bytetrack_ppyoloe.yml 1.5 KB

  1. # This config is an assembled config for ByteTrack MOT, used as eval/infer mode for MOT.
  2. _BASE_: [
  3. 'detector/ppyoloe_crn_l_36e_640x640_mot17half.yml',
  4. '_base_/mot17.yml',
  5. '_base_/ppyoloe_mot_reader_640x640.yml'
  6. ]
  7. weights: output/bytetrack_ppyoloe/model_final
  8. log_iter: 20
  9. snapshot_epoch: 2
  10. metric: MOT # eval/infer mode, set 'COCO' can be training mode
  11. num_classes: 1
  12. architecture: ByteTrack
  13. pretrain_weights:
  14. ByteTrack:
  15. detector: YOLOv3 # PPYOLOe version
  16. reid: None
  17. tracker: JDETracker
  18. det_weights:
  19. reid_weights: None
  20. YOLOv3:
  21. backbone: CSPResNet
  22. neck: CustomCSPPAN
  23. yolo_head: PPYOLOEHead
  24. post_process: ~
  25. # Tracking requires higher quality boxes, so NMS score_threshold will be higher
  26. PPYOLOEHead:
  27. fpn_strides: [32, 16, 8]
  28. grid_cell_scale: 5.0
  29. grid_cell_offset: 0.5
  30. static_assigner_epoch: -1 # 100
  31. use_varifocal_loss: True
  32. loss_weight: {class: 1.0, iou: 2.5, dfl: 0.5}
  33. static_assigner:
  34. name: ATSSAssigner
  35. topk: 9
  36. assigner:
  37. name: TaskAlignedAssigner
  38. topk: 13
  39. alpha: 1.0
  40. beta: 6.0
  41. nms:
  42. name: MultiClassNMS
  43. nms_top_k: 1000
  44. keep_top_k: 100
  45. score_threshold: 0.1 # 0.01 in original detector
  46. nms_threshold: 0.4 # 0.6 in original detector
  47. # BYTETracker
  48. JDETracker:
  49. use_byte: True
  50. match_thres: 0.9
  51. conf_thres: 0.2
  52. low_conf_thres: 0.1
  53. min_box_area: 100
  54. vertical_ratio: 1.6 # for pedestrian