import unittest import functools as ft import itertools as it from apex import amp import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from math import floor from utils import common_init, HALF, FLOAT,\ ALWAYS_HALF, ALWAYS_FLOAT, MATCH_INPUT try: import amp_C from amp_C import multi_tensor_axpby from apex.multi_tensor_apply import MultiTensorApply disabled = False except ImportError as err: print("amp_C fused kernels unavailable, disabling TestMultiTensorApply. ImportError was ", err) disabled = True TORCH_MAJOR = int(torch.__version__.split('.')[0]) TORCH_MINOR = int(torch.__version__.split('.')[1]) try_nhwc = (TORCH_MAJOR > 1) or (TORCH_MAJOR == 1 and TORCH_MINOR > 4) class TestMultiTensorAxpby(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): common_init(self) self.a = 2.0 self.b = 8.0 self.xval = 4.0 self.yval = 16.0 self.overflow_buf = torch.cuda.IntTensor(1).zero_() self.ref = torch.full((1,), 136.0, device="cuda", dtype=torch.float32) def tearDown(self): pass # The tensor creation here is written for convenience, not speed. def axpby(self, sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat_tensors, x_type, y_type, out_type, inplace=False, nhwc=False): self.overflow_buf.zero_() sizea = sizea if isinstance(sizea, tuple) else (sizea,) sizeb = sizeb if isinstance(sizeb, tuple) else (sizeb,) t1 = torch.full(sizea, 1.0, device="cuda", dtype=torch.float32) t2 = torch.full(sizeb, 1.0, device="cuda", dtype=torch.float32) def to_fmt(t, tp): if nhwc: return t.clone().to(tp, memory_format=torch.channels_last) else: return t.clone().to(tp) y_list = [] for i in range(repeat_tensors): y_list += [to_fmt(t1, y_type)*self.yval, to_fmt(t2, y_type)*self.yval] x_list = [to_fmt(x, x_type)*(self.xval/self.yval) for x in y_list] if inplace: out_list = y_list else: out_list = [to_fmt(out, out_type)*3.0 for out in y_list] applier(multi_tensor_axpby, self.overflow_buf, [x_list, y_list, out_list], self.a, self.b, -1) self.assertTrue(all([torch.allclose(out, for out in out_list]), msg="{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(sizea, sizeb, repeat_tensors, x_type, y_type, out_type, inplace)) self.assertTrue(self.overflow_buf.item() == 0, msg="{} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(sizea, sizeb, repeat_tensors, x_type, y_type, out_type, inplace)) # def find_inf(self, sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat_tensors, in_type, out_type, t, ind, val, inplace=False): # self.overflow_buf.zero_() # a = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(sizea).fill_(self.scale) # b = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(sizeb).fill_(self.scale) # out_list = [] # for i in range(repeat_tensors): # out_list += [a.clone().to(out_type), b.clone().to(out_type)] # if inplace: # in_list = out_list # else: # in_list = [out.clone().to(in_type) for out in out_list] # applier(multi_tensor_scale, self.overflow_buf, [in_list, out_list], 1./self.scale) # self.overflow_buf.zero_() # in_list[t][ind] = val # applier(multi_tensor_scale, self.overflow_buf, [in_list, out_list], 1./self.scale) # self.assertTrue(self.overflow_buf.item()) @unittest.skipIf(disabled, "amp_C is unavailable") def test_fuzz(self): input_size_pairs = ( (7777*77, 555*555), (777, 555), (555, 2048*32+1), (2048*32+1, 555), (555, 2048*32), (2048*32, 555), (33333, 555), (555, 33333)) appliers = ( MultiTensorApply(2048*32), MultiTensorApply(333), MultiTensorApply(33333)) repeat_tensors = ( 1, 55) for sizea, sizeb in input_size_pairs: for applier in appliers: for repeat in repeat_tensors: for x_type in (torch.float32, torch.float16): for y_type in (torch.float32, torch.float16): for out_type in (torch.float32, torch.float16): for inplace in (True, False): if inplace is True and (y_type is not out_type): continue else: self.axpby(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, x_type, y_type, out_type, inplace=inplace) # self.find_inf(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, in_type, out_type, # 0, 0, float('nan'), inplace=inplace) # self.find_inf(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, in_type, out_type, # 2*repeat-1, sizeb-1, float('inf'), inplace=inplace) # self.find_inf(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, in_type, out_type, # 2*(repeat//2), sizea//2, float('inf'), inplace=inplace) @unittest.skipIf(disabled, "amp_C is unavailable") @unittest.skipIf(not try_nhwc, "torch version is 1.4 or earlier, may not support nhwc") def test_fuzz_nhwc(self): input_size_pairs = ( ((7, 77, 7, 77), (5, 55, 5, 55)), ((1, 1, 777, 1), (1, 1, 555, 1)), ((5, 47, 5, 55), (1, 1, 1, 2048*32 + 1)), ((1, 1, 1, 2048*32 + 1), (55, 47, 5, 55)), ((555, 1, 1, 1), (32, 8, 32, 8)), ((32, 8, 32, 8), (55, 47, 5, 55)), ((1, 1, 33333, 1), (55, 47, 55, 5)), ((55, 47, 55, 5), (1, 1, 33333, 1))) appliers = ( MultiTensorApply(2048*32), MultiTensorApply(333), MultiTensorApply(33333)) repeat_tensors = ( 1, 55) for sizea, sizeb in input_size_pairs: for applier in appliers: for repeat in repeat_tensors: for x_type in (torch.float32, torch.float16): for y_type in (torch.float32, torch.float16): for out_type in (torch.float32, torch.float16): for inplace in (True, False): if inplace is True and (y_type is not out_type): continue else: self.axpby(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, x_type, y_type, out_type, inplace=inplace, nhwc=True) # self.find_inf(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, in_type, out_type, # 0, 0, float('nan'), inplace=inplace) # self.find_inf(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, in_type, out_type, # 2*repeat-1, sizeb-1, float('inf'), inplace=inplace) # self.find_inf(sizea, sizeb, applier, repeat, in_type, out_type, # 2*(repeat//2), sizea//2, float('inf'), inplace=inplace) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()