST_DESMANTLE_RESUME = 0x405; // 防区防拆恢复
+ public static final int MINOR_CARD_READER_DESMANTLE_ALARM = 0x406; // 读卡器防拆报警
+ public static final int MINOR_CARD_READER_DESMANTLE_RESUME = 0x407; // 读卡器防拆恢复
+ public static final int MINOR_CASE_SENSOR_ALARM = 0x408; // 事件输入报警
+ public static final int MINOR_CASE_SENSOR_RESUME = 0x409; // 事件输入恢复
+ public static final int MINOR_STRESS_ALARM = 0x40a; // 胁迫报警
+ public static final int MINOR_OFFLINE_ECENT_NEARLY_FULL = 0x40b;// 离线事件满90%报警
+ public static final int MINOR_CARD_MAX_AUTHENTICATE_FAIL = 0x40c; // 卡号认证失败超次报警
+ public static final int MINOR_SD_CARD_FULL = 0x40d; // SD卡存储满报警
+ public static final int MINOR_LINKAGE_CAPTURE_PIC = 0x40e; // 联动抓拍事件报警
+ public static final int DS6001_HF_B = 60;//行为分析:DS6001-HF/B
+ public static final int DS6001_HF_P = 61;//车牌识别:DS6001-HF/P
+ public static final int DS6002_HF_B = 62;//双机跟踪:DS6002-HF/B
+ public static final int DS6101_HF_B = 63;//行为分析:DS6101-HF/B
+ public static final int IVMS_2000 = 64;//智能分析仪
+ public static final int DS9000_IVS = 65;//9000系列智能DVR
+ public static final int DS8004_AHL_A = 66;//智能ATM, DS8004AHL-S/A
+ public static final int DS6101_HF_P = 67;//车牌识别:DS6101-HF/P
+ public static final int VCA_DEV_ABILITY = 0x100;//设备智能分析的总能力
+ public static final int VCA_CHAN_ABILITY = 0x110;//行为分析能力
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_PLATECFG = 150 ;//设置车牌识别参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_PLATECFG = 151; //获取车牌识别参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_RULECFG = 152; //设置行为分析规则
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_RULECFG = 153;//获取行为分析规则,
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_LF_CFG = 160;//设置双摄像机的配置参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_LF_CFG = 161;//获取双摄像机的配置参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IVMS_STREAMCFG = 162; //设置智能分析仪取流参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IVMS_STREAMCFG = 163; //获取智能分析仪取流参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_VCA_CTRLCFG = 164; //设置智能控制参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_VCA_CTRLCFG = 165; //获取智能控制参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_VCA_MASK_REGION = 166; //设置屏蔽区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_VCA_MASK_REGION = 167; //获取屏蔽区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_VCA_ENTER_REGION = 168; //设置进入区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_VCA_ENTER_REGION = 169; //获取进入区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_VCA_LINE_SEGMENT = 170; //设置标定线
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_VCA_LINE_SEGMENT = 171; //获取标定线
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IVMS_MASK_REGION = 172; //设置IVMS屏蔽区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IVMS_MASK_REGION = 173; //获取IVMS屏蔽区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IVMS_ENTER_REGION = 174; //设置IVMS进入区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IVMS_ENTER_REGION = 175; //获取IVMS进入区域参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_SET_IVMS_BEHAVIORCFG = 176;//设置智能分析仪行为规则参数
+ public static final int NET_DVR_GET_IVMS_BEHAVIORCFG = 177; //获取智能分析仪行为规则参数
+ public static final int NET_ITC_GET_TRIGGERCFG = 3003;//获取触发参数
+ public static final int NET_ITC_SET_TRIGGERCFG = 3004;//设置触发参数
+ public static final int STREAM_ID_LEN = 32;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_DEV_ADDRESS_MAX_LEN = 129;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LOGIN_USERNAME_MAX_LEN = 64;
+ public static final int NET_DVR_LOGIN_PASSWD_MAX_LEN = 64;
+ public static final int CARDNUM_LEN_OUT = 32;
+ public static final int GUID_LEN = 16;
+ public static final int MAX_IOSPEED_GROUP_NUM = 4;
+ public static final int MAX_CHJC_NUM = 3;
+ public static final int MAX_INTERVAL_NUM = 4;
+ public static final int MAX_IOOUT_NUM = 4;
+ public static final int MAX_LANEAREA_NUM = 2;
+ public static final int ITC_MAX_POLYGON_POINT_NUM = 20;
+ public static final int MAX_LICENSE_LEN = 16;
+ public static final int MAX_AUDIO_V40 = 8;
+ public static final int DEV_ID_LEN = 32;
+ public static final int MAX_IP_DEVICE_V40 = 64;
+ public static int MAX_DEVICES = 512;//max device number
+ public static int MAX_CHANNUM_V40 = 512;
+ public static final int ALARM_INFO_T = 0;
+ public static final int OPERATION_SUCC_T = 1;
+ public static final int OPERATION_FAIL_T = 2;
+ public static final int PLAY_SUCC_T = 3;
+ public static final int PLAY_FAIL_T = 4;
+ /**********************设备类型 end***********************/
+ public static class NET_DVR_TIME extends Structure {//校时结构参数
+ public int dwYear; //年
+ public int dwMonth; //月
+ public int dwDay; //日
+ public int dwHour; //时
+ public int dwMinute; //分
+ public int dwSecond; //秒
+ public String toString() {
+ return "NET_DVR_TIME.dwYear: " + dwYear + "\n" + "NET_DVR_TIME.dwMonth: \n" + dwMonth + "\n" + "NET_DVR_TIME.dwDay: \n" + dwDay + "\n" + "NET_DVR_TIME.dwHour: \n" + dwHour + "\n" + "NET_DVR_TIME.dwMinute: \n" + dwMinute + "\n" + "NET_DVR_TIME.dwSecond: \n" + dwSecond;
+ }
+ //用于列表中显示
+ public String toStringTime()
+ {
+ return String.format("%02d/%02d/%02d%02d:%02d:%02d", dwYear, dwMonth, dwDay, dwHour, dwMinute, dwSecond);
+ }
+ //存储文件名使用
+ public String toStringTitle()
+ {
+ return String.format("Time%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", dwYear, dwMonth, dwDay, dwHour, dwMinute, dwSecond);
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME extends Structure {
+ public byte byStartHour; //开始时间
+ public byte byStartMin;
+ public byte byStopHour; //结束时间
+ public byte byStopMin;
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30 extends Structure {
+ public int dwHandleType; /*处理方式,处理方式的"或"结果*//*0x00: 无响应*//*0x01: 监视器上警告*//*0x02: 声音警告*//*0x04: 上传中心*/ /*0x08: 触发报警输出*//*0x20: 触发抓图*/ //(JPEG定制)
+ public byte[] byRelAlarmOut = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT_V30]; //报警触发的输出通道,报警触发的输出,为1表示触发该输出
+ public static class NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION extends Structure {
+ public int dwHandleType; /*处理方式,处理方式的"或"结果*//*0x00: 无响应*//*0x01: 监视器上警告*//*0x02: 声音警告*//*0x04: 上传中心*/ /*0x08: 触发报警输出*//*0x20: 触发抓图*/ //(JPEG定制)
+ public byte[] byRelAlarmOut = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT]; //报警触发的输出通道,报警触发的输出,为1表示触发该输出
+ public static class NET_DVR_DEVICECFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sDVRName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; //DVR名称
+ public int dwDVRID; //DVR ID,用于遥控器 //V1.4(0-99), V1.5(0-255)
+ public int dwRecycleRecord; //是否循环录像,0:不是; 1:是
+ //以下不可更改
+ public byte[] sSerialNumber = new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; //序列号
+ public int dwSoftwareVersion; //软件版本号,高16位是主版本,低16位是次版本
+ public int dwSoftwareBuildDate; //软件生成日期,0xYYYYMMDD
+ public int dwDSPSoftwareVersion; //DSP软件版本,高16位是主版本,低16位是次版本
+ public int dwDSPSoftwareBuildDate; // DSP软件生成日期,0xYYYYMMDD
+ public int dwPanelVersion; // 前面板版本,高16位是主版本,低16位是次版本
+ public int dwHardwareVersion; // 硬件版本,高16位是主版本,低16位是次版本
+ public byte byAlarmInPortNum; //DVR报警输入个数
+ public byte byAlarmOutPortNum; //DVR报警输出个数
+ public byte byRS232Num; //DVR 232串口个数
+ public byte byRS485Num; //DVR 485串口个数
+ public byte byNetworkPortNum; //网络口个数
+ public byte byDiskCtrlNum; //DVR 硬盘控制器个数
+ public byte byDiskNum; //DVR 硬盘个数
+ public byte byDVRType; //DVR类型, 1:DVR 2:ATM DVR 3:DVS ......
+ public byte byChanNum; //DVR 通道个数
+ public byte byStartChan; //起始通道号,例如DVS-1,DVR - 1
+ public byte byDecordChans; //DVR 解码路数
+ public byte byVGANum; //VGA口的个数
+ public byte byUSBNum; //USB口的个数
+ public byte byAuxoutNum; //辅口的个数
+ public byte byAudioNum; //语音口的个数
+ public byte byIPChanNum; //最大数字通道数
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_IPADDR extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sIpV4 = new byte[16];
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[128];
+ public String toString() {
+ return "NET_DVR_IPADDR.sIpV4: " + new String(sIpV4) + "\n" + "NET_DVR_IPADDR.byRes: " + new String(byRes) + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30 extends Structure {
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struDVRIPMask = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public int dwNetInterface;
+ public short wDVRPort;
+ public short wMTU;
+ public byte[] byMACAddr = new byte[6];
+ public String toString() {
+ return "NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30.struDVRIP: \n" + struDVRIP + "\n" + "NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30.struDVRIPMask: \n" + struDVRIPMask + "\n" + "NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30.dwNetInterface: " + dwNetInterface + "\n" + "NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30.wDVRPort: " + wDVRPort + "\n" + "NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30.wMTU: " + wMTU + "\n" + "NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30.byMACAddr: " + new String(byMACAddr) + "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_ETHERNET extends Structure {//网络数据结构(子结构)
+ public byte[] sDVRIP = new byte[16]; //DVR IP地址
+ public byte[] sDVRIPMask = new byte[16]; //DVR IP地址掩码
+ public int dwNetInterface; //网络接口 1-10MBase-T 2-10MBase-T全双工 3-100MBase-TX 4-100M全双工 5-10M/100M自适应
+ public short wDVRPort; //端口号
+ public byte[] byMACAddr = new byte[MACADDR_LEN]; //服务器的物理地址
+ public static class NET_DVR_PPPOECFG extends Structure {//PPPoe
+ public int dwPPPoE;
+ public byte[] sPPPoEUser = new byte[32];
+ public byte[] sPPPoEPassword = new byte[16];
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30 extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30[] struEtherNet = new NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30[2];
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR[] struRes1 = new NET_DVR_IPADDR[2];
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struAlarmHostIpAddr;
+ public short[] wRes2 = new short[2];
+ public short wAlarmHostIpPort;
+ public byte byUseDhcp;
+ public byte byRes3;
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struDnsServer1IpAddr = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struDnsServer2IpAddr = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public byte[] byIpResolver = new byte[64];
+ public short wIpResolverPort;
+ public short wHttpPortNo;
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struMulticastIpAddr = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struGatewayIpAddr = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[64];
+ public String toString() {
+ return "NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30.dwSize: " + dwSize + "\n" + "NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30.struEtherNet[0]: \n" + struEtherNet[0] + "\n" + "NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30.struAlarmHostIpAddr: \n" + struAlarmHostIpAddr + "\n" + "NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30.wAlarmHostIpPort: " + wAlarmHostIpPort + "\n" + "NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30.wHttpPortNo: " + wHttpPortNo + "\n" + "NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30.struGatewayIpAddr: \n" + struGatewayIpAddr + "\n";
+ }
+ public NET_DVR_NETCFG_V30(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i){
+ struEtherNet[i] = new NET_DVR_ETHERNET_V30();
+ struRes1[i] = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_NETCFG extends Structure {//网络配置结构
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_ETHERNET[] struEtherNet = new NET_DVR_ETHERNET[MAX_ETHERNET]; /* 以太网口 */
+ public byte[] sManageHostIP = new byte[16]; //远程管理主机地址
+ public short wManageHostPort; //远程管理主机端口号
+ public byte[] sIPServerIP = new byte[16]; //IPServer服务器地址
+ public byte[] sMultiCastIP = new byte[16]; //多播组地址
+ public byte[] sGatewayIP = new byte[16]; //网关地址
+ public byte[] sNFSIP = new byte[16]; //NFS主机IP地址
+ public byte[] sNFSDirectory = new byte[PATHNAME_LEN];//NFS目录
+ public int dwPPPOE; //0-不启用,1-启用
+ public byte[] sPPPoEUser = new byte[NAME_LEN]; //PPPoE用户名
+ public byte[] sPPPoEPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN];// PPPoE密码
+ public byte[] sPPPoEIP = new byte[16]; //PPPoE IP地址(只读)
+ public NET_DVR_NETCFG(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ETHERNET; ++i){
+ struEtherNet[i] = new NET_DVR_ETHERNET();
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK extends Structure {
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME[] struAlarmTime = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME[8];
+ for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i){
+ struAlarmTime[i] = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class byte96 extends Structure {
+ public byte[] byMotionScope = new byte[96];
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_MOTION_V30 extends Structure {//移动侦测(子结构)(9000扩展)
+ public byte96[] byMotionScope = new byte96[64]; /*侦测区域,0-96位,表示64行,共有96*64个小宏块,为1表示是移动侦测区域,0-表示不是*/
+ public byte byMotionSensitive; /*移动侦测灵敏度, 0 - 5,越高越灵敏,oxff关闭*/
+ public byte byEnableHandleMotion; /* 是否处理移动侦测 0-否 1-是*/
+ public byte byPrecision; /* 移动侦测算法的进度: 0--16*16, 1--32*32, 2--64*64 ... */
+ public byte reservedData;
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30 struMotionHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK[] struAlarmTime = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK[MAX_DAYS]; /*布防时间*/
+ public byte[] byRelRecordChan = new byte[64]; /* 报警触发的录象通道*/
+ public NET_DVR_MOTION_V30(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < 64; ++i){
+ byMotionScope[i] = new byte96();
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DAYS; ++i){
+ struAlarmTime[i] = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_MOTION extends Structure {//移动侦测(子结构)
+ public byte[][] byMotionScope = new byte[18][22]; /*侦测区域,共有22*18个小宏块,为1表示改宏块是移动侦测区域,0-表示不是*/
+ public byte byMotionSensitive; /*移动侦测灵敏度, 0 - 5,越高越灵敏,0xff关闭*/
+ public byte byEnableHandleMotion; /* 是否处理移动侦测 */
+ public byte[] reservedData = new byte[2];
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION strMotionHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public byte[] byRelRecordChan = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; //报警触发的录象通道,为1表示触发该通道
+ public static class NET_DVR_HIDEALARM_V30 extends Structure {//遮挡报警
+ public int dwEnableHideAlarm; /* 是否启动遮挡报警 ,0-否,1-低灵敏度 2-中灵敏度 3-高灵敏度*/
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaTopLeftX; /* 遮挡区域的x坐标 */
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaTopLeftY; /* 遮挡区域的y坐标 */
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaWidth; /* 遮挡区域的宽 */
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaHeight; /*遮挡区域的高*/
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30 strHideAlarmHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public NET_DVR_HIDEALARM_V30(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DAYS; ++i){
+ struAlarmTime[i] = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_HIDEALARM extends Structure {//遮挡报警(子结构) 区域大小704*576
+ public int dwEnableHideAlarm; /* 是否启动遮挡报警 ,0-否,1-低灵敏度 2-中灵敏度 3-高灵敏度*/
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaTopLeftX; /* 遮挡区域的x坐标 */
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaTopLeftY; /* 遮挡区域的y坐标 */
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaWidth; /* 遮挡区域的宽 */
+ public short wHideAlarmAreaHeight; /*遮挡区域的高*/
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION strHideAlarmHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public static class NET_DVR_VILOST_V30 extends Structure { //信号丢失报警(子结构)(9000扩展)
+ public byte byEnableHandleVILost; /* 是否处理信号丢失报警 */
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30 strVILostHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public NET_DVR_VILOST_V30(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DAYS; ++i){
+ struAlarmTime[i] = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_VILOST extends Structure { //信号丢失报警(子结构)
+ public byte byEnableHandleVILost; /* 是否处理信号丢失报警 */
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION strVILostHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public static class NET_DVR_SHELTER extends Structure { //遮挡区域(子结构)
+ public short wHideAreaTopLeftX; /* 遮挡区域的x坐标 */
+ public short wHideAreaTopLeftY; /* 遮挡区域的y坐标 */
+ public short wHideAreaWidth; /* 遮挡区域的宽 */
+ public short wHideAreaHeight; /* 遮挡区域的高*/
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_COLOR extends Structure {
+ public byte byBrightness; /*亮度,0-255*/
+ public byte byContrast; /*对比度,0-255*/
+ public byte bySaturation; /*饱和度,0-255*/
+ public byte byHue; /*色调,0-255*/
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_VICOLOR extends Structure {
+ public NET_DVR_COLOR[] struColor = new NET_DVR_COLOR[MAX_TIMESEGMENT_V30];/*图象参数(第一个有效,其他三个保留)*/
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME[] struHandleTime = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME[MAX_TIMESEGMENT_V30];/*处理时间段(保留)*/
+ public NET_DVR_VICOLOR(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TIMESEGMENT_V30; ++i){
+ struColor[i] = new NET_DVR_COLOR();
+ struHandleTime[i] = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ public static class NET_DVR_PICCFG_V30 extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sChanName = new byte[NAME_LEN];
+ public int dwVideoFormat; /* 只读 视频制式 1-NTSC 2-PAL*/
+ public NET_DVR_VICOLOR struViColor = new NET_DVR_VICOLOR(); // 图像参数按时间段设置
+ public int dwShowChanName; // 预览的图象上是否显示通道名称,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576
+ public short wShowNameTopLeftX; /* 通道名称显示位置的x坐标 */
+ public short wShowNameTopLeftY; /* 通道名称显示位置的y坐标 */
+ public NET_DVR_VILOST_V30 struVILost = new NET_DVR_VILOST_V30(); //视频信号丢失报警
+ public NET_DVR_VILOST_V30 struAULost = new NET_DVR_VILOST_V30(); /*音频信号丢失报警(保留)*/
+ public NET_DVR_MOTION_V30 struMotion = new NET_DVR_MOTION_V30(); //移动侦测
+ public NET_DVR_HIDEALARM_V30 struHideAlarm = new NET_DVR_HIDEALARM_V30();//遮挡报警
+ public int dwEnableHide; /* 是否启动遮盖(区域大小704*576) ,0-否,1-是*/
+ public NET_DVR_SHELTER[] struShelter = new NET_DVR_SHELTER[4];
+ public int dwShowOsd; //预览的图象上是否显示OSD,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576
+ public short wOSDTopLeftX; /* OSD的x坐标 */
+ public short wOSDTopLeftY; /* OSD的y坐标 */
+ public byte byOSDType; /* OSD类型(主要是年月日格式) */
+ public byte byDispWeek; /* 是否显示星期 */
+ public byte byOSDAttrib; /* OSD属性:透明,闪烁 */
+ public byte byHourOSDType; /* OSD小时制:0-24小时制,1-12小时制 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[64];
+ public NET_DVR_PICCFG_V30(){
+ for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
+ struShelter[i] = new NET_DVR_SHELTER();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_PICCFG_EX extends Structure {//通道图象结构SDK_V14扩展
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sChanName = new byte[NAME_LEN];
+ public int dwVideoFormat; /* 只读 视频制式 1-NTSC 2-PAL*/
+ public byte byBrightness; /*亮度,0-255*/
+ public byte byContrast; /*对比度,0-255*/
+ public byte bySaturation; /*饱和度,0-255 */
+ public byte byHue; /*色调,0-255*/
+ //显示通道名
+ public int dwShowChanName; // 预览的图象上是否显示通道名称,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576
+ public short wShowNameTopLeftX; /* 通道名称显示位置的x坐标 */
+ public short wShowNameTopLeftY; /* 通道名称显示位置的y坐标 */
+ //信号丢失报警
+ public NET_DVR_VILOST struVILost = new NET_DVR_VILOST();
+ //移动侦测
+ public NET_DVR_MOTION struMotion = new NET_DVR_MOTION();
+ //遮挡报警
+ public NET_DVR_HIDEALARM struHideAlarm = new NET_DVR_HIDEALARM();
+ //遮挡 区域大小704*576
+ public int dwEnableHide; /* 是否启动遮挡 ,0-否,1-是*/
+ //OSD
+ public int dwShowOsd;// 预览的图象上是否显示OSD,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576
+ public short wOSDTopLeftX; /* OSD的x坐标 */
+ public short wOSDTopLeftY; /* OSD的y坐标 */
+ public byte byOSDType; /* OSD类型(主要是年月日格式) */
+ /* 0: XXXX-XX-XX 年月日 */
+ /* 1: XX-XX-XXXX 月日年 */
+ /* 2: XXXX年XX月XX日 */
+ /* 3: XX月XX日XXXX年 */
+ /* 4: XX-XX-XXXX 日月年*/
+ /* 5: XX日XX月XXXX年 */
+ public byte byDispWeek; /* 是否显示星期 */
+ public byte byOSDAttrib; /* OSD属性:透明,闪烁 */
+ /* 0: 不显示OSD */
+ /* 1: 透明,闪烁 */
+ /* 2: 透明,不闪烁 */
+ /* 3: 闪烁,不透明 */
+ /* 4: 不透明,不闪烁 */
+ public byte byHourOsdType; //小时制:0表示24小时制,1-12小时制或am/pm
+ public NET_DVR_PICCFG_EX(){
+ for(int i =0; i < MAX_SHELTERNUM; ++i){
+ struShelter[i] = new NET_DVR_SHELTER();
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_PICCFG extends Structure { //通道图象结构(SDK_V13及之前版本)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sChanName = new byte[NAME_LEN];
+ public int dwVideoFormat; /* 只读 视频制式 1-NTSC 2-PAL*/
+ public byte byBrightness; /*亮度,0-255*/
+ public byte byContrast; /*对比度,0-255*/
+ public byte bySaturation; /*饱和度,0-255 */
+ public byte byHue; /*色调,0-255*/
+ //显示通道名
+ public int dwShowChanName; // 预览的图象上是否显示通道名称,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576
+ public short wShowNameTopLeftX; /* 通道名称显示位置的x坐标 */
+ public short wShowNameTopLeftY; /* 通道名称显示位置的y坐标 */
+ //信号丢失报警
+ public NET_DVR_VILOST struVILost = new NET_DVR_VILOST();
+ //移动侦测
+ public NET_DVR_MOTION struMotion = new NET_DVR_MOTION();
+ //遮挡报警
+ public NET_DVR_HIDEALARM struHideAlarm = new NET_DVR_HIDEALARM();
+ //遮挡 区域大小704*576
+ public int dwEnableHide; /* 是否启动遮挡 ,0-否,1-是*/
+ public short wHideAreaTopLeftX; /* 遮挡区域的x坐标 */
+ public short wHideAreaTopLeftY; /* 遮挡区域的y坐标 */
+ public short wHideAreaWidth; /* 遮挡区域的宽 */
+ public short wHideAreaHeight; /*遮挡区域的高*/
+ //OSD
+ public int dwShowOsd;// 预览的图象上是否显示OSD,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576
+ public short wOSDTopLeftX; /* OSD的x坐标 */
+ public short wOSDTopLeftY; /* OSD的y坐标 */
+ public byte byOSDType; /* OSD类型(主要是年月日格式) */
+ /* 0: XXXX-XX-XX 年月日 */
+ /* 1: XX-XX-XXXX 月日年 */
+ /* 2: XXXX年XX月XX日 */
+ /* 3: XX月XX日XXXX年 */
+ /* 4: XX-XX-XXXX 日月年*/
+ /* 5: XX日XX月XXXX年 */
+ byte byDispWeek; /* 是否显示星期 */
+ byte byOSDAttrib; /* OSD属性:透明,闪烁 */
+ /* 0: 不显示OSD */
+ /* 1: 透明,闪烁 */
+ /* 2: 透明,不闪烁 */
+ /* 3: 闪烁,不透明 */
+ /* 4: 不透明,不闪烁 */
+ public byte reservedData2;
+ //码流压缩参数(子结构)(9000扩展)
+ public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30 extends Structure{
+ public byte byStreamType; //码流类型:0-视频流,1-复合流,0xfe- 自动(和源一致)
+ public byte byResolution; //分辨率
+ public byte byBitrateType; //码率类型:0-变码率,1-定码率
+ public byte byPicQuality; //图象质量:0-最好,1-次好,2-较好,3-一般,4-较差,5-差,0xfe- 自动(和源一致)
+ public int dwVideoBitrate; //视频码率
+ public int dwVideoFrameRate; //视频帧率
+ public short wIntervalFrameI; //I帧间隔,0xfffe- 自动(和源一致),0xffff-无效
+ public byte byIntervalBPFrame; //视频帧格式:0-BBP帧,1-BP帧,2-单P帧,0xff-无效
+ public byte byres1; //保留,置为0
+ public byte byVideoEncType; //视频编码类型:0-私有264,1-标准h264,2-标准mpeg4,7-M-JPEG,8-MPEG2,9-SVAC,10-标准h265,0xfe- 自动(和源一致),0xff-无效
+ public byte byAudioEncType; //音频编码类型:0-G722,1-G711_U,2-G711_A,5-MP2L2,6-G726,7-AAC,8-PCM,0xfe- 自动(和源一致),0xff-无效
+ public byte byVideoEncComplexity; //视频编码复杂度:0- 低,1- 中,2- 高,0xfe- 自动(和源一致)
+ public byte byEnableSvc; //0- 不启用SVC功能,1- 启用SVC功能,2- 自动启用SVC功能。SVC: Scalable Video Coding,可分级视频编码
+ public byte byFormatType; //封装类型:1-裸流,2-RTP封装,3-PS封装,4-TS封装,5-私有,6-FLV,7-ASF,8-3GP,9-RTP+PS(国标:GB28181),0xff-无效
+ public byte byAudioBitRate; //音频码率
+ public byte bySteamSmooth; //码流平滑,取值范围:1~100,1等级表示清晰(Clear),100表示平滑(Smooth)
+ public byte byAudioSamplingRate; //音频采样率:0- 默认,1- 16kHZ,2- 32kHZ,3- 48kHZ, 4- 44.1kHZ,5- 8kHZ
+ public byte bySmartCodec; //是否启用高性能编码(Smart264):0- 关闭,1- 打开,启用该功能后码率上限(dwVideoBitrate)不支持修改,平均码率(wAverageVideoBitrate)生效
+ public byte byres; //保留,置为0
+ public short wAverageVideoBitrate; //视频平均码率(在SmartCodec使能开启下生效)
+ }
+ //通道压缩参数(9000扩展)
+ public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSIONCFG_V30 extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30 struNormHighRecordPara = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30(); //录像 对应8000的普通
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30 struRes = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30(); //保留 String[28];
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30 struEventRecordPara = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30(); //事件触发压缩参数
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30 struNetPara = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_V30(); //网传(子码流)
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO extends Structure {//码流压缩参数(子结构)
+ public byte byStreamType; //码流类型0-视频流,1-复合流,表示压缩参数时最高位表示是否启用压缩参数
+ public byte byResolution; //分辨率0-DCIF 1-CIF, 2-QCIF, 3-4CIF, 4-2CIF, 5-2QCIF(352X144)(车载专用)
+ public byte byBitrateType; //码率类型0:变码率,1:定码率
+ public byte byPicQuality; //图象质量 0-最好 1-次好 2-较好 3-一般 4-较差 5-差
+ public int dwVideoBitrate; //视频码率 0-保留 1-16K(保留) 2-32K 3-48k 4-64K 5-80K 6-96K 7-128K 8-160k 9-192K 10-224K 11-256K 12-320K
+ // 13-384K 14-448K 15-512K 16-640K 17-768K 18-896K 19-1024K 20-1280K 21-1536K 22-1792K 23-2048K
+ //最高位(31位)置成1表示是自定义码流, 0-30位表示码流值(MIN-32K MAX-8192K)。
+ public int dwVideoFrameRate; //帧率 0-全部; 1-1/16; 2-1/8; 3-1/4; 4-1/2; 5-1; 6-2; 7-4; 8-6; 9-8; 10-10; 11-12; 12-16; 13-20;
+ public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSIONCFG extends Structure {//通道压缩参数
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO struRecordPara = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO(); //录像/事件触发录像
+ public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_EX extends Structure {//码流压缩参数(子结构)(扩展) 增加I帧间隔
+ public byte byStreamType; //码流类型0-视频流, 1-复合流
+ public byte byResolution; //分辨率0-DCIF 1-CIF, 2-QCIF, 3-4CIF, 4-2CIF, 5-2QCIF(352X144)(车载专用)
+ public byte byBitrateType; //码率类型0:变码率,1:定码率
+ public byte byPicQuality; //图象质量 0-最好 1-次好 2-较好 3-一般 4-较差 5-差
+ public int dwVideoBitrate; //视频码率 0-保留 1-16K(保留) 2-32K 3-48k 4-64K 5-80K 6-96K 7-128K 8-160k 9-192K 10-224K 11-256K 12-320K
+ // 13-384K 14-448K 15-512K 16-640K 17-768K 18-896K 19-1024K 20-1280K 21-1536K 22-1792K 23-2048K
+ //最高位(31位)置成1表示是自定义码流, 0-30位表示码流值(MIN-32K MAX-8192K)。
+ public int dwVideoFrameRate; //帧率 0-全部; 1-1/16; 2-1/8; 3-1/4; 4-1/2; 5-1; 6-2; 7-4; 8-6; 9-8; 10-10; 11-12; 12-16; 13-20, //V2.0增加14-15, 15-18, 16-22;
+ public short wIntervalFrameI; //I帧间隔
+ //2006-08-11 增加单P帧的配置接口,可以改善实时流延时问题
+ public byte byIntervalBPFrame;//0-BBP帧; 1-BP帧; 2-单P帧
+ public byte byENumber;//E帧数量
+ public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSIONCFG_EX extends Structure {//通道压缩参数(扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public static class NET_DVR_RECCOMPRESSIONCFG_EX extends Structure {//录象时间段压缩参数配置(GE定制)2006-09-18
+ int dwSize;
+ for(int i = 0; i < MAX_DAYS; ++i){
+ for(int j = 0; j < MAX_TIMESEGMENT; ++j){
+ struRecTimePara[i][j] = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_EX();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_RECORDSCHED extends Structure //时间段录像参数配置(子结构)
+ {
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME struRecordTime = new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIME() ;
+ public byte byRecordType; //0:定时录像,1:移动侦测,2:报警录像,3:动测|报警,4:动测&报警, 5:命令触发, 6: 智能录像
+ public byte[] reservedData = new byte[3];
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_RECORDDAY extends Structure //全天录像参数配置(子结构)
+ {
+ public short wAllDayRecord; /* 是否全天录像 0-否 1-是*/
+ public byte byRecordType; /* 录象类型 0:定时录像,1:移动侦测,2:报警录像,3:动测|报警,4:动测&报警 5:命令触发, 6: 智能录像*/
+ public byte reservedData;
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_RECORDSCHEDWEEK extends Structure
+ {
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_RECORD_V30 extends Structure { //通道录像参数配置(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwRecord; /*是否录像 0-否 1-是*/
+ public int dwRecordTime; /* 录象延时长度 0-5秒, 1-20秒, 2-30秒, 3-1分钟, 4-2分钟, 5-5分钟, 6-10分钟*/
+ public int dwPreRecordTime; /* 预录时间 0-不预录 1-5秒 2-10秒 3-15秒 4-20秒 5-25秒 6-30秒 7-0xffffffff(尽可能预录) */
+ public int dwRecorderDuration; /* 录像保存的最长时间 */
+ public byte byRedundancyRec; /*是否冗余录像,重要数据双备份:0/1*/
+ public byte byAudioRec; /*录像时复合流编码时是否记录音频数据:国外有此法规*/
+ public byte[] byReserve = new byte[10];
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_RECORD extends Structure { //通道录像参数配置
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwRecord; /*是否录像 0-否 1-是*/
+ public int dwRecordTime; /* 录象时间长度 0-5秒, 1-20秒, 2-30秒, 3-1分钟, 4-2分钟, 5-5分钟, 6-10分钟*/
+ public int dwPreRecordTime; /* 预录时间 0-不预录 1-5秒 2-10秒 3-15秒 4-20秒 5-25秒 6-30秒 7-0xffffffff(尽可能预录) */
+ public static class NET_DVR_PTZ_PROTOCOL extends Structure {
+ public int dwType; /*解码器类型值,从1开始连续递增*/
+ public byte[] byDescribe = new byte[DESC_LEN]; /*解码器的描述符,和8000中的一致*/
+ public static class NET_DVR_PTZCFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwPtzNum; /*有效的ptz协议数目,从0开始(即计算时加1)*/
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[8];
+ public static class NET_DVR_DECODERCFG_V30 extends Structure {//通道解码器(云台)参数配置(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwBaudRate; //波特率(bps),0-50,1-75,2-110,3-150,4-300,5-600,6-1200,7-2400,8-4800,9-9600,10-19200, 11-38400,12-57600,13-76800,14-115.2k;
+ public byte byDataBit; // 数据有几位 0-5位,1-6位,2-7位,3-8位;
+ public byte byStopBit; // 停止位 0-1位,1-2位;
+ public byte byParity; // 校验 0-无校验,1-奇校验,2-偶校验;
+ public byte byFlowcontrol; // 0-无,1-软流控,2-硬流控
+ public short wDecoderType; //解码器类型, 0-YouLi,1-LiLin-1016,2-LiLin-820,3-Pelco-p,4-DM DynaColor,5-HD600,6-JC-4116,7-Pelco-d WX,8-Pelco-d PICO
+ public short wDecoderAddress; /*解码器地址:0 - 255*/
+ public byte[] bySetPreset = new byte[MAX_PRESET_V30]; /* 预置点是否设置,0-没有设置,1-设置*/
+ public byte[] bySetCruise = new byte[MAX_CRUISE_V30]; /* 巡航是否设置: 0-没有设置,1-设置 */
+ public byte[] bySetTrack = new byte[MAX_TRACK_V30]; /* 轨迹是否设置,0-没有设置,1-设置*/
+ public static class NET_DVR_DECODERCFG extends Structure {//通道解码器(云台)参数配置
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwBaudRate; //波特率(bps),0-50,1-75,2-110,3-150,4-300,5-600,6-1200,7-2400,8-4800,9-9600,10-19200, 11-38400,12-57600,13-76800,14-115.2k;
+ public byte byDataBit; // 数据有几位 0-5位,1-6位,2-7位,3-8位;
+ public byte byStopBit; // 停止位 0-1位,1-2位;
+ public byte byParity; // 校验 0-无校验,1-奇校验,2-偶校验;
+ public byte byFlowcontrol; // 0-无,1-软流控,2-硬流控
+ public short wDecoderType; //解码器类型, 0-YouLi,1-LiLin-1016,2-LiLin-820,3-Pelco-p,4-DM DynaColor,5-HD600,6-JC-4116,7-Pelco-d WX,8-Pelco-d PICO
+ public short wDecoderAddress; /*解码器地址:0 - 255*/
+ public byte[] bySetPreset = new byte[MAX_PRESET]; /* 预置点是否设置,0-没有设置,1-设置*/
+ public byte[] bySetCruise = new byte[MAX_CRUISE]; /* 巡航是否设置: 0-没有设置,1-设置 */
+ public byte[] bySetTrack = new byte[MAX_TRACK]; /* 轨迹是否设置,0-没有设置,1-设置*/
+public static class NET_DVR_PPPCFG_V30 extends Structure {//ppp参数配置(子结构)
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struRemoteIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //远端IP地址
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struLocalIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //本地IP地址
+ public byte[] sLocalIPMask = new byte[16]; //本地IP地址掩码
+ public byte[] sUsername = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte byPPPMode; //PPP模式, 0-主动,1-被动
+ public byte byRedial; //是否回拨 :0-否,1-是
+ public byte byRedialMode; //回拨模式,0-由拨入者指定,1-预置回拨号码
+ public byte byDataEncrypt; //数据加密,0-否,1-是
+ public int dwMTU; //MTU
+ public byte[] sTelephoneNumber = new byte[PHONENUMBER_LEN]; //电话号码
+public static class NET_DVR_PPPCFG extends Structure {//ppp参数配置(子结构)
+ public byte[] sRemoteIP = new byte[16]; //远端IP地址
+ public byte[] sLocalIP = new byte[16]; //本地IP地址
+ public byte[] sLocalIPMask = new byte[16]; //本地IP地址掩码
+ public byte[] sUsername = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte byPPPMode; //PPP模式, 0-主动,1-被动
+ public byte byRedial; //是否回拨 :0-否,1-是
+ public byte byRedialMode; //回拨模式,0-由拨入者指定,1-预置回拨号码
+ public byte byDataEncrypt; //数据加密,0-否,1-是
+ public int dwMTU; //MTU
+ public byte[] sTelephoneNumber = new byte[PHONENUMBER_LEN]; //电话号码
+public static class NET_DVR_SINGLE_RS232 extends Structure {//RS232串口参数配置(9000扩展)
+ public int dwBaudRate; /*波特率(bps),0-50,1-75,2-110,3-150,4-300,5-600,6-1200,7-2400,8-4800,9-9600,10-19200, 11-38400,12-57600,13-76800,14-115.2k;*/
+ public byte byDataBit; /* 数据有几位 0-5位,1-6位,2-7位,3-8位 */
+ public byte byStopBit; /* 停止位 0-1位,1-2位 */
+ public byte byParity; /* 校验 0-无校验,1-奇校验,2-偶校验 */
+ public byte byFlowcontrol; /* 0-无,1-软流控,2-硬流控 */
+ public int dwWorkMode; /* 工作模式,0-232串口用于PPP拨号,1-232串口用于参数控制,2-透明通道 */
+public static class NET_DVR_RS232CFG_V30 extends Structure {//RS232串口参数配置(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_SINGLE_RS232 struRs232 = new NET_DVR_SINGLE_RS232();/*目前只有第一个串口设置有效,所有设备都只支持一个串口,其他七个保留*/
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[84];
+ public NET_DVR_PPPCFG_V30 struPPPConfig = new NET_DVR_PPPCFG_V30();/*ppp参数*/
+public static class NET_DVR_RS232CFG extends Structure {//RS232串口参数配置
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwBaudRate;//波特率(bps),0-50,1-75,2-110,3-150,4-300,5-600,6-1200,7-2400,8-4800,9-9600,10-19200, 11-38400,12-57600,13-76800,14-115.2k;
+ public byte byDataBit;// 数据有几位 0-5位,1-6位,2-7位,3-8位;
+ public byte byStopBit;// 停止位 0-1位,1-2位;
+ public byte byParity;// 校验 0-无校验,1-奇校验,2-偶校验;
+ public byte byFlowcontrol;// 0-无,1-软流控,2-硬流控
+ public int dwWorkMode;// 工作模式,0-窄带传输(232串口用于PPP拨号),1-控制台(232串口用于参数控制),2-透明通道
+ public NET_DVR_PPPCFG struPPPConfig = new NET_DVR_PPPCFG();
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMINCFG_V30 extends Structure {//报警输入参数配置(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sAlarmInName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 名称 */
+ public byte byAlarmType; //报警器类型,0:常开,1:常闭
+ public byte byAlarmInHandle; /* 是否处理 0-不处理 1-处理*/
+ public byte[] reservedData = new byte[2];
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30 struAlarmHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION_V30(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public byte[] byRelRecordChan = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; //报警触发的录象通道,为1表示触发该通道
+ public byte[] byEnablePreset = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 是否调用预置点 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] byPresetNo = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 调用的云台预置点序号,一个报警输入可以调用多个通道的云台预置点, 0xff表示不调用预置点。*/
+ public byte[] byEnablePresetRevert = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 是否恢复到调用预置点前的位置(保留) */
+ public short[] wPresetRevertDelay = new short[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 恢复预置点延时(保留) */
+ public byte[] byEnableCruise = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 是否调用巡航 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] byCruiseNo = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 巡航 */
+ public byte[] byEnablePtzTrack = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 是否调用轨迹 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] byPTZTrack = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 调用的云台的轨迹序号 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[16];
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMINCFG extends Structure {//报警输入参数配置
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sAlarmInName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 名称 */
+ public byte byAlarmType; //报警器类型,0:常开,1:常闭
+ public byte byAlarmInHandle; /* 是否处理 0-不处理 1-处理*/
+ public NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION struAlarmHandleType = new NET_DVR_HANDLEEXCEPTION(); /* 处理方式 */
+ public byte[] byRelRecordChan = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; //报警触发的录象通道,为1表示触发该通道
+ public byte[] byEnablePreset = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; /* 是否调用预置点 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] byPresetNo = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; /* 调用的云台预置点序号,一个报警输入可以调用多个通道的云台预置点, 0xff表示不调用预置点。*/
+ public byte[] byEnableCruise = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; /* 是否调用巡航 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] byCruiseNo = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; /* 巡航 */
+ public byte[] byEnablePtzTrack = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; /* 是否调用轨迹 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] byPTZTrack = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM]; /* 调用的云台的轨迹序号 */
+public static class NET_DVR_ADDIT_POSITION extends Structure {//车载GPS信息结构(2007-12-27)
+ public byte[] sDevName = new byte[32]; /* 设备名称 */
+ public int dwSpeed; /*速度*/
+ public int dwLongitude; /* 经度*/
+ public int dwLatitude; /* 纬度*/
+ public byte[] direction = new byte[2]; /* direction[0]:'E'or'W'(东经/西经), direction[1]:'N'or'S'(北纬/南纬) */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[2]; /* 保留位 */
+public static class struIOAlarm extends Structure{
+ public int dwAlarmInputNo;
+ public int dwTrigerAlarmOutNum;
+ public int dwTrigerRecordChanNum;
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_TIME_EX extends Structure{
+ public short wYear;
+ public byte byMonth;
+ public byte byDay;
+ public byte byHour;
+ public byte byMinute;
+ public byte bySecond;
+ public byte byRes;
+public static class struRecordingHost extends Structure{
+ public byte bySubAlarmType;
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[3];
+ public NET_DVR_TIME_EX struRecordEndTime = new NET_DVR_TIME_EX();
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[116];
+public static class struAlarmHardDisk extends Structure{
+ public int dwAlarmHardDiskNum;
+public static class struAlarmChannel extends Structure{
+ public int dwAlarmChanNum;
+public static class uStruAlarm extends Union
+ public byte[] byUnionLen = new byte[128];
+ public struIOAlarm struioAlarm = new struIOAlarm();
+ public struAlarmHardDisk strualarmHardDisk = new struAlarmHardDisk();
+ public struAlarmChannel sstrualarmChannel = new struAlarmChannel();
+ public struRecordingHost strurecordingHost = new struRecordingHost();
+public static class NET_DVR_ALRAM_FIXED_HEADER extends Structure{
+ public int dwAlarmType;
+ public NET_DVR_TIME_EX struAlarmTime = new NET_DVR_TIME_EX();
+ public uStruAlarm ustruAlarm = new uStruAlarm();
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMINFO_V40 extends Structure {
+ public Pointer pAlarmData;
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMINFO_V30 extends Structure {//上传报警信息(9000扩展)
+ public int dwAlarmType;/*0-信号量报警,1-硬盘满,2-信号丢失,3-移动侦测,4-硬盘未格式化,5-读写硬盘出错,6-遮挡报警,7-制式不匹配, 8-非法访问, 0xa-GPS定位信息(车载定制)*/
+ public int dwAlarmInputNumber;/*报警输入端口*/
+ public byte[] byAlarmOutputNumber = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT_V30];/*触发的输出端口,为1表示对应输出*/
+ public byte[] byAlarmRelateChannel= new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30];/*触发的录像通道,为1表示对应录像, dwAlarmRelateChannel[0]对应第1个通道*/
+ public byte[] byChannel= new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30];/*dwAlarmType为2或3,6时,表示哪个通道,dwChannel[0]对应第1个通道*/
+ public byte[] byDiskNumber= new byte[MAX_DISKNUM_V30];/*dwAlarmType为1,4,5时,表示哪个硬盘, dwDiskNumber[0]对应第1个硬盘*/
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMINFO extends Structure {
+ public int dwAlarmType;/*0-信号量报警,1-硬盘满,2-信号丢失,3-移动侦测,4-硬盘未格式化,5-读写硬盘出错,6-遮挡报警,7-制式不匹配, 8-非法访问, 9-串口状态, 0xa-GPS定位信息(车载定制)*/
+ public int dwAlarmInputNumber;/*报警输入端口, 当报警类型为9时该变量表示串口状态0表示正常, -1表示错误*/
+ public int[] dwAlarmOutputNumber = new int[MAX_ALARMOUT];/*触发的输出端口,为1表示对应哪一个输出*/
+ public int[] dwAlarmRelateChannel = new int[MAX_CHANNUM];/*触发的录像通道,dwAlarmRelateChannel[0]为1表示第1个通道录像*/
+ public int[] dwChannel = new int[MAX_CHANNUM];/*dwAlarmType为2或3,6时,表示哪个通道,dwChannel[0]位对应第1个通道*/
+ public int[] dwDiskNumber = new int[MAX_DISKNUM];/*dwAlarmType为1,4,5时,表示哪个硬盘, dwDiskNumber[0]位对应第1个硬盘*/
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMINFO_EX extends Structure {//上传报警信息(杭州竞天定制 2006-07-28)
+ public int dwAlarmType;/*0-信号量报警,1-硬盘满,2-信号丢失,3-移动侦测,4-硬盘未格式化,5-读写硬盘出错,6-遮挡报警,7-制式不匹配, 8-非法访问*/
+ public int dwAlarmInputNumber;/*报警输入端口*/
+ public int[] dwAlarmOutputNumber = new int[MAX_ALARMOUT];/*报警输入端口对应的输出端口,哪一位为1表示对应哪一个输出*/
+ public int[] dwAlarmRelateChannel = new int[MAX_CHANNUM];/*报警输入端口对应的录像通道,哪一位为1表示对应哪一路录像,dwAlarmRelateChannel[0]对应第1个通道*/
+ public int[] dwChannel = new int[MAX_CHANNUM];/*dwAlarmType为2或3,6时,表示哪个通道,dwChannel[0]位对应第0个通道*/
+ public int[] dwDiskNumber = new int[MAX_DISKNUM];/*dwAlarmType为1,4,5时,表示哪个硬盘*/
+ public byte[] sSerialNumber = new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; //序列号
+ public byte[] sRemoteAlarmIP = new byte[16]; //远程报警IP地址;
+public static class NET_DVR_IPDEVINFO extends Structure {/* IP设备结构 */
+ public int dwEnable; /* 该IP设备是否启用 */
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); /* IP地址 */
+ public short wDVRPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public byte[] byres = new byte[34]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO extends Structure {/* IP通道匹配参数 */
+ public byte byEnable; /* 该通道是否启用 */
+ public byte byIPID; /* IP设备ID 取值1- MAX_IP_DEVICE */
+ public byte byChannel; /* 通道号 */
+ public byte[] byres = new byte[33]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPPARACFG extends Structure {/* IP接入配置结构 */
+ public int dwSize; /* 结构大小 */
+ public byte[] byAnalogChanEnable = new byte[MAX_ANALOG_CHANNUM]; /* 模拟通道是否启用,从低到高表示1-32通道,0表示无效 1有效 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTINFO extends Structure {/* 报警输出参数 */
+ public byte byIPID; /* IP设备ID取值1- MAX_IP_DEVICE */
+ public byte byAlarmOut; /* 报警输出号 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[18]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTCFG extends Structure {/* IP报警输出配置结构 */
+ public int dwSize; /* 结构大小 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMININFO extends Structure {/* 报警输入参数 */
+ public byte byIPID; /* IP设备ID取值1- MAX_IP_DEVICE */
+ public byte byAlarmIn; /* 报警输入号 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[18]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMINCFG extends Structure {/* IP报警输入配置结构 */
+ public int dwSize; /* 结构大小 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMINFO extends Structure {//ipc alarm info
+ public byte[] byAnalogChanEnable = new byte[MAX_ANALOG_CHANNUM]; /* 模拟通道是否启用,0-未启用 1-启用 */
+public static class NET_DVR_SINGLE_HD extends Structure {//本地硬盘信息配置
+ public int dwHDNo; /*硬盘号, 取值0~MAX_DISKNUM_V30-1*/
+ public int dwCapacity; /*硬盘容量(不可设置)*/
+ public int dwFreeSpace; /*硬盘剩余空间(不可设置)*/
+ public int dwHdStatus; /*硬盘状态(不可设置) 0-正常, 1-未格式化, 2-错误, 3-SMART状态, 4-不匹配, 5-休眠*/
+ public byte byHDAttr; /*0-默认, 1-冗余; 2-只读*/
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[3];
+ public int dwHdGroup; /*属于哪个盘组 1-MAX_HD_GROUP*/
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[120];
+public static class NET_DVR_HDCFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwHDCount; /*硬盘数(不可设置)*/
+ public NET_DVR_SINGLE_HD[] struHDInfo = (NET_DVR_SINGLE_HD[])new NET_DVR_SINGLE_HD().toArray(MAX_DISKNUM_V30);//硬盘相关操作都需要重启才能生效;
+public static class NET_DVR_SINGLE_HDGROUP extends Structure {//本地盘组信息配置
+ public int dwHDGroupNo; /*盘组号(不可设置) 1-MAX_HD_GROUP*/
+ public byte[] byHDGroupChans = new byte[64]; /*盘组对应的录像通道, 0-表示该通道不录象到该盘组,1-表示录象到该盘组*/
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[8];
+public static class NET_DVR_HDGROUP_CFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwHDGroupCount; /*盘组总数(不可设置)*/
+ public NET_DVR_SINGLE_HDGROUP[] struHDGroupAttr = (NET_DVR_SINGLE_HDGROUP[])new NET_DVR_SINGLE_HDGROUP().toArray(MAX_HD_GROUP);//硬盘相关操作都需要重启才能生效;
+public static class NET_DVR_SCALECFG extends Structure {//配置缩放参数的结构
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwMajorScale; /* 主显示 0-不缩放,1-缩放*/
+ public int dwMinorScale; /* 辅显示 0-不缩放,1-缩放*/
+ public int[] dwRes = new int[2];
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMOUTCFG_V30 extends Structure {//DVR报警输出(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sAlarmOutName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 名称 */
+ public int dwAlarmOutDelay; /* 输出保持时间(-1为无限,手动关闭) */
+ //0-5秒,1-10秒,2-30秒,3-1分钟,4-2分钟,5-5分钟,6-10分钟,7-手动
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK[] struAlarmOutTime= (NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK[])new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK().toArray(MAX_DAYS);/* 报警输出激活时间段 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[16];
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMOUTCFG extends Structure {//DVR报警输出
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sAlarmOutName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 名称 */
+ public int dwAlarmOutDelay; /* 输出保持时间(-1为无限,手动关闭) */
+ //0-5秒,1-10秒,2-30秒,3-1分钟,4-2分钟,5-5分钟,6-10分钟,7-手动
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK[] struAlarmOutTime = (NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK[])new NET_DVR_SCHEDTIMEWEEK().toArray(MAX_DAYS);/* 报警输出激活时间段 */
+public static class NET_DVR_PREVIEWCFG_V30 extends Structure {//DVR本地预览参数(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte byPreviewNumber;//预览数目,0-1画面,1-4画面,2-9画面,3-16画面, 4-6画面, 5-8画面, 0xff:最大画面
+ public byte byEnableAudio;//是否声音预览,0-不预览,1-预览
+ public short wSwitchTime;//切换时间,0-不切换,1-5s,2-10s,3-20s,4-30s,5-60s,6-120s,7-300s
+ public byte[][] bySwitchSeq = new byte[MAX_PREVIEW_MODE][MAX_WINDOW_V30];//切换顺序,如果lSwitchSeq[i]为 0xff表示不用
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[24];
+public static class NET_DVR_PREVIEWCFG extends Structure {//DVR本地预览参数
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte byPreviewNumber;//预览数目,0-1画面,1-4画面,2-9画面,3-16画面,0xff:最大画面
+ public byte byEnableAudio;//是否声音预览,0-不预览,1-预览
+ public short wSwitchTime;//切换时间,0-不切换,1-5s,2-10s,3-20s,4-30s,5-60s,6-120s,7-300s
+ public byte[] bySwitchSeq = new byte[MAX_WINDOW];//切换顺序,如果lSwitchSeq[i]为 0xff表示不用
+public static class NET_DVR_VGAPARA extends Structure {//DVR视频输出
+ public short wResolution; /* 分辨率 */
+ public short wFreq; /* 刷新频率 */
+ public int dwBrightness; /* 亮度 */
+* MATRIX输出参数结构
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA_V30 extends Structure {
+ public short[] wOrder = new short[MAX_ANALOG_CHANNUM]; /* 预览顺序, 0xff表示相应的窗口不预览 */
+ public short wSwitchTime; /* 预览切换时间 */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[14];
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA extends Structure {
+ public short wDisplayLogo; /* 显示视频通道号(保留) */
+ public short wDisplayOsd; /* 显示时间(保留) */
+public static class NET_DVR_VOOUT extends Structure {
+ public byte byVideoFormat; /* 输出制式,0-PAL,1-NTSC */
+ public byte byMenuAlphaValue; /* 菜单与背景图象对比度 */
+ public short wScreenSaveTime; /* 屏幕保护时间 0-从不,1-1分钟,2-2分钟,3-5分钟,4-10分钟,5-20分钟,6-30分钟 */
+ public short wVOffset; /* 视频输出偏移 */
+ public short wBrightness; /* 视频输出亮度 */
+ public byte byStartMode; /* 启动后视频输出模式(0:菜单,1:预览)*/
+ public byte byEnableScaler; /* 是否启动缩放 (0-不启动, 1-启动)*/
+public static class NET_DVR_VIDEOOUT_V30 extends Structure {//DVR视频输出(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_VOOUT[] struVOOut = (NET_DVR_VOOUT[])new NET_DVR_VOOUT().toArray(MAX_VIDEOOUT_V30);
+ public NET_DVR_VGAPARA[] struVGAPara = (NET_DVR_VGAPARA[])new NET_DVR_VGAPARA().toArray(MAX_VGA_V30); /* VGA参数 */
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA_V30[] struMatrixPara = (NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA_V30[])new NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA_V30().toArray(MAX_MATRIXOUT); /* MATRIX参数 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[16];
+public static class NET_DVR_VIDEOOUT extends Structure {//DVR视频输出
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_VOOUT[] struVOOut = (NET_DVR_VOOUT[])new NET_DVR_VOOUT().toArray(MAX_VIDEOOUT);
+ public NET_DVR_VGAPARA[] struVGAPara = (NET_DVR_VGAPARA[])new NET_DVR_VGAPARA().toArray(MAX_VGA); /* VGA参数 */
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA struMatrixPara = new NET_DVR_MATRIXPARA(); /* MATRIX参数 */
+public static class NET_DVR_USER_INFO_V30 extends Structure {//单用户参数(子结构)(9000扩展)
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte[] byLocalRight = new byte[MAX_RIGHT]; /* 本地权限 */
+ /*数组0: 本地控制云台*/
+ /*数组1: 本地手动录象*/
+ /*数组2: 本地回放*/
+ /*数组3: 本地设置参数*/
+ /*数组4: 本地查看状态、日志*/
+ /*数组5: 本地高级操作(升级,格式化,重启,关机)*/
+ /*数组6: 本地查看参数 */
+ /*数组7: 本地管理模拟和IP camera */
+ /*数组8: 本地备份 */
+ /*数组9: 本地关机/重启 */
+ public byte[] byRemoteRight = new byte[MAX_RIGHT];/* 远程权限 */
+ /*数组0: 远程控制云台*/
+ /*数组1: 远程手动录象*/
+ /*数组2: 远程回放 */
+ /*数组3: 远程设置参数*/
+ /*数组4: 远程查看状态、日志*/
+ /*数组5: 远程高级操作(升级,格式化,重启,关机)*/
+ /*数组6: 远程发起语音对讲*/
+ /*数组7: 远程预览*/
+ /*数组8: 远程请求报警上传、报警输出*/
+ /*数组9: 远程控制,本地输出*/
+ /*数组10: 远程控制串口*/
+ /*数组11: 远程查看参数 */
+ /*数组12: 远程管理模拟和IP camera */
+ /*数组13: 远程关机/重启 */
+ public byte[] byNetPreviewRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 远程可以预览的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byLocalPlaybackRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 本地可以回放的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byNetPlaybackRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 远程可以回放的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byLocalRecordRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 本地可以录像的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byNetRecordRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 远程可以录像的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byLocalPTZRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 本地可以PTZ的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byNetPTZRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 远程可以PTZ的通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public byte[] byLocalBackupRight = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 本地备份权限通道 0-有权限,1-无权限*/
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struUserIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); /* 用户IP地址(为0时表示允许任何地址) */
+ public byte[] byMACAddr = new byte[MACADDR_LEN]; /* 物理地址 */
+ public byte byPriority; /* 优先级,0xff-无,0--低,1--中,2--高 */
+ /*
+ 无……表示不支持优先级的设置
+ 低……默认权限:包括本地和远程回放,本地和远程查看日志和状态,本地和远程关机/重启
+ 中……包括本地和远程控制云台,本地和远程手动录像,本地和远程回放,语音对讲和远程预览
+ 本地备份,本地/远程关机/重启
+ 高……管理员
+ */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[17];
+public static class NET_DVR_USER_INFO_EX extends Structure {//单用户参数(SDK_V15扩展)(子结构)
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public int[] dwLocalRight = new int[MAX_RIGHT]; /* 权限 */
+ /*数组0: 本地控制云台*/
+ /*数组1: 本地手动录象*/
+ /*数组2: 本地回放*/
+ /*数组3: 本地设置参数*/
+ /*数组4: 本地查看状态、日志*/
+ /*数组5: 本地高级操作(升级,格式化,重启,关机)*/
+ public int dwLocalPlaybackRight; /* 本地可以回放的通道 bit0 -- channel 1*/
+ public int[] dwRemoteRight = new int[MAX_RIGHT]; /* 权限 */
+ /*数组0: 远程控制云台*/
+ /*数组1: 远程手动录象*/
+ /*数组2: 远程回放 */
+ /*数组3: 远程设置参数*/
+ /*数组4: 远程查看状态、日志*/
+ /*数组5: 远程高级操作(升级,格式化,重启,关机)*/
+ /*数组6: 远程发起语音对讲*/
+ /*数组7: 远程预览*/
+ /*数组8: 远程请求报警上传、报警输出*/
+ /*数组9: 远程控制,本地输出*/
+ /*数组10: 远程控制串口*/
+ public int dwNetPreviewRight; /* 远程可以预览的通道 bit0 -- channel 1*/
+ public int dwNetPlaybackRight; /* 远程可以回放的通道 bit0 -- channel 1*/
+ public byte[] sUserIP = new byte[16]; /* 用户IP地址(为0时表示允许任何地址) */
+ public byte[] byMACAddr = new byte[MACADDR_LEN]; /* 物理地址 */
+public static class NET_DVR_USER_INFO extends Structure {//单用户参数(子结构)
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public int[] dwLocalRight = new int[MAX_RIGHT]; /* 权限 */
+ /*数组0: 本地控制云台*/
+ /*数组1: 本地手动录象*/
+ /*数组2: 本地回放*/
+ /*数组3: 本地设置参数*/
+ /*数组4: 本地查看状态、日志*/
+ /*数组5: 本地高级操作(升级,格式化,重启,关机)*/
+ public int[] dwRemoteRight = new int[MAX_RIGHT]; /* 权限 */
+ /*数组0: 远程控制云台*/
+ /*数组1: 远程手动录象*/
+ /*数组2: 远程回放 */
+ /*数组3: 远程设置参数*/
+ /*数组4: 远程查看状态、日志*/
+ /*数组5: 远程高级操作(升级,格式化,重启,关机)*/
+ /*数组6: 远程发起语音对讲*/
+ /*数组7: 远程预览*/
+ /*数组8: 远程请求报警上传、报警输出*/
+ /*数组9: 远程控制,本地输出*/
+ /*数组10: 远程控制串口*/
+ public byte[] sUserIP = new byte[16]; /* 用户IP地址(为0时表示允许任何地址) */
+ public byte[] byMACAddr = new byte[MACADDR_LEN]; /* 物理地址 */
+public static class NET_DVR_USER_V30 extends Structure {//DVR用户参数(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_USER_INFO_V30[] struUser = (NET_DVR_USER_INFO_V30[])new NET_DVR_USER_INFO_V30().toArray(MAX_USERNUM_V30);
+public static class NET_DVR_USER_EX extends Structure {//DVR用户参数(SDK_V15扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+public static class NET_DVR_USER extends Structure {//DVR用户参数
+ public int dwSize;
+public static class NET_DVR_EXCEPTION_V30 extends Structure {//DVR异常参数(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ /*数组0-盘满,1- 硬盘出错,2-网线断,3-局域网内IP 地址冲突,4-非法访问, 5-输入/输出视频制式不匹配, 6-行车超速(车载专用), 7-视频信号异常(9000)*/
+public static class NET_DVR_EXCEPTION extends Structure {//DVR异常参数
+ public int dwSize;
+ /*数组0-盘满,1- 硬盘出错,2-网线断,3-局域网内IP 地址冲突,4-非法访问, 5-输入/输出视频制式不匹配, 6-行车超速(车载专用)*/
+public static class NET_DVR_CHANNELSTATE_V30 extends Structure {//通道状态(9000扩展)
+ public byte byRecordStatic; //通道是否在录像,0-不录像,1-录像
+ public byte bySignalStatic; //连接的信号状态,0-正常,1-信号丢失
+ public byte byHardwareStatic;//通道硬件状态,0-正常,1-异常,例如DSP死掉
+ public byte reservedData; //保留
+ public int dwBitRate;//实际码率
+ public int dwLinkNum;//客户端连接的个数
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR[] struClientIP = (NET_DVR_IPADDR[])new NET_DVR_IPADDR().toArray(MAX_LINK);//客户端的IP地址
+ public int dwIPLinkNum;//如果该通道为IP接入,那么表示IP接入当前的连接数
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[12];
+public static class NET_DVR_CHANNELSTATE extends Structure {//通道状态
+ public byte byRecordStatic; //通道是否在录像,0-不录像,1-录像
+ public byte bySignalStatic; //连接的信号状态,0-正常,1-信号丢失
+ public byte byHardwareStatic;//通道硬件状态,0-正常,1-异常,例如DSP死掉
+ public byte reservedData; //保留
+ public int dwBitRate;//实际码率
+ public int dwLinkNum;//客户端连接的个数
+ public int[] dwClientIP = new int[MAX_LINK];//客户端的IP地址
+public static class NET_DVR_DISKSTATE extends Structure {//硬盘状态
+ public int dwVolume;//硬盘的容量
+ public int dwFreeSpace;//硬盘的剩余空间
+ public int dwHardDiskStatic; //硬盘的状态,按位:1-休眠,2-不正常,3-休眠硬盘出错
+public static class NET_DVR_WORKSTATE_V30 extends Structure {//DVR工作状态(9000扩展)
+ public int dwDeviceStatic; //设备的状态,0-正常,1-CPU占用率太高,超过85%,2-硬件错误,例如串口死掉
+ public NET_DVR_DISKSTATE[] struHardDiskStatic = (NET_DVR_DISKSTATE[])new NET_DVR_DISKSTATE().toArray(MAX_DISKNUM_V30);
+ public NET_DVR_CHANNELSTATE_V30[] struChanStatic = (NET_DVR_CHANNELSTATE_V30[])new NET_DVR_CHANNELSTATE_V30().toArray(MAX_CHANNUM_V30);//通道的状态
+ public byte[] byAlarmInStatic = new byte[MAX_ALARMIN_V30]; //报警端口的状态,0-没有报警,1-有报警
+ public byte[] byAlarmOutStatic = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT_V30]; //报警输出端口的状态,0-没有输出,1-有报警输出
+ public int dwLocalDisplay;//本地显示状态,0-正常,1-不正常
+ public byte [] byAudioChanStatus = new byte[MAX_AUDIO_V30];//表示语音通道的状态 0-未使用,1-使用中, 0xff无效
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[10];
+public static class NET_DVR_WORKSTATE extends Structure {//DVR工作状态
+ public int dwDeviceStatic; //设备的状态,0-正常,1-CPU占用率太高,超过85%,2-硬件错误,例如串口死掉
+ public byte[] byAlarmInStatic = new byte[MAX_ALARMIN]; //报警端口的状态,0-没有报警,1-有报警
+ public byte[] byAlarmOutStatic = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT]; //报警输出端口的状态,0-没有输出,1-有报警输出
+ public int dwLocalDisplay;//本地显示状态,0-正常,1-不正常
+public static class NET_DVR_LOG_V30 extends Structure {//日志信息(9000扩展)
+ public NET_DVR_TIME strLogTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public int dwMajorType; //主类型 1-报警; 2-异常; 3-操作; 0xff-全部
+ public int dwMinorType;//次类型 0-全部;
+ public byte[] sPanelUser = new byte[MAX_NAMELEN]; //操作面板的用户名
+ public byte[] sNetUser = new byte[MAX_NAMELEN];//网络操作的用户名
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struRemoteHostAddr = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();//远程主机地址
+ public int dwParaType;//参数类型
+ public int dwChannel;//通道号
+ public int dwDiskNumber;//硬盘号
+ public int dwAlarmInPort;//报警输入端口
+ public int dwAlarmOutPort;//报警输出端口
+ public int dwInfoLen;
+ public byte[] sInfo = new byte[LOG_INFO_LEN];
+public static class NET_DVR_LOG extends Structure {
+ public NET_DVR_TIME strLogTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public int dwMajorType; //主类型 1-报警; 2-异常; 3-操作; 0xff-全部
+ public int dwMinorType;//次类型 0-全部;
+ public byte[] sPanelUser = new byte[MAX_NAMELEN]; //操作面板的用户名
+ public byte[] sNetUser = new byte[MAX_NAMELEN];//网络操作的用户名
+ public byte[] sRemoteHostAddr = new byte[16];//远程主机地址
+ public int dwParaType;//参数类型
+ public int dwChannel;//通道号
+ public int dwDiskNumber;//硬盘号
+ public int dwAlarmInPort;//报警输入端口
+ public int dwAlarmOutPort;//报警输出端口
+/************************DVR日志 end***************************/
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMOUTSTATUS_V30 extends Structure {//报警输出状态(9000扩展)
+ public byte[] Output = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT_V30];
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMOUTSTATUS extends Structure {//报警输出状态
+ public byte[] Output = new byte[MAX_ALARMOUT];
+public static class NET_DVR_TRADEINFO extends Structure {//交易信息
+ public short m_Year;
+ public short m_Month;
+ public short m_Day;
+ public short m_Hour;
+ public short m_Minute;
+ public short m_Second;
+ public byte[] DeviceName = new byte[24]; //设备名称
+ public int dwChannelNumer; //通道号
+ public byte[] CardNumber = new byte[32]; //卡号
+ public byte[] cTradeType = new byte[12]; //交易类型
+ public int dwCash; //交易金额
+public static class NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE extends Structure {/*帧格式*/
+ public byte[] code = new byte[12]; /* 代码 */
+public static class NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT_V30 extends Structure {//ATM参数(9000扩展)
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struATMIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); /* ATM IP地址 */
+ public int dwATMType; /* ATM类型 */
+ public int dwInputMode; /* 输入方式 0-网络侦听 1-网络接收 2-串口直接输入 3-串口ATM命令输入*/
+ public int dwFrameSignBeginPos; /* 报文标志位的起始位置*/
+ public int dwFrameSignLength; /* 报文标志位的长度 */
+ public byte[] byFrameSignContent = new byte[12]; /* 报文标志位的内容 */
+ public int dwCardLengthInfoBeginPos; /* 卡号长度信息的起始位置 */
+ public int dwCardLengthInfoLength; /* 卡号长度信息的长度 */
+ public int dwCardNumberInfoBeginPos; /* 卡号信息的起始位置 */
+ public int dwCardNumberInfoLength; /* 卡号信息的长度 */
+ public int dwBusinessTypeBeginPos; /* 交易类型的起始位置 */
+ public int dwBusinessTypeLength; /* 交易类型的长度 */
+ public NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE[] frameTypeCode = (NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE[])new NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE().toArray(10); /* 类型 */
+ public short wATMPort; /* 卡号捕捉端口号(网络协议方式) (保留)0xffff表示该值无效*/
+ public short wProtocolType; /* 网络协议类型(保留) 0xffff表示该值无效*/
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[24];
+public static class NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT extends Structure {//ATM参数
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sATMIP = new byte[16]; /* ATM IP地址 */
+ public int dwATMType; /* ATM类型 */
+ public int dwInputMode; /* 输入方式 0-网络侦听 1-网络接收 2-串口直接输入 3-串口ATM命令输入*/
+ public int dwFrameSignBeginPos; /* 报文标志位的起始位置*/
+ public int dwFrameSignLength; /* 报文标志位的长度 */
+ public byte[] byFrameSignContent = new byte[12]; /* 报文标志位的内容 */
+ public int dwCardLengthInfoBeginPos; /* 卡号长度信息的起始位置 */
+ public int dwCardLengthInfoLength; /* 卡号长度信息的长度 */
+ public int dwCardNumberInfoBeginPos; /* 卡号信息的起始位置 */
+ public int dwCardNumberInfoLength; /* 卡号信息的长度 */
+ public int dwBusinessTypeBeginPos; /* 交易类型的起始位置 */
+ public int dwBusinessTypeLength; /* 交易类型的长度 */
+ public NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE[] frameTypeCode = (NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE[])new NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE().toArray(10); /* 类型 */
+public static class NET_DVR_FTPTYPECODE extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sFtpType = new byte[32]; /*客户定义的操作类型*/
+ public byte[] sFtpCode = new byte[8]; /*客户定义的操作类型的对应的码*/
+public static class NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT_EX extends Structure {//ATM参数添加FTP上传参数, 俄罗斯银行定制, 2006-11-17
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sATMIP = new byte[16]; /* ATM IP地址 */
+ public int dwATMType; /* ATM类型 */
+ public int dwInputMode; /* 输入方式 0-网络侦听 1-网络接收 2-串口直接输入 3-串口ATM命令输入*/
+ public int dwFrameSignBeginPos; /* 报文标志位的起始位置*/
+ public int dwFrameSignLength; /* 报文标志位的长度 */
+ public byte[] byFrameSignContent = new byte[12]; /* 报文标志位的内容 */
+ public int dwCardLengthInfoBeginPos; /* 卡号长度信息的起始位置 */
+ public int dwCardLengthInfoLength; /* 卡号长度信息的长度 */
+ public int dwCardNumberInfoBeginPos; /* 卡号信息的起始位置 */
+ public int dwCardNumberInfoLength; /* 卡号信息的长度 */
+ public int dwBusinessTypeBeginPos; /* 交易类型的起始位置 */
+ public int dwBusinessTypeLength; /* 交易类型的长度 */
+ public NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE[] frameTypeCode = (NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE[])new NET_DVR_FRAMETYPECODE().toArray(10); /* 类型 */
+ public byte[] sFTPIP = new byte[16]; /* FTP IP */
+ public byte[] byFtpUsername = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] byFtpPasswd = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte[] sDirName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /*服务器目录名*/
+ public int dwATMSrvType; /*ATM服务器类型,0--wincor ,1--diebold*/
+ public int dwTimeSpace; /*取值为1.*/
+ public NET_DVR_FTPTYPECODE[] sFtpTypeCodeOp = (NET_DVR_FTPTYPECODE[])new NET_DVR_FTPTYPECODE().toArray(300); /*新加的*/
+ public int dwADPlay; /* 1 表示在播放广告,0 表示没有播放广告*/
+ public int dwNewPort; //端口
+public static class Bind extends Structure
+ public boolean bind;
+//DS-6001D Decoder
+public static class NET_DVR_DECODERINFO extends Structure {
+ public byte[] byEncoderIP = new byte[16]; //解码设备连接的服务器IP
+ public byte[] byEncoderUser = new byte[16]; //解码设备连接的服务器的用户名
+ public byte[] byEncoderPasswd = new byte[16]; //解码设备连接的服务器的密码
+ public byte bySendMode; //解码设备连接服务器的连接模式
+ public byte byEncoderChannel; //解码设备连接的服务器的通道号
+ public short wEncoderPort; //解码设备连接的服务器的端口号
+ public byte[] reservedData = new byte[4]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_DECODERSTATE extends Structure {
+ public byte[] byEncoderIP = new byte[16]; //解码设备连接的服务器IP
+ public byte[] byEncoderUser = new byte[16]; //解码设备连接的服务器的用户名
+ public byte[] byEncoderPasswd = new byte[16]; //解码设备连接的服务器的密码
+ public byte byEncoderChannel; //解码设备连接的服务器的通道号
+ public byte bySendMode; //解码设备连接的服务器的连接模式
+ public short wEncoderPort; //解码设备连接的服务器的端口号
+ public int dwConnectState; //解码设备连接服务器的状态
+ public byte[] reservedData = new byte[4]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_DECCHANINFO extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sDVRIP = new byte[16]; /* DVR IP地址 */
+ public short wDVRPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte byChannel; /* 通道号 */
+ public byte byLinkMode; /* 连接模式 */
+ public byte byLinkType; /* 连接类型 0-主码流 1-子码流 */
+public static class NET_DVR_DECINFO extends Structure {/*每个解码通道的配置*/
+ public byte byPoolChans; /*每路解码通道上的循环通道数量, 最多4通道 0表示没有解码*/
+ public byte byEnablePoll; /*是否轮巡 0-否 1-是*/
+ public byte byPoolTime; /*轮巡时间 0-保留 1-10秒 2-15秒 3-20秒 4-30秒 5-45秒 6-1分钟 7-2分钟 8-5分钟 */
+public static class NET_DVR_DECCFG extends Structure {/*整个设备解码配置*/
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwDecChanNum; /*解码通道的数量*/
+ public NET_DVR_DECINFO[] struDecInfo = (NET_DVR_DECINFO[])new NET_DVR_DECINFO().toArray(MAX_DECNUM);
+public static class NET_DVR_PORTINFO extends Structure {/* 解码设备透明通道设置 */
+ public int dwEnableTransPort; /* 是否启动透明通道 0-不启用 1-启用*/
+ public byte[] sDecoderIP = new byte[16]; /* DVR IP地址 */
+ public short wDecoderPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public short wDVRTransPort; /* 配置前端DVR是从485/232输出,1表示232串口,2表示485串口 */
+ public byte[] cReserve = new byte[4];
+public static class NET_DVR_PORTCFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_PORTINFO[] struTransPortInfo = (NET_DVR_PORTINFO[])new NET_DVR_PORTINFO().toArray(MAX_TRANSPARENTNUM); /* 数组0表示232 数组1表示485 */
+/*https://jna.dev.java.net/javadoc/com/sun/jna/Union.html#setType(java.lang.Class) see how to use the JNA Union*/
+public static class NET_DVR_PLAYREMOTEFILE extends Structure {/* 控制网络文件回放 */
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sDecoderIP = new byte[16]; /* DVR IP地址 */
+ public short wDecoderPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public short wLoadMode; /* 回放下载模式 1-按名字 2-按时间 */
+ public byte[] byFile = new byte[100];
+ public static class mode_size extends Union
+ {
+ public byte[] byFile = new byte[100]; // 回放的文件名
+ public static class bytime extends Structure
+ {
+ public int dwChannel;
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; //请求视频用户名
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; // 密码
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME(); //按时间回放的开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME(); // 按时间回放的结束时间
+ }
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_DECCHANSTATUS extends Structure {/*当前设备解码连接状态*/
+ public int dwWorkType; /*工作方式:1:轮巡、2:动态连接解码、3:文件回放下载 4:按时间回放下载*/
+ public byte[] sDVRIP = new byte[16]; /*连接的设备ip*/
+ public short wDVRPort; /*连接端口号*/
+ public byte byChannel; /* 通道号 */
+ public byte byLinkMode; /* 连接模式 */
+ public int dwLinkType; /*连接类型 0-主码流 1-子码流*/
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /*请求视频用户名*/
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte[] cReserve = new byte[52];
+ public static class objectInfo extends Union
+ {
+ public static class userInfo extends Structure
+ {
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; //请求视频用户名
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; // 密码
+ public byte[] cReserve = new byte[52];
+ }
+ public static class fileInfo extends Structure
+ {
+ public byte[] fileName = new byte[100];
+ }
+ public static class timeInfo extends Structure
+ {
+ public int dwChannel;
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; //请求视频用户名
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; // 密码
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME(); // 按时间回放的开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME(); //按时间回放的结束时间
+ }
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_DECSTATUS extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+public static class NET_DVR_SHOWSTRINGINFO extends Structure {//单字符参数(子结构)
+ public short wShowString; // 预览的图象上是否显示字符,0-不显示,1-显示 区域大小704*576,单个字符的大小为32*32
+ public short wStringSize; /* 该行字符的长度,不能大于44个字符 */
+ public short wShowStringTopLeftX; /* 字符显示位置的x坐标 */
+ public short wShowStringTopLeftY; /* 字符名称显示位置的y坐标 */
+ public byte[] sString = new byte[44]; /* 要显示的字符内容 */
+public static class NET_DVR_SHOWSTRING_V30 extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+public static class NET_DVR_SHOWSTRING_EX extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+public static class NET_DVR_SHOWSTRING extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public static class NET_DVR_SENDER extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 发件人姓名 */
+ public byte[] sAddress = new byte[MAX_EMAIL_ADDR_LEN]; /* 发件人地址 */
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVRRECEIVER extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 收件人姓名 */
+ public byte[] sAddress = new byte[MAX_EMAIL_ADDR_LEN]; /* 收件人地址 */
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_EMAILCFG_V30 extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sAccount = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 账号*/
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[MAX_EMAIL_PWD_LEN]; /*密码 */
+ public NET_DVR_SENDER struSender = new NET_DVR_SENDER();
+ public byte[] sSmtpServer = new byte[MAX_EMAIL_ADDR_LEN]; /* smtp服务器 */
+ public byte[] sPop3Server = new byte[MAX_EMAIL_ADDR_LEN]; /* pop3服务器 */
+ public NET_DVRRECEIVER[] struReceiver = (NET_DVRRECEIVER[])new NET_DVRRECEIVER().toArray(3); /* 最多可以设置3个收件人 */
+ public byte byAttachment; /* 是否带附件 */
+ public byte bySmtpServerVerify; /* 发送服务器要求身份验证 */
+ public byte byMailInterval; /* mail interval */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[77];
+ public static class NET_DVR_CRUISE_PARA extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] byPresetNo = new byte[CRUISE_MAX_PRESET_NUMS]; /* 预置点号 */
+ public byte[] byCruiseSpeed = new byte[CRUISE_MAX_PRESET_NUMS]; /* 巡航速度 */
+ public short[] wDwellTime = new short[CRUISE_MAX_PRESET_NUMS]; /* 停留时间 */
+ public byte[] byEnableThisCruise; /* 是否启用 */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[15];
+ /****************************DS9000新增结构(end)******************************/
+ public static class NET_DVR_TIMEPOINT extends Structure {
+ public int dwMonth; //月 0-11表示1-12个月
+ public int dwWeekNo; //第几周 0-第1周 1-第2周 2-第3周 3-第4周 4-最后一周
+ public int dwWeekDate; //星期几 0-星期日 1-星期一 2-星期二 3-星期三 4-星期四 5-星期五 6-星期六
+ public int dwHour; //小时 开始时间0-23 结束时间1-23
+ public int dwMin; //分 0-59
+ public static class NET_DVR_ZONEANDDST extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[16]; //保留
+ public int dwEnableDST; //是否启用夏时制 0-不启用 1-启用
+ public byte byDSTBias; //夏令时偏移值,30min, 60min, 90min, 120min, 以分钟计,传递原始数值
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[3];
+ public NET_DVR_TIMEPOINT struBeginPoint = new NET_DVR_TIMEPOINT(); //夏时制开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIMEPOINT struEndPoint = new NET_DVR_TIMEPOINT(); //夏时制停止时间
+ public static class NET_DVR_JPEGPARA extends Structure {
+ /*注意:当图像压缩分辨率为VGA时,支持0=CIF, 1=QCIF, 2=D1抓图,
+ 当分辨率为3=UXGA(1600x1200), 4=SVGA(800x600), 5=HD720p(1280x720),6=VGA,7=XVGA, 8=HD900p
+ 仅支持当前分辨率的抓图*/
+ public short wPicSize; /* 0=CIF, 1=QCIF, 2=D1 3=UXGA(1600x1200), 4=SVGA(800x600), 5=HD720p(1280x720),6=VGA*/
+ public short wPicQuality; /* 图片质量系数 0-最好 1-较好 2-一般 */
+ }
+/* aux video out parameter */
+ public static class NET_DVR_AUXOUTCFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwAlarmOutChan; /* 选择报警弹出大报警通道切换时间:1画面的输出通道: 0:主输出/1:辅1/2:辅2/3:辅3/4:辅4 */
+ public int dwAlarmChanSwitchTime; /* :1秒 - 10:10秒 */
+ public int[] dwAuxSwitchTime = new int[MAX_AUXOUT]; /* 辅助输出切换时间: 0-不切换,1-5s,2-10s,3-20s,4-30s,5-60s,6-120s,7-300s */
+ public byte[][] byAuxOrder = new byte[MAX_AUXOUT][MAX_WINDOW]; /* 辅助输出预览顺序, 0xff表示相应的窗口不预览 */
+ public static class NET_DVR_NTPPARA extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sNTPServer = new byte[64]; /* Domain Name or IP addr of NTP server */
+ public short wInterval; /* adjust time interval(hours) */
+ public byte byEnableNTP; /* enable NPT client 0-no,1-yes*/
+ public byte cTimeDifferenceH; /* 与国际标准时间的 小时偏移-12 ... +13 */
+ public byte cTimeDifferenceM;/* 与国际标准时间的 分钟偏移0, 30, 45*/
+ public byte res1;
+ public short wNtpPort; /* ntp server port 9000新增 设备默认为123*/
+ public byte[] res2 = new byte[8];
+ public static class NET_DVR_DDNSPARA extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sUsername = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* DDNS账号用户名/密码 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN];
+ public byte[] sDomainName = new byte[64]; /* 域名 */
+ public byte byEnableDDNS; /*是否应用 0-否,1-是*/
+ public byte[] res = new byte[15];
+ public static class NET_DVR_DDNSPARA_EX extends Structure {
+ public byte byHostIndex; /* 0-Hikvision DNS 1-Dyndns 2-PeanutHull(花生壳), 3-希网3322*/
+ public byte byEnableDDNS; /*是否应用DDNS 0-否,1-是*/
+ public short wDDNSPort; /* DDNS端口号 */
+ public byte[] sUsername = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* DDNS用户名*/
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* DDNS密码 */
+ public byte[] sDomainName = new byte[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME]; /* 设备配备的域名地址 */
+ public byte[] sServerName = new byte[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME]; /* DDNS 对应的服务器地址,可以是IP地址或域名 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[16];
+ public static class NET_DVR_DDNS extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sUsername = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* DDNS账号用户名*/
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public byte[] sDomainName = new byte[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME]; /* 设备配备的域名地址 */
+ public byte[] sServerName = new byte[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME]; /* DDNS协议对应的服务器地址,可以是IP地址或域名 */
+ public short wDDNSPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[10];
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_DDNSPARA_V30 extends Structure {
+ public byte byEnableDDNS;
+ public byte byHostIndex;/* 0-Hikvision DNS(保留) 1-Dyndns 2-PeanutHull(花生壳) 3-希网3322 */
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[2];
+ public NET_DVR_DDNS[] struDDNS = (NET_DVR_DDNS[])new NET_DVR_DDNS().toArray(MAX_DDNS_NUMS);//9000目前只支持前3个配置,其他配置保留
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[16];
+public static class NET_DVR_EMAILPARA extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sUsername = new byte[64]; /* 邮件账号/密码 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[64];
+ public byte[] sSmtpServer = new byte[64];
+ public byte[] sPop3Server = new byte[64];
+ public byte[] sMailAddr = new byte[64]; /* email */
+ public byte[] sEventMailAddr1 = new byte[64]; /* 上传报警/异常等的email */
+ public byte[] sEventMailAddr2 = new byte[64];
+ public byte[] res = new byte[16];
+public static class NET_DVR_NETAPPCFG extends Structure {//网络参数配置
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sDNSIp = new byte[16]; /* DNS服务器地址 */
+ public NET_DVR_NTPPARA struNtpClientParam = new NET_DVR_NTPPARA(); /* NTP参数 */
+ public NET_DVR_DDNSPARA struDDNSClientParam = new NET_DVR_DDNSPARA(); /* DDNS参数 */
+ //NET_DVR_EMAILPARA struEmailParam; /* EMAIL参数 */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[464]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_SINGLE_NFS extends Structure {//nfs结构配置
+ public byte[] sNfsHostIPAddr = new byte[16];
+ public byte[] sNfsDirectory = new byte[PATHNAME_LEN]; // PATHNAME_LEN = 128
+public static class NET_DVR_NFSCFG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_SINGLE_NFS[] struNfsDiskParam = (NET_DVR_SINGLE_NFS[])new NET_DVR_SINGLE_NFS().toArray(MAX_NFS_DISK);
+//巡航点配置(HIK IP快球专用)
+public static class NET_DVR_CRUISE_POINT extends Structure {
+ public byte PresetNum; //预置点
+ public byte Dwell; //停留时间
+ public byte Speed; //速度
+ public byte Reserve; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_CRUISE_RET extends Structure {
+ public NET_DVR_CRUISE_POINT[] struCruisePoint = (NET_DVR_CRUISE_POINT[])new NET_DVR_CRUISE_POINT().toArray(32); //最大支持32个巡航点
+//多路解码器扩展 added by zxy 2007-05-23
+public static class NET_DVR_NETCFG_OTHER extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sFirstDNSIP = new byte[16];
+ public byte[] sSecondDNSIP = new byte[16];
+ public byte[] sRes = new byte[32];
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sDVRIP = new byte[16]; /* DVR IP地址 */
+ public short wDVRPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public byte byChannel; /* 通道号 */
+ public byte byTransProtocol; /* 传输协议类型 0-TCP 1-UDP */
+ public byte byTransMode; /* 传输码流模式 0-主码流 1-子码流*/
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[3];
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 监控主机登陆帐号 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 监控主机密码 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DYNAMIC_DEC extends Structure {//启动/停止动态解码
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO struDecChanInfo = new NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO(); /* 动态解码通道信息 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS extends Structure {//2007-12-13 modified by zxy 修改多路解码器的NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS结构
+ public int dwSize;//2008-1-16 modified by zxy dwIsLinked的状态由原来的0-未链接 1-连接修改成以下三种状态。
+ public int dwIsLinked; /* 解码通道状态 0-休眠 1-正在连接 2-已连接 3-正在解码 */
+ public int dwStreamCpRate; /* Stream copy rate, X kbits/second */
+ public byte[] cRes = new byte[64]; /* 保留 */
+//end 2007-12-13 modified by zxy
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_INFO extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO struDecChanInfo = new NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO(); /* 解码通道信息 */
+ public int dwDecState; /* 0-动态解码 1-循环解码 2-按时间回放 3-按文件回放 */
+ public NET_DVR_TIME StartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME(); /* 按时间回放开始时间 */
+ public NET_DVR_TIME StopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME(); /* 按时间回放停止时间 */
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[128]; /* 按文件回放文件名 */
+//连接的通道配置 2007-11-05
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECCHANINFO extends Structure {
+ public int dwEnable; /* 是否启用 0-否 1-启用*/
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO struDecChanInfo = new NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO(); /* 轮循解码通道信息 */
+//2007-11-05 新增每个解码通道的配置
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwPoolTime; /*轮巡时间 */
+//2007-05-25 多路解码器数字矩阵配置
+//矩阵行信息 2007-12-28
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_ROW_ELEMENT extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sSurvChanName = new byte[128]; /* 监控通道名称,支持中文 */
+ public int dwRowNum; /* 行号 */
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO struDecChanInfo = new NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECINFO(); /* 矩阵行信息 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_ROW_INDEX extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sSurvChanName = new byte[128]; /* 监控通道名称,支持中文 */
+ public int dwRowNum; /* 行号 */
+//矩阵列信息 2007-12-28
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_COLUMN_ELEMENT extends Structure {
+ public int dwLocalDispChanNum; /* 本地显示通道号 */
+ public int dwGlobalDispChanNum; /* 全局显示通道号 */
+ public int dwRes; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_GLOBAL_COLUMN_ELEMENT extends Structure {
+ public int dwConflictTag; /* 冲突标记,0:无冲突,1:冲突 */
+ public int dwConflictGloDispChan; /* 与之冲突的全局通道号 */
+ public NET_DVR_MATRIX_COLUMN_ELEMENT struColumnInfo = new NET_DVR_MATRIX_COLUMN_ELEMENT();/* 矩阵列元素结构体 */
+//手动查看 2007-12-28
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_ROW_COLUMN_LINK extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ /*
+ * 以下三个参数只需要指定其中一个便可指定数字矩阵里的某一行
+ * 所代表的远程监控通道。
+ * 如果指定了多个域并有冲突,设备将按照域的先后顺序为准取最先定义者。
+ */
+ public int dwRowNum; /* -1代表无效域,大于0者方为有效的矩阵行号 */
+ public byte[] sSurvChanName = new byte[128]; /* 监控通道名,是否无效按字符串的有效性判断 */
+ public int dwSurvNum; /* 监控通道号,按矩阵行列表的顺序指定,一般情况下与行号一致 */
+ /*
+ * 以下两项只需要指定其中一项便可,如果两项都有效默认选择第一项
+ */
+ public int dwGlobalDispChanNum; /* 电视墙上的电视机编号 */
+ public int dwLocalDispChanNum;
+ /*
+ * 0代表播放即时码流,
+ * 1表示按时间回访远程监控设备的文件
+ * 2表示按文件名回访
+ */
+ public int dwTimeSel;
+ public NET_DVR_TIME StartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME StopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[128];
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_PREVIEW_DISP_CHAN extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwGlobalDispChanNum; /* 电视墙上的电视机编号 */
+ public int dwLocalDispChanNum; /* 解码通道 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_PLAY_SET extends Structure {//轮循功能 2007-12-28
+ public int dwSize;
+ /* 任意指定一个,-1为无效,如果都指定则以LocalDispChanNum为准 */
+ public int dwLocalDispChanNum; /* 解码通道 */
+ public int dwGlobalDispChanNum; /* 电视墙上的电视机编号 */
+ public int dwCycTimeInterval; /* 轮循时间间隔 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOCAL_HOST_INFO extends Structure {//矩阵中心配置 2007-12-28
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwLocalHostProperty; /* 本地主机类型 0-服务器 1-客户端*/
+ public int dwIsIsolated; /* 本地主机是否独立于系统,0:联网,1:独立 */
+ public int dwLocalMatrixHostPort; /* 本地主机访问端口 */
+ public byte[] byLocalMatrixHostUsrName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 本地主机登录用户名 */
+ public byte[] byLocalMatrixHostPasswd = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 本地主机登录密码 */
+ public int dwLocalMatrixCtrlMedia; /* 控制方式 0x1串口键盘控制 0x2网络键盘控制 0x4矩阵中心控制 0x8PC客户端控制*/
+ public byte[] sMatrixCenterIP = new byte[16]; /* 矩阵中心IP地址 */
+ public int dwMatrixCenterPort; /* 矩阵中心端口号 */
+ public byte[] byMatrixCenterUsrName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 矩阵中心登录用户名 */
+ public byte[] byMatrixCenterPasswd = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 矩阵中心登录密码 */
+public static class TTY_CONFIG extends Structure {
+ public byte baudrate; /* 波特率 */
+ public byte databits; /* 数据位 */
+ public byte stopbits; /* 停止位 */
+ public byte parity; /* 奇偶校验位 */
+ public byte flowcontrol; /* 流控 */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[3];
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_INFO extends Structure {
+ public byte byTranChanEnable; /* 当前透明通道是否打开 0:关闭 1:打开 */
+ /*
+ * 多路解码器本地有1个485串口,1个232串口都可以作为透明通道,设备号分配如下:
+ * 0 RS485
+ * 1 RS232 Console
+ */
+ public byte byLocalSerialDevice; /* Local serial device */
+ /*
+ * 远程串口输出还是两个,一个RS232,一个RS485
+ * 1表示232串口
+ * 2表示485串口
+ */
+ public byte byRemoteSerialDevice; /* Remote output serial device */
+ public byte res1; /* 保留 */
+ public byte[] sRemoteDevIP= new byte[16]; /* Remote Device IP */
+ public short wRemoteDevPort; /* Remote Net Communication Port */
+ public byte[] res2= new byte[2]; /* 保留 */
+ public TTY_CONFIG RemoteSerialDevCfg = new TTY_CONFIG();
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte by232IsDualChan; /* 设置哪路232透明通道是全双工的 取值1到MAX_SERIAL_NUM */
+ public byte by485IsDualChan; /* 设置哪路485透明通道是全双工的 取值1到MAX_SERIAL_NUM */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[2]; /* 保留 */
+//2007-12-24 Merry Christmas Eve...
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sDVRIP = new byte[16]; /* DVR IP地址 */
+ public short wDVRPort; /* 端口号 */
+ public byte byChannel; /* 通道号 */
+ public byte byReserve;
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 用户名 */
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; /* 密码 */
+ public int dwPlayMode; /* 0-按文件 1-按时间*/
+ public NET_DVR_TIME StartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME StopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[128];
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY_CONTROL extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwPlayCmd; /* 播放命令 见文件播放命令*/
+ public int dwCmdParam; /* 播放命令参数 */
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY_STATUS extends Structure {
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwCurMediaFileLen; /* 当前播放的媒体文件长度 */
+ public int dwCurMediaFilePosition; /* 当前播放文件的播放位置 */
+ public int dwCurMediaFileDuration; /* 当前播放文件的总时间 */
+ public int dwCurPlayTime; /* 当前已经播放的时间 */
+ public int dwCurMediaFIleFrames; /* 当前播放文件的总帧数 */
+ public int dwCurDataType; /* 当前传输的数据类型,19-文件头,20-流数据, 21-播放结束标志 */
+ public byte[] res = new byte[72];
+public static class NET_DVR_MATRIX_PASSIVEMODE extends Structure {
+ public short wTransProtol; //传输协议,0-TCP, 1-UDP, 2-MCAST
+ public short wPassivePort; //TCP,UDP时为TCP,UDP端口, MCAST时为MCAST端口
+ public byte[] sMcastIP = new byte[16]; //TCP,UDP时无效, MCAST时为多播地址
+ public byte[] res = new byte[8];
+public static class NET_DVR_EMAILCFG extends Structure
+{ /* 12 bytes */
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[32];
+ public byte[] sPassWord = new byte[32];
+ public byte[] sFromName = new byte[32]; /* Sender *///字符串中的第一个字符和最后一个字符不能是"@",并且字符串中要有"@"字符
+ public byte[] sFromAddr = new byte[48]; /* Sender address */
+ public byte[] sToName1 = new byte[32]; /* Receiver1 */
+ public byte[] sToName2 = new byte[32]; /* Receiver2 */
+ public byte[] sToAddr1 = new byte[48]; /* Receiver address1 */
+ public byte[] sToAddr2 = new byte[48]; /* Receiver address2 */
+ public byte[] sEmailServer = new byte[32]; /* Email server address */
+ public byte byServerType; /* Email server type: 0-SMTP, 1-POP, 2-IMTP…*/
+ public byte byUseAuthen; /* Email server authentication method: 1-enable, 0-disable */
+ public byte byAttachment; /* enable attachment */
+ public byte byMailinterval; /* mail interval 0-2s, 1-3s, 2-4s. 3-5s*/
+public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSIONCFG_NEW extends Structure
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_EX struLowCompression = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_EX(); //定时录像
+ public NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_EX struEventCompression = new NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_INFO_EX(); //事件触发录像
+public static class NET_DVR_PTZPOS extends Structure
+ public short wAction;//获取时该字段无效
+ public short wPanPos;//水平参数
+ public short wTiltPos;//垂直参数
+ public short wZoomPos;//变倍参数
+public static class NET_DVR_PTZSCOPE extends Structure
+ public short wPanPosMin;//水平参数min
+ public short wPanPosMax;//水平参数max
+ public short wTiltPosMin;//垂直参数min
+ public short wTiltPosMax;//垂直参数max
+ public short wZoomPosMin;//变倍参数min
+ public short wZoomPosMax;//变倍参数max
+//rtsp配置 ipcamera专用
+public static class NET_DVR_RTSPCFG extends Structure
+ public int dwSize; //长度
+ public short wPort; //rtsp服务器侦听端口
+ public byte[] byReserve = new byte[54]; //预留
+ public static class DEMO_CHANNEL_TYPE
+ {
+ public final static int DEMO_CHANNEL_TYPE_INVALID = -1;
+ public final static int DEMO_CHANNEL_TYPE_ANALOG = 0;
+ public final static int DEMO_CHANNEL_TYPE_IP = 1;
+ public final static int DEMO_CHANNEL_TYPE_MIRROR = 2;
+ };
+public static class STRU_CHANNEL_INFO extends Structure{
+ public int iDeviceIndex; //device index
+ public int iChanIndex; //channel index
+ public int iChanType ;
+ public int iChannelNO; //channel NO.
+ public byte[] chChanName = new byte[100]; //channel name
+ public int dwProtocol; //network protocol
+ public int dwStreamType; //码流类型,0-主码流,1-子码流,2-码流3,
+ public int dwLinkMode;//码流连接方式: 0:TCP方式,1:UDP方式,2:多播方式,3 - RTP方式,4-RTP/RTSP,5-RSTP/HTTP
+ public boolean bPassbackRecord; //0-不启用录像回传,1启用录像回传
+ public int dwPreviewMode; //预览模式 0-正常模式 1-延时预览
+ public int iPicResolution; //resolution
+ public int iPicQuality; //image quality
+ public NativeLong lRealHandle; //preview handle
+ public boolean bLocalManualRec; //manual record
+ public boolean bAlarm; //alarm
+ public boolean bEnable; //enable
+ public int dwImageType; //channel status icon
+ public byte[] chAccessChanIP = new byte[16];//ip addr of IP channel
+ public int nPreviewProtocolType;
+ public Pointer pNext;
+ public void init()
+ {
+ iDeviceIndex = -1;
+ iChanIndex = -1;
+ iChannelNO = -1;
+ chChanName = null;
+ dwProtocol = 0;
+ dwStreamType = 0;
+ dwLinkMode = 0;
+ iPicResolution = 0;
+ iPicQuality = 2;
+ lRealHandle = new NativeLong(-1);
+ bLocalManualRec = false;
+ bAlarm = false;
+ bEnable = false;
+ dwImageType = 6;
+ chAccessChanIP = null;
+ pNext = null;
+ dwPreviewMode = 0;
+ bPassbackRecord = false;
+ nPreviewProtocolType = 0;
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_IPDEVINFO_V31 extends Structure
+ public byte byEnable; //该IP设备是否有效
+ public byte byProType; //协议类型,0-私有协议,1-松下协议,2-索尼
+ public byte byEnableQuickAdd; // 0 不支持快速添加 1 使用快速添加
+ // 快速添加需要设备IP和协议类型,其他信息由设备默认指定
+ public byte byRes1; //保留字段,置0
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; //用户名
+ public byte []sPassword = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; //密码
+ public byte []byDomain = new byte[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME]; //设备域名
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //IP地址
+ public short wDVRPort; // 端口号
+ public byte[] szDeviceID = new byte[DEV_ID_LEN]; //设备ID
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[2]; //保留字段,置0
+public static class NET_DVR_IPSERVER_STREAM extends Structure
+ public byte [] byEnable; // 是否在线
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[3]; // 保留字节
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struIPServer = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //IPServer 地址
+ public short wPort; //IPServer 端口
+ public short wDvrNameLen; // DVR 名称长度
+ public byte [] byDVRName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; // DVR名称
+ public short wDVRSerialLen; // 序列号长度
+ public short [] byRes1 = new short[2]; // 保留字节
+ public byte [] byDVRSerialNumber = new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; // DVR序列号长度
+ public byte [] byUserName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; // DVR 登陆用户名
+ public byte [] byPassWord = new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; // DVR登陆密码
+ public byte byChannel; // DVR 通道
+ public byte [] byRes2 = new byte[11]; // 保留字节
+public static class NET_DVR_STREAM_MEDIA_SERVER_CFG extends Structure
+ public byte byValid; /*是否可用*/
+ public byte[] byRes1=new byte[3];
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struDevIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public short wDevPort; /*流媒体服务器端口*/
+ public byte byTransmitType; /*传输协议类型 0-TCP,1-UDP*/
+ public byte[] byRes2=new byte[69];
+public static class NET_DVR_DEV_CHAN_INFO extends Structure
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //DVR IP地址
+ public short wDVRPort; //端口号
+ public byte byChannel; //通道号
+ public byte byTransProtocol; //传输协议类型0-TCP,1-UDP
+ public byte byTransMode; //传输码流模式 0-主码流 1-子码流
+ public byte byFactoryType; /*前端设备厂家类型,通过接口获取*/
+ public byte byDeviceType; //设备类型(视频综合平台智能板使用),1-解码器(此时根据视频综合平台能力集中byVcaSupportChanMode字段来决定是使用解码通道还是显示通道),2-编码器
+ public byte byDispChan;//显示通道号,智能配置使用
+ public byte bySubDispChan;//显示通道子通道号,智能配置时使用
+ public byte byResolution; //; 1-CIF 2-4CIF 3-720P 4-1080P 5-500w大屏控制器使用,大屏控制器会根据该参数分配解码资源
+ public byte[]byRes=new byte[2];
+ public byte [] byDomain=new byte[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME]; //设备域名
+ public byte[] sUserName=new byte[NAME_LEN]; //监控主机登陆帐号
+ public byte []sPassword=new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; //监控主机密码
+public static class NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_CFG extends Structure
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_DEV_CHAN_INFO struDevChanInfo = new NET_DVR_DEV_CHAN_INFO();
+public static class NET_DVR_DDNS_STREAM_CFG extends Structure
+ public byte byEnable; // 是否启用
+ public byte [] byRes1=new byte[3];
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struStreamServer = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //流媒体服务器地址
+ public short wStreamServerPort; //流媒体服务器端口
+ public byte byStreamServerTransmitType; //流媒体传输协议类型 0-TCP,1-UDP
+ public byte byRes2;
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struIPServer = new NET_DVR_IPADDR(); //IPSERVER地址
+ public short wIPServerPort; //IPserver端口号
+ public byte [] byRes3=new byte[2];
+ public byte [] sDVRName=new byte[NAME_LEN]; //DVR名称
+ public short wDVRNameLen; // DVR名称长度
+ public short wDVRSerialLen; // 序列号长度
+ public byte[] sDVRSerialNumber=new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; // DVR序列号
+ public byte [] sUserName=new byte[NAME_LEN]; // DVR 登陆用户名
+ public byte [] sPassWord=new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; // DVR登陆密码
+ public short wDVRPort; //DVR端口号
+ public byte [] byRes4=new byte[2];
+ public byte byChannel; // DVR 通道
+ public byte byTransProtocol; //传输协议类型0-TCP,1-UDP
+ public byte byTransMode; //传输码流模式 0-主码流 1-子码流
+ public byte byFactoryType; //前端设备厂家类型,通过接口获取
+public static class NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_URL extends Structure
+ public byte byEnable;
+ public byte [] strURL=new byte[240];
+ public byte byTransPortocol ; // 传输协议类型 0-tcp 1-UDP
+ public short wIPID; //设备ID号,wIPID = iDevInfoIndex + iGroupNO*64 +1
+ public byte byChannel; //通道号
+ public byte [] byRes=new byte[7];
+public static class NET_DVR_HKDDNS_STREAM extends Structure
+ public byte byEnable; // 是否在线
+ public byte [] byRes=new byte[3]; // 保留字节
+ public byte [] byDDNSDomain=new byte[64]; // hiDDNS服务器
+ public short wPort; // hiDDNS 端口
+ public short wAliasLen; // 别名长度
+ public byte [] byAlias=new byte[NAME_LEN]; // 别名
+ public short wDVRSerialLen; // 序列号长度
+ public byte [] byRes1=new byte[2]; // 保留字节
+ public byte [] byDVRSerialNumber=new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; // DVR序列号
+ public byte [] byUserName=new byte[NAME_LEN]; // DVR 登陆用户名
+ public byte [] byPassWord=new byte[PASSWD_LEN]; // DVR登陆密码
+ public byte byChannel; // DVR通道
+ public byte [] byRes2=new byte[11]; // 保留字
+public static class NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO_V40 extends Structure
+ public byte byEnable; /* 该通道是否在线 */
+ public byte byRes1;
+ public short wIPID; //IP设备ID
+ public int dwChannel; //通道号
+ public byte byTransProtocol; //传输协议类型0-TCP,1-UDP
+ public byte byTransMode; //传输码流模式 0-主码流 1-子码流
+ public byte byFactoryType; /*前端设备厂家类型,通过接口获取*/
+ public byte[] byRes=new byte[241];
+public static class NET_DVR_GET_STREAM_UNION extends Union
+ public NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO struChanInfo = new NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO(); /*IP通道信息*/
+ public NET_DVR_IPSERVER_STREAM struIPServerStream = new NET_DVR_IPSERVER_STREAM(); // IPServer去流
+ public NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_CFG struPUStream = new NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_CFG(); // 通过前端设备获取流媒体去流
+ public NET_DVR_DDNS_STREAM_CFG struDDNSStream = new NET_DVR_DDNS_STREAM_CFG(); //通过IPServer和流媒体取流
+ public NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_URL struStreamUrl = new NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_URL(); //通过流媒体到url取流
+ public NET_DVR_HKDDNS_STREAM struHkDDNSStream = new NET_DVR_HKDDNS_STREAM(); //通过hiDDNS去取流
+ public NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO_V40 struIPChan = new NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO_V40(); //直接从设备取流(扩展)
+public static class NET_DVR_STREAM_MODE extends Structure
+ public byte byGetStreamType; //取流方式GET_STREAM_TYPE,0-直接从设备取流,1-从流媒体取流、2-通过IPServer获得ip地址后取流,3.通过IPServer找到设备,再通过流媒体去设备的流
+ //4-通过流媒体由URL去取流,5-通过hkDDNS取流,6-直接从设备取流(扩展),使用NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO_V40结构, 7-通过RTSP协议方式进行取流
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[3]; //保留字节
+ public NET_DVR_GET_STREAM_UNION uGetStream; // 不同取流方式结构体
+public static class NET_DVR_IPPARACFG_V40 extends Structure
+ public int dwSize; /* 结构大小 */
+ public int dwGroupNum; // 设备支持的总组数
+ public int dwAChanNum; //最大模拟通道个数
+ public int dwDChanNum; //数字通道个数
+ public int dwStartDChan; //起始数字通道
+ public byte[] byAnalogChanEnable = new byte[MAX_CHANNUM_V30]; /* 模拟通道是否启用,从低到高表示1-64通道,0表示无效 1有效 */
+ public NET_DVR_IPDEVINFO_V31 [] struIPDevInfo = (NET_DVR_IPDEVINFO_V31[])new NET_DVR_IPDEVINFO_V31().toArray(MAX_IP_DEVICE_V40); /* IP设备 */
+ public NET_DVR_STREAM_MODE [] struStreamMode = (NET_DVR_STREAM_MODE [])new NET_DVR_STREAM_MODE().toArray(MAX_CHANNUM_V30);
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[20]; // 保留字节
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMININFO_V40 extends Structure
+ public int dwIPID; /* IP设备ID */
+ public int dwAlarmIn; /* IP设备ID对应的报警输入号 */
+ public byte[] byRes= new byte[32]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMINCFG_V40 extends Structure
+ public int dwSize; //结构体长度
+ public int dwCurIPAlarmInNum; //当前报警输入口数
+ public NET_DVR_IPALARMININFO_V40[] struIPAlarmInInfo = (NET_DVR_IPALARMININFO_V40[])new NET_DVR_IPALARMININFO_V40().toArray(4096);/* IP报警输入*/
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[256];
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTINFO_V40 extends Structure
+ public int dwIPID; /* IP设备ID */
+ public int dwAlarmOut; /* IP设备ID对应的报警输出号 */
+ public byte [] byRes= new byte[32]; /* 保留 */
+public static class NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTCFG_V40 extends Structure
+ public int dwSize; //结构体长度
+ public int dwCurIPAlarmOutNum;
+ public NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTINFO_V40 []struIPAlarmOutInfo = (NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTINFO_V40[])new NET_DVR_IPALARMOUTINFO_V40().toArray(4096);/*IP报警输出*/
+ public byte[] byRes= new byte[256];
+public static class PASSIVEDECODE_CHANINFO extends Structure
+ public NativeLong lPassiveHandle;
+ public NativeLong lRealHandle;
+ public NativeLong lUserID;
+ public NativeLong lSel;
+ public Pointer hFileThread;
+ public Pointer hFileHandle;
+ public Pointer hExitThread;
+ public Pointer hThreadExit;
+ String strRecordFilePath;
+ public void init()
+ {
+ lPassiveHandle = new NativeLong(-1);
+ lRealHandle = new NativeLong(-1);
+ lUserID = new NativeLong(-1);
+ lSel = new NativeLong(-1);
+ hFileThread = null;
+ hFileHandle = null;
+ hExitThread = null;
+ hThreadExit = null;
+ strRecordFilePath = null;
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO extends Structure
+ public byte[] sSerialNumber = new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; //序列号
+ public byte byAlarmInPortNum; //DVR报警输入个数
+ public byte byAlarmOutPortNum; //DVR报警输出个数
+ public byte byDiskNum; //DVR硬盘个数
+ public byte byDVRType; //DVR类型, 1:DVR 2:ATM DVR 3:DVS ......
+ public byte byChanNum; //DVR 通道个数
+ public byte byStartChan; //起始通道号,例如DVS-1,DVR - 1
+public static class NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 extends Structure
+ public byte[] sSerialNumber = new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; //序列号
+ public byte byAlarmInPortNum; //报警输入个数
+ public byte byAlarmOutPortNum; //报警输出个数
+ public byte byDiskNum; //硬盘个数
+ public byte byDVRType; //设备类型, 1:DVR 2:ATM DVR 3:DVS ......
+ public byte byChanNum; //模拟通道个数
+ public byte byStartChan; //起始通道号,例如DVS-1,DVR - 1
+ public byte byAudioChanNum; //语音通道数
+ public byte byIPChanNum; //最大数字通道个数
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[24]; //保留
+//public static class NET_DVR_USER_LOGIN_INFO extends Structure
+// public byte[] sDeviceAddress = new byte[NET_DVR_DEV_ADDRESS_MAX_LEN];
+// public byte byRes1;
+// public short wPort;
+// public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NET_DVR_LOGIN_USERNAME_MAX_LEN];
+// public byte[] sPassword = new byte[NET_DVR_LOGIN_PASSWD_MAX_LEN];
+// public FLoginResultCallBack cbLoginResult;
+// public Pointer pUser;
+// public boolean bUseAsynLogin;
+// public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[128];
+public static class NET_DVR_USER_LOGIN_INFO extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sDeviceAddress = new byte[NET_DVR_DEV_ADDRESS_MAX_LEN];
+ public byte byUseTransport;
+ public short wPort;
+// public fLoginResultCallBack cbLoginResult;
+ public byte[] sUserName = new byte[NET_DVR_LOGIN_USERNAME_MAX_LEN];
+ public byte[] sPassword = new byte[NET_DVR_LOGIN_PASSWD_MAX_LEN];
+ public FLoginResultCallBack cbLoginResult;
+ Pointer pUser;
+ public int bUseAsynLogin;
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[128];
+public static class NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V40 extends Structure
+ public NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 struDeviceV30 = new NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 ();
+ public byte bySupportLock;
+ public byte byRetryLoginTime;
+ public byte byPasswordLevel;
+ public byte byRes1;
+ public int dwSurplusLockTime;
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[256];
+ enum _SDK_NET_ENV
+ ENUM_UPGRADE_DVR, // 普通设备升级
+ ENUM_UPGRADE_ACS, // 门禁系统升级
+ enum SEND_MODE
+ NONE, //SDK中无此模式,只是为了填补0这个位置
+ MONOPOLIZE_MODE , //独占模式 1
+ SHARE_MODE //共享模式 2
+ public static class NET_DVR_CLIENTINFO extends Structure {
+ public NativeLong lChannel;
+ public NativeLong lLinkMode;
+ public HWND hPlayWnd;
+ public String sMultiCastIP;
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_PREVIEWINFO extends Structure
+ {
+ public NativeLong lChannel;
+ public int dwStreamType;
+ public int dwLinkMode;
+ public HWND hPlayWnd;
+ public boolean bBlocked;
+ public boolean bPassbackRecord;
+ public byte byPreviewMode;
+ public byte[] byStreamID = new byte[STREAM_ID_LEN];
+ public byte byProtoType;
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[2];
+ public int dwDisplayBufNum;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[216];
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_SDKSTATE extends Structure
+ public int dwTotalLoginNum; //当前login用户数
+ public int dwTotalRealPlayNum; //当前realplay路数
+ public int dwTotalPlayBackNum; //当前回放或下载路数
+ public int dwTotalAlarmChanNum; //当前建立报警通道路数
+ public int dwTotalFormatNum; //当前硬盘格式化路数
+ public int dwTotalFileSearchNum; //当前日志或文件搜索路数
+ public int dwTotalLogSearchNum; //当前日志或文件搜索路数
+ public int dwTotalSerialNum; //当前透明通道路数
+ public int dwTotalUpgradeNum; //当前升级路数
+ public int dwTotalVoiceComNum; //当前语音转发路数
+ public int dwTotalBroadCastNum; //当前语音广播路数
+ public int[] dwRes = new int[10];
+public static class NET_DVR_SDKABL extends Structure
+ public int dwMaxLoginNum; //最大login用户数 MAX_LOGIN_USERS
+ public int dwMaxRealPlayNum; //最大realplay路数 WATCH_NUM
+ public int dwMaxPlayBackNum; //最大回放或下载路数 WATCH_NUM
+ public int dwMaxAlarmChanNum; //最大建立报警通道路数 ALARM_NUM
+ public int dwMaxFormatNum; //最大硬盘格式化路数 SERVER_NUM
+ public int dwMaxFileSearchNum; //最大文件搜索路数 SERVER_NUM
+ public int dwMaxLogSearchNum; //最大日志搜索路数 SERVER_NUM
+ public int dwMaxSerialNum; //最大透明通道路数 SERVER_NUM
+ public int dwMaxUpgradeNum; //最大升级路数 SERVER_NUM
+ public int dwMaxVoiceComNum; //最大语音转发路数 SERVER_NUM
+ public int dwMaxBroadCastNum; //最大语音广播路数 MAX_CASTNUM
+ public int[] dwRes = new int[10];
+public static class NET_DVR_ALARMER extends Structure
+ public byte byUserIDValid; /* userid是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte bySerialValid; /* 序列号是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte byVersionValid; /* 版本号是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte byDeviceNameValid; /* 设备名字是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte byMacAddrValid; /* MAC地址是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte byLinkPortValid; /* login端口是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte byDeviceIPValid; /* 设备IP是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public byte bySocketIPValid; /* socket ip是否有效 0-无效,1-有效 */
+ public NativeLong lUserID; /* NET_DVR_Login()返回值, 布防时有效 */
+ public byte[] sSerialNumber = new byte[SERIALNO_LEN]; /* 序列号 */
+ public int dwDeviceVersion; /* 版本信息 高16位表示主版本,低16位表示次版本*/
+ public byte[] sDeviceName = new byte[NAME_LEN]; /* 设备名字 */
+ public byte[] byMacAddr = new byte[MACADDR_LEN]; /* MAC地址 */
+ public short wLinkPort; /* link port */
+ public byte[] sDeviceIP = new byte[128]; /* IP地址 */
+ public byte[] sSocketIP = new byte[128]; /* 报警主动上传时的socket IP地址 */
+ public byte byIpProtocol; /* Ip协议 0-IPV4, 1-IPV6 */
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[11];
+public static class NET_DVR_DISPLAY_PARA extends Structure
+ public NativeLong bToScreen;
+ public NativeLong bToVideoOut;
+ public NativeLong nLeft;
+ public NativeLong nTop;
+ public NativeLong nWidth;
+ public NativeLong nHeight;
+ public NativeLong nReserved;
+public static class NET_DVR_CARDINFO extends Structure
+ public NativeLong lChannel;//通道号
+ public NativeLong lLinkMode; //最高位(31)为0表示主码流,为1表示子,0-30位表示码流连接方式:0:TCP方式,1:UDP方式,2:多播方式,3 - RTP方式,4-电话线,5-128k宽带,6-256k宽带,7-384k宽带,8-512k宽带;
+ public String sMultiCastIP;
+ public NET_DVR_DISPLAY_PARA struDisplayPara = new NET_DVR_DISPLAY_PARA();
+public static class NET_DVR_FIND_DATA extends Structure
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[100];//文件名
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//文件的开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//文件的结束时间
+ public int dwFileSize;//文件的大小
+ public static class NET_DVR_FINDDATA_V30 extends Structure {
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[100];//文件名
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//文件的开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//文件的结束时间
+ public int dwFileSize;//文件的大小
+ public byte[] sCardNum = new byte[32];
+ public byte byLocked;//9000设备支持,1表示此文件已经被锁定,0表示正常的文件
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[3];
+ }
+public static class NET_DVR_FINDDATA_CARD extends Structure
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[100];//文件名
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//文件的开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//文件的结束时间
+ public int dwFileSize;//文件的大小
+ public byte[] sCardNum = new byte[32];
+public static class NET_DVR_STREAM_INFO extends Structure
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] byID = new byte[STREAM_ID_LEN];
+ public int dwChannel;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[32];
+public static class NET_DVR_VOD_PARA extends Structure
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struBeginTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struEndTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public HWND hWnd;
+ public byte byDrawFrame;
+ public byte byVolumeType;
+ public byte byVolumeNum;
+ public byte byStreamType;
+ public int dwFileIndex;
+ public byte byAudioFile;
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[23];
+ public static class NET_DVR_FILECOND extends Structure //录象文件查找条件结构
+ {
+ public NativeLong lChannel;//通道号
+ public int dwFileType;//录象文件类型0xff-全部,0-定时录像,1-移动侦测 ,2-报警触发,3-报警|移动侦测 4-报警&移动侦测 5-命令触发 6-手动录像
+ public int dwIsLocked;//是否锁定 0-正常文件,1-锁定文件, 0xff表示所有文件
+ public int dwUseCardNo;//是否使用卡号
+ public byte[] sCardNumber = new byte[32];//卡号
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();//结束时间
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_FILECOND_V40 extends Structure
+ {
+ public NativeLong lChannel;
+ public int dwFileType;
+ public int dwIsLocked;
+ public int dwUseCardNo;
+ public byte[] sCardNumber = new byte[CARDNUM_LEN_OUT];
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public byte byDrawFrame;
+ public byte byFindType;
+ public byte byQuickSearch;
+ public byte bySpecialFindInfoType;
+ public int dwVolumeNum;
+ public byte[] byWorkingDeviceGUID = new byte[GUID_LEN];
+ public byte byStreamType;
+ public byte byAudioFile;
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[30];
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_SPECIAL_FINDINFO_UNION extends Structure
+ {
+ public byte[] byLength = new byte[8];
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_ATMEINDINFO extends Structure
+ {
+ public byte byTransactionType;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[3];
+ public int dwTransationAmount;
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_FINDDATA_V40 extends Structure
+ {
+ public byte[] sFileName = new byte[100];
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public int dwFileSize;
+ public byte[] sCardNum = new byte[32];
+ public byte byLocked;
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[127];
+ public byte byFileType;
+ public byte byQuickSearch;
+ public byte byRes;
+ public int dwFileIndex;
+ public byte byStreamType;
+ }
+ public static class NET_DVR_PLAYCOND extends Structure
+ {
+ public int dwChannel;
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public byte byDrawFrame;
+ public byte byStreamType;
+ public byte[] byStreamID = new byte[STREAM_ID_LEN];
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[30];
+ }
+//云台区域选择放大缩小(HIK 快球专用)
+public static class NET_DVR_POINT_FRAME extends Structure
+ public int xTop; //方框起始点的x坐标
+ public int yTop; //方框结束点的y坐标
+ public int xBottom; //方框结束点的x坐标
+ public int yBottom; //方框结束点的y坐标
+ public int bCounter; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_COMPRESSION_AUDIO extends Structure
+ public byte byAudioEncType; //音频编码类型 0-G722; 1-G711
+ public byte[] byres= new byte [7];//这里保留音频的压缩参数
+public static class RECV_ALARM extends Structure{
+ public byte[] RecvBuffer = new byte[400];//此处的400应不小于最大报警报文长度
+public static class NET_DVR_PTZ_PATTERN extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwChannel;
+ public int dwPatternCmd;
+ public int dwPatternID;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[64];
+public static class NET_DVR_FUZZY_UPGRADE extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] sUpgradeInfo = new byte[48];
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[64];
+public static class NET_DVR_SERIALSTART_V40 extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwSerialType;
+ public byte bySerialNum;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[255];
+public static class NET_DVR_AUXILIARY_DEV_UPGRADE_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwDevNo;
+ public byte byDevType;
+ public byte [] byRes=new byte[131];
+public static class struStatFrame extends Structure{
+ public int dwRelativeTime;
+ public int dwAbsTime;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[92];
+public static class struStartTime extends Structure{
+ public NET_DVR_TIME tmStart = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public NET_DVR_TIME tmEnd = new NET_DVR_TIME();
+ public byte []byRes = new byte[92];
+public static class uStatModeParam extends Union{
+ public struStatFrame strustatFrame = new struStatFrame();
+ public struStartTime strustartTime = new struStartTime();
+public static class NET_VCA_DEV_INFO extends Structure{
+ public NET_DVR_IPADDR struDevIP = new NET_DVR_IPADDR();
+ public short wPort;
+ public byte byChannel;
+ public byte byIvmsChannel;
+public static class NET_DVR_PDC_ALRAM_INFO extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte byMode;
+ public byte byChannel;
+ public byte bySmart;
+ public byte byRes1;
+ public NET_VCA_DEV_INFO struDevInfo = new NET_VCA_DEV_INFO();
+ public uStatModeParam ustateModeParam = new uStatModeParam();
+ public int dwLeaveNum;
+ public int dwEnterNum;
+ public byte[] byRes2 = new byte[40];
+public static class NET_DVR_PLATE_INFO extends Structure{
+ public byte byPlateType;
+ public byte byColor;
+ public byte byBright;
+ public byte byLicenseLen;
+ public byte byEntireBelieve;
+ public byte byRegion;
+ public byte byCountry;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[33];
+ public NET_VCA_RECT struPlateRect = new NET_VCA_RECT();
+ public String sLicense;
+ public byte[] byBelieve = new byte[MAX_LICENSE_LEN];
+public static class NET_DVR_VEHICLE_INFO extends Structure{
+ public int dwIndex;
+ public byte byVehicleType;
+ public byte byColorDepth;
+ public byte byColor;
+ public byte byRes1;
+ public short wSpeed;
+ public short wLength;
+ public byte byIllegalType;
+ public byte byVehicleLogoRecog;
+ public byte byVehicleSubLogoRecog;
+ public byte byVehicleModel;
+ public byte[] byCustomInfo = new byte[16];
+ public short wVehicleLogoRecog;
+ public byte[] byRes3 = new byte[14];
+public static class NET_DVR_PLATE_RESULT extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte byResultType;
+ public byte byChanIndex;
+ public short wAlarmRecordID;
+ public int dwRelativeTime;
+ public byte[] byAbsTime = new byte[32];
+ public int dwPicLen;
+ public int dwPicPlateLen;
+ public int dwVideoLen;
+ public byte byTrafficLight;
+ public byte byPicNum;
+ public byte byDriveChan;
+ public byte byVehicleType;
+ public int dwBinPicLen;
+ public int dwCarPicLen;
+ public int dwFarCarPicLen;
+ public ByteByReference pBuffer3;
+ public ByteByReference pBuffer4;
+ public ByteByReference pBuffer5;
+ public byte byRelaLaneDirectionType;
+ public byte[] byRes3 = new byte[7];
+ public NET_DVR_PLATE_INFO struPlateInfo = new NET_DVR_PLATE_INFO();
+ public NET_DVR_VEHICLE_INFO struVehicleInfo = new NET_DVR_VEHICLE_INFO();
+ public ByteByReference pBuffer1;
+ public ByteByReference pBuffer2;
+public static class NET_ITC_PLATE_RECOG_PARAM extends Structure {
+ public byte[] byDefaultCHN = new byte[MAX_CHJC_NUM];
+ public byte byEnable;
+ public int dwRecogMode;
+ public byte byVehicleLogoRecog;
+ public byte byProvince;
+ public byte byRegion;
+ public byte byRes1;
+ public short wPlatePixelWidthMin;
+ public short wPlatePixelWidthMax;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[24];
+public static class NET_VCA_RECT extends Structure{
+ public float fX;
+ public float fY;
+ public float fWidth;
+ public float fHeight;
+public static class NET_VCA_POINT extends Structure{
+ public float fX;
+ public float fY;
+public static class NET_ITC_POLYGON extends Structure{
+ public int dwPointNum;
+ public NET_ITC_POLYGON()
+ {
+ for(int i=0;i<ITC_MAX_POLYGON_POINT_NUM;i++)
+ {
+ struPos[i] = new NET_VCA_POINT();
+ }
+ }
+public static class B extends Structure{
+ public int b1;
+ public int b2;
+ public int b3;
+public static class A extends Union{
+ public int [] arr = new int[2];
+ public B b;
+ public A()
+ {
+ arr[0]=1;
+ arr[1]=1;
+ //arr[2]=2;
+ //arr[3]=3;
+ }
+public static class uRegion extends Union {
+ public NET_VCA_RECT struRect = new NET_VCA_RECT();
+ public NET_ITC_POLYGON struPolygon = new NET_ITC_POLYGON();
+public static class NET_ITC_PLATE_RECOG_REGION_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byMode;
+ public byte[] byRes1 = new byte[3];
+ public uRegion uregion = new uRegion();
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[16];
+public static class NET_ITC_SINGLE_IOSPEED_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byEnable;
+ public byte byTrigCoil1;
+ public byte byCoil1IOStatus;
+ public byte byTrigCoil2;
+ public byte byCoil2IOStatus;
+ public byte byRelatedDriveWay;
+ public byte byTimeOut;
+ public byte byRelatedIOOutEx;
+ public int dwDistance;
+ public byte byCapSpeed;
+ public byte bySpeedLimit;
+ public byte bySpeedCapEn;
+ public byte bySnapTimes1;
+ public byte bySnapTimes2;
+ public byte byBigCarSpeedLimit;
+ public byte byBigCarSignSpeed;
+ public byte byIntervalType;
+ public short[] wInterval1 = new short[MAX_INTERVAL_NUM];
+ public short[] wInterval2 = new short[MAX_INTERVAL_NUM];
+ public byte[] byRelatedIOOut = new byte[MAX_IOOUT_NUM];
+ public byte byFlashMode;
+ public byte byLaneType;
+ public byte byCarSignSpeed;
+ public byte byUseageType;
+ public byte byRelaLaneDirectionType;
+ public byte byLowSpeedLimit;
+ public byte byBigCarLowSpeedLimit;
+ public byte byLowSpeedCapEn;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[28];
+ {
+ for(int i=0;i<MAX_LANEAREA_NUM;i++)
+ {
+ struPlateRecog[i] = new NET_ITC_PLATE_RECOG_REGION_PARAM();
+ }
+ }
+public static class NET_ITC_POST_IOSPEED_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[32];
+ {
+ for(int i=0;i<MAX_IOSPEED_GROUP_NUM;i++)
+ {
+ struSingleIOSpeed[i] = new NET_ITC_SINGLE_IOSPEED_PARAM();
+ }
+ }
+public static class NET_ITC_TRIGGER_PARAM_UNION extends Union{
+ public int[] uLen = new int[1070];
+public static class NET_ITC_SINGLE_TRIGGERCFG extends Structure{
+ public byte byEnable;
+ public byte [] byRes1 = new byte[3];
+ public int dwTriggerType;
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[64];
+public static class NET_ITC_TRIGGERCFG extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[32];
+public static class NET_DVR_AUDIO_INPUT_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byAudioInputType;
+ public byte byVolume;
+ public byte byEnableNoiseFilter;
+ public byte[] byres = new byte[5];
+public static class NET_DVR_MULTI_STREAM_COMPRESSIONCFG_COND extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_STREAM_INFO struStreamInfo = new NET_DVR_STREAM_INFO();
+ public int dwStreamType;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[32];
+public static class NET_DVR_MULTI_STREAM_COMPRESSIONCFG extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public int dwStreamType;
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[80];
+public static class NET_DVR_DAYTIME extends Structure{
+ public byte byHour; //时,取值范围:0~24
+ public byte byMinute; //分,取值范围:0~60
+ public byte bySecond; //秒,取值范围:0~60
+ public byte byRes; //保留,置为0
+ public short wMilliSecond; //毫秒,取值范围:0~1000
+ public byte [] byRes1 = new byte[2]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_SCHEDULE_DAYTIME extends Structure{
+ public NET_DVR_DAYTIME struStartTime = new NET_DVR_DAYTIME(); //开始时间
+ public NET_DVR_DAYTIME struStopTime = new NET_DVR_DAYTIME(); //结束时间
+public static class NET_DVR_VIDEOEFFECT extends Structure{
+ public byte byBrightnessLevel; //亮度,取值范围[0,100]
+ public byte byContrastLevel; //对比度,取值范围[0,100]
+ public byte bySharpnessLevel; //锐度,取值范围[0,100]
+ public byte bySaturationLevel; //饱和度,取值范围[0,100]
+ public byte byHueLevel; //色度,取值范围[0,100],保留
+ public byte byEnableFunc; //使能,按位表示。bit0-SMART IR(防过曝),bit1-低照度,bit2-强光抑制使能,值:0-否,1-是,例如byEnableFunc&0x2==1表示使能低照度功能; bit3-锐度类型,值:0-自动,1-手动
+ public byte byLightInhibitLevel; //强光抑制等级,取值范围:[1,3]
+ public byte byGrayLevel; //灰度值域:0-[0,255],1-[16,235]
+public static class NET_DVR_GAIN extends Structure{
+ public byte byGainLevel; //增益,单位dB,取值范围[0,100]
+ public byte byGainUserSet; //用户自定义增益,单位dB,取值范围[0,100],对于智能交通摄像机,是CCD模式下的抓拍增益
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[2]; //保留,置为0
+ public int dwMaxGainValue; //最大增益值,单位dB
+public static class NET_DVR_WHITEBALANCE extends Structure{
+ public byte byWhiteBalanceMode; //0-手动白平衡(MWB),1-自动白平衡1(AWB1,范围小),2-自动白平衡2(AWB2,范围宽,2200K-15000K),3- 锁定白平衡(Locked WB),4-室外,5-室内,6-日光灯,7-钠灯,8-自动跟踪(Auto-Track),9-一次白平衡(One Push),10-室外自动(Auto-Outdoor),11-钠灯自动(Auto-Sodiumlight),12-水银灯模式(Mercury Lamp),13-自动白平衡(Auto),14-白炽灯 (IncandescentLamp),15-暖光灯(Warm Light Lamp),16-自然光(Natural Light)
+ public byte byWhiteBalanceModeRGain; //手动白平衡时有效,手动白平衡R增益
+ public byte byWhiteBalanceModeBGain; //手动白平衡时有效,手动白平衡B增益
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[5]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_EXPOSURE extends Structure{
+ public byte byExposureMode; //0-手动曝光,1-自动曝光
+ public byte byAutoApertureLevel; //自动光圈灵敏度,取值范围:0~10
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[2]; //保留
+ public int dwVideoExposureSet; //自定义视频曝光时间(单位us),自动曝光时该值为曝光最慢值
+ public int dwExposureUserSet; //自定义曝光时间。在智能交通摄像机上应用及CCD模式时,是指抓拍快门速度,(单位us)
+ public int dwRes; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_GAMMACORRECT extends Structure{
+ public byte byGammaCorrectionEnabled; //Gamma校正是否启用,0-不启用,1-启用
+ public byte byGammaCorrectionLevel; //0-100
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[6]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_WDR extends Structure{
+ public byte byWDREnabled; //宽动态是否启用,0-不启用,1-启用,2-自动
+ public byte byWDRLevel1; //0-F
+ public byte byWDRLevel2; //0-F
+ public byte byWDRContrastLevel; //0-100
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[16]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_DAYNIGHT extends Structure{
+ public byte byDayNightFilterType; //日夜切换:0-白天,1-夜晚,2-自动,3-定时,4-报警输入触发
+ public byte bySwitchScheduleEnabled; //0- 启动, 1- 禁用。(保留)
+ public byte byBeginTime; //定时模式开始时间(小时),取值范围:0~23
+ public byte byEndTime; //定时模式结束时间(小时),取值范围:0~23
+ public byte byDayToNightFilterLevel; //网络摄像机取值范围:0~7,球机取值范围:1~3
+ public byte byNightToDayFilterLevel; //网络摄像机取值范围:0~7,球机取值范围:1~3
+ public byte byDayNightFilterTime; //60秒
+ public byte byBeginTimeMin; //定时模式开始时间(分),取值范围:0~59
+ public byte byBeginTimeSec; //定时模式开始时间(秒),取值范围:0~59
+ public byte byEndTimeMin; //定时模式结束时间(分),取值范围:0~59
+ public byte byEndTimeSec; //定时模式结束时间(秒),取值范围:0~59
+ public byte byAlarmTrigState; //报警输入触发状态:0-白天,1-夜晚
+public static class NET_DVR_BACKLIGHT extends Structure{
+ public byte byBacklightMode; //背光补偿:0-off,1-UP,2-DOWN,3-LEFT,4-RIGHT,5-MIDDLE,6-自定义,10-开,11-自动,12-多区域背光补偿
+ public byte byBacklightLevel; //背光补偿等级:0x0~0xF
+ public byte [] byRes1 = new byte[2]; //保留
+ public int dwPositionX1; //X坐标1
+ public int dwPositionY1; //Y坐标1
+ public int dwPositionX2; //X坐标2
+ public int dwPositionY2; //Y坐标2
+ public byte [] byRes2 = new byte[4]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_NOISEREMOVE extends Structure{
+ public byte byDigitalNoiseRemoveEnable; //数字去噪是否启用,0-不启用,1-普通模式数字降噪,2-专家模式数字降噪
+ public byte byDigitalNoiseRemoveLevel; //普通模式数字降噪级别:0x0~0xF
+ public byte bySpectralLevel; //专家模式下空域强度:0~100
+ public byte byTemporalLevel; //专家模式下时域强度:0~100
+ public byte byDigitalNoiseRemove2DEnable; //抓拍帧2D降噪:0-不启用,1-启用,智能交通摄像机支持
+ public byte byDigitalNoiseRemove2DLevel; //抓拍帧2D降噪级别,取值范围:0~100,智能交通摄像机支持
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[2]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_CMOSMODECFG extends Structure{
+ public byte byCaptureMod; //抓拍模式:0-抓拍模式1;1-抓拍模式2
+ public byte byBrightnessGate; //亮度阈值
+ public byte byCaptureGain1; //抓拍增益1,0-100
+ public byte byCaptureGain2; //抓拍增益2,0-100
+ public int dwCaptureShutterSpeed1; //抓拍快门速度1
+ public int dwCaptureShutterSpeed2; //抓拍快门速度2
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[4]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_DEFOGCFG extends Structure{
+ public byte byMode; //透雾模式:0-不启用,1-自动模式,2-常开模式
+ public byte byLevel; //透雾等级,取值范围:0~100
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[6]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_ELECTRONICSTABILIZATION extends Structure{
+ public byte byEnable; //电子防抖使能:0- 不启用,1- 启用
+ public byte byLevel; //电子防抖等级,取值范围:0~100
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[6]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_CORRIDOR_MODE_CCD extends Structure{
+ public byte byEnableCorridorMode; //是否启用旋转功能:0- 不启用,1- 启用
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[11]; //保留
+//SMART IR(防过曝)配置参数结构体
+public static class NET_DVR_SMARTIR_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byMode; //SMART IR模式:0- 自动,1- 手动
+ public byte byIRDistance; //红外距离等级(等级越高,红外距离越远):1~100,默认:50,手动模式下可修改
+ public byte byShortIRDistance; //近光灯距离等级,取值范围:1~100
+ public byte byLongIRDistance; //远光灯距离等级,取值范围:1~100
+public static class NET_DVR_PIRIS_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byMode; //P-Iris模式:0- 自动,1- 手动
+ public byte byPIrisAperture; //红外光圈大小等级(等级越高,光圈越大):1~100,默认:50,手动模式下可修改
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[6]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_LASER_PARAM_CFG extends Structure{
+ public byte byControlMode; //控制模式:0-无效,1-自动,2-手动,默认:自动
+ public byte bySensitivity; //激光灯灵敏度,取值范围:0~100,默认:50
+ public byte byTriggerMode; //激光灯触发模式:0-无效,1-机芯触发,2-光敏触发,默认:机芯触发
+ public byte byBrightness; //激光灯亮度,控制模式为手动模式下有效,取值范围:0~255,默认:100
+ public byte byAngle; //激光灯角度,0表示无效,取值范围:1~36,默认:12。激光灯照射范围为一个圆圈,调节激光角度是调节这个圆的半径的大小
+ public byte byLimitBrightness; //激光灯亮度限制,控制模式为自动模式下有效,取值范围:0~100
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[10]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_FFC_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byMode; //1- 定时模式,2- 温度模式,3- 关闭
+ public byte byRes1; //保留,置为0
+ public short wCompensateTime; //时间(定时模式下生效),单位:分钟,具体取值通过能力集获取,选项有:10、20、30、40、50、60、120、180、240
+ public byte [] byRes2 = new byte[4]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_DDE_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte byMode; //1- 关闭,2- 普通模式,3- 专家模式
+ public byte byNormalLevel; //普通模式等级,取值范围:[1,100],普通模式下生效
+ public byte byExpertLevel; //专家模式等级,取值范围:[1,100],专家模式下生效
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[5]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_AGC_PARAM extends Structure{
+ public byte bySceneType; //1- 普通场景,2- 强光场景,3- 手动模式
+ public byte byLightLevel; //亮度等级,取值范围:[1,100],手动模式下生效
+ public byte byGainLevel; //增益等级,取值范围:[1,100],手动模式下生效
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[5]; //保留,置为0
+public static class NET_DVR_SNAP_CAMERAPARAMCFG extends Structure{
+ public byte byWDRMode; //宽动态模式:0- 关闭,1- 数字宽动态,2- 宽动态态
+ public byte byWDRType; //宽动态切换模式:0- 强制启用,1- 按时间启用,2- 按亮度启用
+ public byte byWDRLevel; //宽动态等级,索引0~6分别对应等级1~7,默认索引2(即3级)
+ public byte byRes1; //保留
+ public NET_DVR_TIME_EX struStartTime = new NET_DVR_TIME_EX(); //开始宽动态时间
+ public NET_DVR_TIME_EX struEndTime = new NET_DVR_TIME_EX(); //结束宽动态时间
+ public byte byDayNightBrightness; //日夜转换亮度阈值,取值范围:0~100,默认:50
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[43]; //保留
+public static class NET_DVR_CAMERAPARAMCFG_EX extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public NET_DVR_VIDEOEFFECT struVideoEffect = new NET_DVR_VIDEOEFFECT();
+ public NET_DVR_GAIN struGain = new NET_DVR_GAIN();
+ public NET_DVR_WHITEBALANCE struWhiteBalance = new NET_DVR_WHITEBALANCE();
+ public NET_DVR_EXPOSURE struExposure = new NET_DVR_EXPOSURE();
+ public NET_DVR_GAMMACORRECT struGammaCorrect = new NET_DVR_GAMMACORRECT();
+ public NET_DVR_WDR struWdr = new NET_DVR_WDR();
+ public NET_DVR_DAYNIGHT struDayNight = new NET_DVR_DAYNIGHT();
+ public NET_DVR_BACKLIGHT struBackLight = new NET_DVR_BACKLIGHT();
+ public NET_DVR_NOISEREMOVE struNoiseRemove = new NET_DVR_NOISEREMOVE();
+ public byte byPowerLineFrequencyMode;
+ public byte byIrisMode;
+ public byte byMirror;
+ public byte byDigitalZoom;
+ public byte byDeadPixelDetect;
+ public byte byBlackPwl;
+ public byte byEptzGate;
+ public byte byLocalOutputGate;
+ public byte byCoderOutputMode;
+ public byte byLineCoding;
+ public byte byDimmerMode;
+ public byte byPaletteMode;
+ public byte byEnhancedMode;
+ public byte byDynamicContrastEN;
+ public byte byDynamicContrast;
+ public byte byJPEGQuality;
+ public byte byFilterSwitch;
+ public byte byFocusSpeed;
+ public byte byAutoCompensationInterval;
+ public byte bySceneMode;
+ public NET_DVR_DEFOGCFG struDefogCfg = new NET_DVR_DEFOGCFG();
+ public byte byExposureSegmentEnable;
+ public byte byBrightCompensate;
+ public byte byCaptureModeN;
+ public byte byCaptureModeP;
+ public NET_DVR_PIRIS_PARAM struPIrisParam = new NET_DVR_PIRIS_PARAM();
+ public NET_DVR_LASER_PARAM_CFG struLaserParam = new NET_DVR_LASER_PARAM_CFG();
+ public NET_DVR_FFC_PARAM struFFCParam = new NET_DVR_FFC_PARAM();
+ public NET_DVR_DDE_PARAM struDDEParam = new NET_DVR_DDE_PARAM();
+ public NET_DVR_AGC_PARAM struAGCParam = new NET_DVR_AGC_PARAM();
+ public byte byLensDistortionCorrection;
+ public byte [] byRes1 = new byte[3];
+ public byte [] byRes2 = new byte[188];
+public static class NET_DVR_ISP_CAMERAPARAMCFG extends Structure{
+ public int dwSize;
+ public byte byWorkType;
+ public byte [] byRes = new byte[3];
+ public NET_DVR_SCHEDULE_DAYTIME struDayNightScheduleTime = new NET_DVR_SCHEDULE_DAYTIME();
+ public byte [] byRes1 = new byte[512];
+public static class NET_DVR_LOCAL_SDK_PATH extends Structure
+ public byte[] sPath = new byte[256];
+ public byte[] byRes = new byte[128];
+ /***API函数声明,详细说明见API手册***/
+ public static interface FRealDataCallBack_V30 extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lRealHandle, int dwDataType,
+ ByteByReference pBuffer, int dwBufSize, Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FMSGCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lCommand, NET_DVR_ALARMER pAlarmer, HCNetSDK.RECV_ALARM pAlarmInfo, int dwBufLen,Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FMessCallBack extends Callback {
+ public boolean invoke(NativeLong lCommand,String sDVRIP,String pBuf,int dwBufLen);
+ }
+ public static interface FMessCallBack_EX extends Callback {
+ public boolean invoke(NativeLong lCommand,NativeLong lUserID,String pBuf,int dwBufLen);
+ }
+ public static interface FMessCallBack_NEW extends Callback {
+ public boolean invoke(NativeLong lCommand,String sDVRIP,String pBuf,int dwBufLen, short dwLinkDVRPort);
+ }
+ public static interface FMessageCallBack extends Callback {
+ public boolean invoke(NativeLong lCommand,String sDVRIP,String pBuf,int dwBufLen, int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FExceptionCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(int dwType, NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lHandle, Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FDrawFun extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lRealHandle,HDC hDc,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FStdDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lRealHandle, int dwDataType, ByteByReference pBuffer,int dwBufSize,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FPlayDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lPlayHandle, int dwDataType, ByteByReference pBuffer,int dwBufSize,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FVoiceDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle, String pRecvDataBuffer, int dwBufSize, byte byAudioFlag, int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FVoiceDataCallBack_V30 extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle, String pRecvDataBuffer, int dwBufSize, byte byAudioFlag,Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FVoiceDataCallBack_MR extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle, String pRecvDataBuffer, int dwBufSize, byte byAudioFlag, int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FVoiceDataCallBack_MR_V30 extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle, String pRecvDataBuffer, int dwBufSize, byte byAudioFlag, String pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FVoiceDataCallBack2 extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(String pRecvDataBuffer, int dwBufSize, Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FSerialDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lSerialHandle,String pRecvDataBuffer,int dwBufSize,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FSerialDataCallBack_V40 extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lSerialHandle,NativeLong lChannel,Pointer pRecvDataBuffer,int dwBufSize,Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FRowDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lUserID,String sIPAddr, NativeLong lRowAmout, String pRecvDataBuffer,int dwBufSize,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FColLocalDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lUserID, String sIPAddr, NativeLong lColumnAmout, String pRecvDataBuffer,int dwBufSize,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FColGlobalDataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public void invoke(NativeLong lUserID, String sIPAddr, NativeLong lColumnAmout, String pRecvDataBuffer,int dwBufSize,int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FJpegdataCallBack extends Callback {
+ public int invoke(NativeLong lCommand, NativeLong lUserID, String sDVRIP, String sJpegName, String pJpegBuf,int dwBufLen, int dwUser);
+ }
+ public static interface FPostMessageCallBack extends Callback {
+ public int invoke(int dwType, NativeLong lIndex);
+ }
+ public static interface FLoginResultCallBack extends Callback{
+ public int invoke(NativeLong lUserID,int dwResult,Pointer lpDeviceinfo,Pointer pUser);
+ }
+ boolean NET_DVR_Init();
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetSDKInitCfg(int enumType, Pointer lpInBuff);
+ boolean NET_DVR_Cleanup();
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRMessage(int nMessage,int hWnd);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetExceptionCallBack_V30(int nMessage, int hWnd, FExceptionCallBack fExceptionCallBack, Pointer pUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRMessCallBack(FMessCallBack fMessCallBack);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRMessCallBack_EX(FMessCallBack_EX fMessCallBack_EX);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRMessCallBack_NEW(FMessCallBack_NEW fMessCallBack_NEW);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRMessageCallBack(FMessageCallBack fMessageCallBack, int dwUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRMessageCallBack_V30(FMSGCallBack fMessageCallBack, Pointer pUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetConnectTime(int dwWaitTime, int dwTryTimes );
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetReconnect(int dwInterval, boolean bEnableRecon );
+ int NET_DVR_GetSDKVersion();
+ int NET_DVR_GetSDKBuildVersion();
+ int NET_DVR_IsSupport();
+ boolean NET_DVR_StartListen(String sLocalIP,short wLocalPort);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopListen();
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_StartListen_V30(String sLocalIP, short wLocalPort, FMSGCallBack DataCallback , Pointer pUserData );
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopListen_V30(NativeLong lListenHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_Login(String sDVRIP,short wDVRPort,String sUserName,String sPassword,NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO lpDeviceInfo);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_Login_V30(String sDVRIP, short wDVRPort, String sUserName, String sPassword, NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 lpDeviceInfo);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_Login_V40(Pointer pLoginInfo,Pointer lpDeviceInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_Logout(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_Logout_V30(NativeLong lUserID);
+ int NET_DVR_GetLastError();
+ String NET_DVR_GetErrorMsg(NativeLongByReference pErrorNo );
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetShowMode(int dwShowType,int colorKey);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDVRIPByResolveSvr(String sServerIP, short wServerPort, String sDVRName,short wDVRNameLen,String sDVRSerialNumber,short wDVRSerialLen,String sGetIP);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDVRIPByResolveSvr_EX(String sServerIP, short wServerPort, String sDVRName, short wDVRNameLen, String sDVRSerialNumber, short wDVRSerialLen,String sGetIP, IntByReference dwPort);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_RealPlay(NativeLong lUserID,NET_DVR_CLIENTINFO lpClientInfo);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_RealPlay_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_CLIENTINFO lpClientInfo, FRealDataCallBack_V30 fRealDataCallBack_V30, Pointer pUser , boolean bBlocked );
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40(NativeLong lUserID,NET_DVR_PREVIEWINFO lpPreviewInfo,FRealDataCallBack_V30 fRealDataCall,Pointer pUser );
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopRealPlay(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_RigisterDrawFun(NativeLong lRealHandle,FDrawFun fDrawFun,int dwUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetPlayerBufNumber(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwBufNum);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ThrowBFrame(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwNum);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetAudioMode(int dwMode);
+ boolean NET_DVR_OpenSound(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseSound();
+ boolean NET_DVR_OpenSoundShare(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseSoundShare(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_Volume(NativeLong lRealHandle,short wVolume);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SaveRealData(NativeLong lRealHandle,String sFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopSaveRealData(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetRealDataCallBack(NativeLong lRealHandle,FRowDataCallBack fRealDataCallBack,int dwUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetStandardDataCallBack(NativeLong lRealHandle,FStdDataCallBack fStdDataCallBack,int dwUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CapturePicture(NativeLong lRealHandle,String sPicFileName);//bmp
+ boolean NET_DVR_MakeKeyFrame(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel);//主码流
+ boolean NET_DVR_MakeKeyFrameSub(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel);//子码流
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZControl(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZCommand,int dwStop);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZControl_Other(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,int dwPTZCommand,int dwStop);
+ boolean NET_DVR_TransPTZ(NativeLong lRealHandle,String pPTZCodeBuf,int dwBufSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_TransPTZ_Other(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,String pPTZCodeBuf,int dwBufSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZPreset(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZPresetCmd,int dwPresetIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZPreset_Other(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,int dwPTZPresetCmd,int dwPresetIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_TransPTZ_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle,String pPTZCodeBuf,int dwBufSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZControl_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZCommand,int dwStop);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZPreset_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZPresetCmd,int dwPresetIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZCruise(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZCruiseCmd,byte byCruiseRoute, byte byCruisePoint, short wInput);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZCruise_Other(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,int dwPTZCruiseCmd,byte byCruiseRoute, byte byCruisePoint, short wInput);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZCruise_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZCruiseCmd,byte byCruiseRoute, byte byCruisePoint, short wInput);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZTrack(NativeLong lRealHandle, int dwPTZTrackCmd);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZTrack_Other(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwPTZTrackCmd);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZTrack_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle, int dwPTZTrackCmd);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZControlWithSpeed(NativeLong lRealHandle, int dwPTZCommand, int dwStop, int dwSpeed);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZControlWithSpeed_Other(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwPTZCommand, int dwStop, int dwSpeed);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZControlWithSpeed_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle, int dwPTZCommand, int dwStop, int dwSpeed);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetPTZCruise(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,NativeLong lCruiseRoute, NET_DVR_CRUISE_RET lpCruiseRet);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZMltTrack(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZTrackCmd, int dwTrackIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZMltTrack_Other(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,int dwPTZTrackCmd, int dwTrackIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZMltTrack_EX(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwPTZTrackCmd, int dwTrackIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_RemoteControl(NativeLong lUserID,int dwCommand,Structure lpParam,int size);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindFile(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,int dwFileType, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindNextFile(NativeLong lFindHandle,NET_DVR_FIND_DATA lpFindData);
+ boolean NET_DVR_FindClose(NativeLong lFindHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindNextFile_V30(NativeLong lFindHandle, NET_DVR_FINDDATA_V30 lpFindData);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindFile_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_FILECOND pFindCond);
+ boolean NET_DVR_FindClose_V30(NativeLong lFindHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindFile_V40(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_FILECOND_V40 pFindCond);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindNextFile_V40(NativeLong lFindHandle, NET_DVR_FINDDATA_V40 lpFindData);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindNextFile_Card(NativeLong lFindHandle, NET_DVR_FINDDATA_CARD lpFindData);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindFile_Card(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwFileType, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime);
+ boolean NET_DVR_LockFileByName(NativeLong lUserID, String sLockFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_UnlockFileByName(NativeLong lUserID, String sUnlockFileName);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_PlayBackByName(NativeLong lUserID,String sPlayBackFileName, HWND hWnd);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_PlayBackReverseByName(NativeLong lUserID,String sPlayBackFileName,HWND hwnd);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_PlayBackByTime(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime, HWND hWnd);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_PlayBackByTime_V40(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_VOD_PARA pVodPara);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_PlayBackReverseByTime_V40(NativeLong lUserID,HWND hWnd, NET_DVR_PLAYCOND pPlayCond);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PlayBackControl(NativeLong lPlayHandle,int dwControlCode,int dwInValue,IntByReference LPOutValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PlayBackControl_V40(NativeLong lPlayHandle,int dwControlCode,Pointer lpInBuffer,int dwInLen,Pointer lpOutBuffer,IntByReference LPOutValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopPlayBack(NativeLong lPlayHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetPlayDataCallBack(NativeLong lPlayHandle,FPlayDataCallBack fPlayDataCallBack,int dwUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PlayBackSaveData(NativeLong lPlayHandle,String sFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopPlayBackSave(NativeLong lPlayHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetPlayBackOsdTime(NativeLong lPlayHandle, NET_DVR_TIME lpOsdTime);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PlayBackCaptureFile(NativeLong lPlayHandle,String sFileName);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_GetFileByName(NativeLong lUserID,String sDVRFileName,String sSavedFileName);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_GetFileByTime(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime, String sSavedFileName);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_GetFileByTime_V40(NativeLong lUserID,String sSavedFileName,NET_DVR_PLAYCOND pDownloadCond);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopGetFile(NativeLong lFileHandle);
+ int NET_DVR_GetDownloadPos(NativeLong lFileHandle);
+ int NET_DVR_GetPlayBackPos(NativeLong lPlayHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_Upgrade(NativeLong lUserID, String sFileName);
+ int NET_DVR_GetUpgradeState(NativeLong lUpgradeHandle);
+ int NET_DVR_GetUpgradeProgress(NativeLong lUpgradeHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseUpgradeHandle(NativeLong lUpgradeHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetNetworkEnvironment(int dwEnvironmentLevel);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FormatDisk(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lDiskNumber);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetFormatProgress(NativeLong lFormatHandle, NativeLongByReference pCurrentFormatDisk,NativeLongByReference pCurrentDiskPos,NativeLongByReference pFormatStatic);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseFormatHandle(NativeLong lFormatHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_SetupAlarmChan(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseAlarmChan(NativeLong lAlarmHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_SetupAlarmChan_V30(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseAlarmChan_V30(NativeLong lAlarmHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_StartVoiceCom(NativeLong lUserID, FVoiceDataCallBack fVoiceDataCallBack, int dwUser);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_StartVoiceCom_V30(NativeLong lUserID, int dwVoiceChan, boolean bNeedCBNoEncData, FVoiceDataCallBack_V30 fVoiceDataCallBack, Pointer pUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetVoiceComClientVolume(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle, short wVolume);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopVoiceCom(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_StartVoiceCom_MR(NativeLong lUserID, FVoiceDataCallBack_MR fVoiceDataCallBack, int dwUser);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_StartVoiceCom_MR_V30(NativeLong lUserID, int dwVoiceChan, FVoiceDataCallBack_MR_V30 fVoiceDataCallBack, Pointer pUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_VoiceComSendData(NativeLong lVoiceComHandle, String pSendBuf, int dwBufSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientAudioStart();
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientAudioStart_V30(FVoiceDataCallBack2 fVoiceDataCallBack2, Pointer pUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientAudioStop();
+ boolean NET_DVR_AddDVR(NativeLong lUserID);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_AddDVR_V30(NativeLong lUserID, int dwVoiceChan);
+ boolean NET_DVR_DelDVR(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_DelDVR_V30(NativeLong lVoiceHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_SerialStart(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lSerialPort,FSerialDataCallBack fSerialDataCallBack,int dwUser);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_SerialStart_V40(NativeLong lUserID,Pointer lpInBuffer,NativeLong dwInBufferSize,FSerialDataCallBack_V40 cbSerialDataCallBack,Pointer pUser);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SerialSend(NativeLong lSerialHandle, NativeLong lChannel, String pSendBuf,int dwBufSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SerialStop(NativeLong lSerialHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SendTo232Port(NativeLong lUserID, String pSendBuf, int dwBufSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SendToSerialPort(NativeLong lUserID, int dwSerialPort, int dwSerialIndex, String pSendBuf, int dwBufSize);
+//解码 nBitrate = 16000
+ Pointer NET_DVR_InitG722Decoder(int nBitrate);
+ void NET_DVR_ReleaseG722Decoder(Pointer pDecHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_DecodeG722Frame(Pointer pDecHandle, String pInBuffer, String pOutBuffer);
+ Pointer NET_DVR_InitG722Encoder();
+ boolean NET_DVR_EncodeG722Frame(Pointer pEncodeHandle,String pInBuff,String pOutBuffer);
+ void NET_DVR_ReleaseG722Encoder(Pointer pEncodeHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClickKey(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lKeyIndex);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StartDVRRecord(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,NativeLong lRecordType);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopDVRRecord(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel);
+ boolean NET_DVR_InitDevice_Card(NativeLongByReference pDeviceTotalChan);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ReleaseDevice_Card();
+ boolean NET_DVR_InitDDraw_Card(int hParent,int colorKey);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ReleaseDDraw_Card();
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_RealPlay_Card(NativeLong lUserID,NET_DVR_CARDINFO lpCardInfo,NativeLong lChannelNum);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ResetPara_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle,NET_DVR_DISPLAY_PARA lpDisplayPara);
+ boolean NET_DVR_RefreshSurface_Card();
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClearSurface_Card();
+ boolean NET_DVR_RestoreSurface_Card();
+ boolean NET_DVR_OpenSound_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CloseSound_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetVolume_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle,short wVolume);
+ boolean NET_DVR_AudioPreview_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle,boolean bEnable);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_GetCardLastError_Card();
+ Pointer NET_DVR_GetChanHandle_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CapturePicture_Card(NativeLong lRealHandle, String sPicFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetSerialNum_Card(NativeLong lChannelNum,IntByReference pDeviceSerialNo);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindDVRLog(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lSelectMode, int dwMajorType,int dwMinorType, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindNextLog(NativeLong lLogHandle, NET_DVR_LOG lpLogData);
+ boolean NET_DVR_FindLogClose(NativeLong lLogHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindDVRLog_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lSelectMode, int dwMajorType,int dwMinorType, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime, boolean bOnlySmart );
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindNextLog_V30(NativeLong lLogHandle, NET_DVR_LOG_V30 lpLogData);
+ boolean NET_DVR_FindLogClose_V30(NativeLong lLogHandle);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_FindFileByCard(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,int dwFileType, int nFindType, String sCardNumber, NET_DVR_TIME lpStartTime, NET_DVR_TIME lpStopTime);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture(NativeLong lUserID, int lChannel, NET_DVR_JPEGPARA lpJpegPara, String sPicFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_CaptureJPEGPicture_NEW(NativeLong lUserID, int lChannel, NET_DVR_JPEGPARA lpJpegPara, ByteBuffer sJpegPicBuffer, int dwPicSize, IntByReference lpSizeReturned);
+ int NET_DVR_GetRealPlayerIndex(NativeLong lRealHandle);
+ int NET_DVR_GetPlayBackPlayerIndex(NativeLong lPlayHandle);
+//2006-08-28 704-640 缩放配置
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetScaleCFG(NativeLong lUserID, int dwScale);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetScaleCFG(NativeLong lUserID, IntByReference lpOutScale);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetScaleCFG_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_SCALECFG pScalecfg);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetScaleCFG_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_SCALECFG pScalecfg);
+//2006-08-28 ATM机端口设置
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetATMPortCFG(NativeLong lUserID, short wATMPort);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetATMPortCFG(NativeLong lUserID, ShortByReference LPOutATMPort);
+//2006-11-10 支持显卡辅助输出
+ boolean NET_DVR_InitDDrawDevice();
+ boolean NET_DVR_ReleaseDDrawDevice();
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_GetDDrawDeviceTotalNums();
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDDrawDevice(NativeLong lPlayPort, int nDeviceNum);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZSelZoomIn(NativeLong lRealHandle, NET_DVR_POINT_FRAME pStruPointFrame);
+ boolean NET_DVR_PTZSelZoomIn_EX(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_POINT_FRAME pStruPointFrame);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StartDecode(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECODERINFO lpDecoderinfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopDecode(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDecoderState(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECODERSTATE lpDecoderState);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDecInfo(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECCFG lpDecoderinfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDecInfo(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECCFG lpDecoderinfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDecTransPort(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_PORTCFG lpTransPort);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDecTransPort(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_PORTCFG lpTransPort);
+ boolean NET_DVR_DecPlayBackCtrl(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwControlCode, int dwInValue,IntByReference LPOutValue, NET_DVR_PLAYREMOTEFILE lpRemoteFileInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StartDecSpecialCon(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECCHANINFO lpDecChanInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_StopDecSpecialCon(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECCHANINFO lpDecChanInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_DecCtrlDec(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwControlCode);
+ boolean NET_DVR_DecCtrlScreen(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwControl);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDecCurLinkStatus(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, NET_DVR_DECSTATUS lpDecStatus);
+//2007-11-30 V211支持以下接口 //11
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_DYNAMIC_DEC lpDynamicInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixStopDynamic(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanInfo(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_INFO lpInter);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanInfo(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO lpInter);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanInfo(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO lpInter);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, int dwEnable);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, IntByReference lpdwEnable);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecEnable(NativeLong lUserID, IntByReference lpdwEnable);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, int dwEnable);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, IntByReference lpdwEnable);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanStatus(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS lpInter);
+//2007-12-22 增加支持接口 //18
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixSetTranInfo(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG lpTranInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetTranInfo(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG lpTranInfo);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlay(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY lpInter);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, int dwControlCode, int dwInValue, IntByReference LPOutValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_MatrixGetRemotePlayStatus(NativeLong lUserID, int dwDecChanNum, NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY_STATUS lpOuter);
+ boolean NET_DVR_RefreshPlay(NativeLong lPlayHandle);
+ boolean NET_DVR_RestoreConfig(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SaveConfig(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_RebootDVR(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ShutDownDVR(NativeLong lUserID);
+//参数配置 begin
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig(NativeLong lUserID, int dwCommand,NativeLong lChannel, Pointer lpOutBuffer, int dwOutBufferSize, IntByReference lpBytesReturned);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig(NativeLong lUserID, int dwCommand,NativeLong lChannel, Pointer lpInBuffer, int dwInBufferSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDeviceConfig(NativeLong lUserID, int dwCommand, int dwCount, Pointer lpInBuffer, int dwInBufferSize, Pointer lpStatusList, Pointer lpOutBuffer, int dwOutBufferSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetDeviceConfig(NativeLong lUserID, int dwCommand, int dwCount, Pointer lpInBuffer, int dwInBufferSize, Pointer lpStatusList, Pointer lpInParamBuffer, int dwInParamBufferSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDVRWorkState_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_WORKSTATE_V30 lpWorkState);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetDVRWorkState(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_WORKSTATE lpWorkState);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetVideoEffect(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, int dwBrightValue, int dwContrastValue, int dwSaturationValue, int dwHueValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetVideoEffect(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lChannel, IntByReference pBrightValue, IntByReference pContrastValue, IntByReference pSaturationValue, IntByReference pHueValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientGetframeformat(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT lpFrameFormat);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientSetframeformat(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT lpFrameFormat);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientGetframeformat_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT_V30 lpFrameFormat);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientSetframeformat_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_FRAMEFORMAT_V30 lpFrameFormat);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetAlarmOut_V30(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_ALARMOUTSTATUS_V30 lpAlarmOutState);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetAlarmOut(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_ALARMOUTSTATUS lpAlarmOutState);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetAlarmOut(NativeLong lUserID, NativeLong lAlarmOutPort,NativeLong lAlarmOutStatic);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientSetVideoEffect(NativeLong lRealHandle,int dwBrightValue,int dwContrastValue, int dwSaturationValue,int dwHueValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_ClientGetVideoEffect(NativeLong lRealHandle,IntByReference pBrightValue,IntByReference pContrastValue, IntByReference pSaturationValue,IntByReference pHueValue);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetConfigFile(NativeLong lUserID, String sFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetConfigFile(NativeLong lUserID, String sFileName);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetConfigFile_V30(NativeLong lUserID, String sOutBuffer, int dwOutSize, IntByReference pReturnSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetConfigFile_EX(NativeLong lUserID, String sOutBuffer, int dwOutSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetConfigFile_EX(NativeLong lUserID, String sInBuffer, int dwInSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetLogToFile(boolean bLogEnable , String strLogDir, boolean bAutoDel );
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetSDKState( NET_DVR_SDKSTATE pSDKState);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetSDKAbility( NET_DVR_SDKABL pSDKAbl);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetPTZProtocol(NativeLong lUserID, NET_DVR_PTZCFG pPtzcfg);
+ boolean NET_DVR_LockPanel(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_UnLockPanel(NativeLong lUserID);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetRtspConfig(NativeLong lUserID, int dwCommand, NET_DVR_RTSPCFG lpInBuffer, int dwInBufferSize);
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetRtspConfig(NativeLong lUserID, int dwCommand, NET_DVR_RTSPCFG lpOutBuffer, int dwOutBufferSize);
+ //升级
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_AdapterUpgrade(NativeLong lUserID,String sFileName);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_VcalibUpgrade(NativeLong lUserID,NativeLong lChannel,String sFileName);
+ NativeLong NET_DVR_Upgrade_V40(NativeLong lUserID,ENUM_UPGRADE_TYPE dwUpgradeType,String sFileName,Pointer lpInBufer,int dwBufferSize);
+ //获取所有IP,用于支持多网卡接口
+ boolean NET_DVR_GetLocalIP(byte sIP[], IntByReference pValidNum,ByteByReference pEnableBind);
+ boolean NET_DVR_SetValidIP(int dwIPIndex,boolean bEnableBind);
+interface PlayCtrl extends Library
+ PlayCtrl INSTANCE = (PlayCtrl) Native.loadLibrary(DeviceGeneral.models_path + "/libPlayCtrl.so",
+ PlayCtrl.class);
+ public static final int STREAME_REALTIME = 0;
+ public static final int STREAME_FILE = 1;
+ boolean PlayM4_GetPort(NativeLongByReference nPort);
+ boolean PlayM4_OpenStream(NativeLong nPort, ByteByReference pFileHeadBuf, int nSize, int nBufPoolSize);
+ boolean PlayM4_InputData(NativeLong nPort, ByteByReference pBuf, int nSize);
+ boolean PlayM4_CloseStream(NativeLong nPort);
+ boolean PlayM4_SetStreamOpenMode(NativeLong nPort, int nMode);
+ boolean PlayM4_Play(NativeLong nPort, HWND hWnd);
+ boolean PlayM4_Stop(NativeLong nPort);
+ boolean PlayM4_SetSecretKey(NativeLong nPort, NativeLong lKeyType, String pSecretKey, NativeLong lKeyLen);
+//windows gdi接口,gdi32.dll in system32 folder, 在设置遮挡区域,移动侦测区域等情况下使用
+interface GDI32 extends W32API
+ GDI32 INSTANCE = (GDI32) Native.loadLibrary("gdi32", GDI32.class, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
+ public static final int TRANSPARENT = 1;
+ int SetBkMode(HDC hdc, int i);
+ HANDLE CreateSolidBrush(int icolor);
+//windows user32接口,user32.dll in system32 folder, 在设置遮挡区域,移动侦测区域等情况下使用
+interface USER32 extends W32API
+ USER32 INSTANCE = (USER32) Native.loadLibrary("user32", USER32.class, DEFAULT_OPTIONS);
+ public static final int BF_LEFT = 0x0001;
+ public static final int BF_TOP = 0x0002;
+ public static final int BF_RIGHT = 0x0004;
+ public static final int BF_BOTTOM = 0x0008;
+ public static final int BDR_SUNKENOUTER = 0x0002;
+ public static final int BF_RECT = (BF_LEFT | BF_TOP | BF_RIGHT | BF_BOTTOM);
+ boolean DrawEdge(HDC hdc, RECT qrc, int edge, int grfFlags);
+ int FillRect(HDC hDC, RECT lprc, HANDLE hbr);