2_feature-request.yml 2.8 KB

  1. name: 🚀 新需求 Feature Request
  2. description: 提交一个你对PaddleDetection的新需求。 Submit a request for a new Paddle feature.
  3. labels: [type/feature-request, status/new-issue]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: >
  8. #### 你可以在这里提出你对PaddleDetection的新需求,包括但不限于:功能或模型缺失、功能不全或无法使用、精度/性能不符合预期等。
  9. #### You could submit a request for a new feature here, including but not limited to: new features or models, incomplete or unusable features, accuracy/performance not as expected, etc.
  10. - type: checkboxes
  11. attributes:
  12. label: 问题确认 Search before asking
  13. description: >
  14. 在向PaddleDetection提新需求之前,请先查询[历史issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/issues)是否报过同样的需求。
  15. Before submitting a feature request, please make sure the issue hasn't been already addressed by searching through [the existing and past issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/issues).
  16. options:
  17. - label: >
  18. 我已经查询[历史issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/issues),没有类似需求。I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/issues) and found no similar feature requests.
  19. required: true
  20. - type: textarea
  21. id: description
  22. attributes:
  23. label: 需求描述 Feature Description
  24. description: |
  25. 请尽可能包含任务目标、需求场景、功能描述等信息,全面的信息有利于我们准确评估你的需求。
  26. Please include as much information as possible, such as mission objectives, requirement scenarios, functional descriptions, etc. Comprehensive information will help us accurately assess your feature request.
  27. value: "1. 任务目标(请描述你正在做的项目是什么,如模型、论文、项目是什么?); 2. 需求场景(请描述你的项目中为什么需要用此功能); 3. 功能描述(请简单描述或设计这个功能)"
  28. validations:
  29. required: true
  30. - type: checkboxes
  31. attributes:
  32. label: 是否愿意提交PR Are you willing to submit a PR?
  33. description: >
  34. (可选)如果你对新feature有自己的想法,十分鼓励提交[Pull Request](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/pulls),共同提升PaddleDetection
  35. (Optional) We encourage you to submit a [Pull Request](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection/pulls) (PR) to help improve PaddleDetection for everyone, especially if you have a good understanding of how to implement a fix or feature.
  36. options:
  37. - label: Yes I'd like to help by submitting a PR!
  38. - type: markdown
  39. attributes:
  40. value: >
  41. 感谢你的贡献 🎉!Thanks for your contribution 🎉!