/** * @file SerialPortInfo.h * @author itas109 (itas109@qq.com) \n\n * Blog : https://blog.csdn.net/itas109 \n * Github : https://github.com/itas109 \n * QQ Group : 12951803 * @brief the CSerialPortInfo class 串口信息辅助类 * @date 2020-04-29 * @copyright The CSerialPort is Copyright (C) 2021 itas109. \n * Contact: itas109@qq.com \n\n * You may use, distribute and copy the CSerialPort under the terms of \n * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, which is displayed below. */ #ifndef __CSERIALPORTINFO_H__ #define __CSERIALPORTINFO_H__ #include "SerialPortInfoBase.h" #include "SerialPort_global.h" #include #include #include "CSerialPort/SerialPortInfoUnixBase.h" #define CSERIALPORTINFOBASE CSerialPortInfoUnixBase namespace itas109 { /** * @brief the CSerialPortInfo class 串口信息辅助类 * */ class DLL_EXPORT CSerialPortInfo { public: /** * @brief Construct a new CSerialPortInfo object 构造函数 * */ CSerialPortInfo(){} /** * @brief Destroy the CSerialPortInfo object 析构函数 * */ ~CSerialPortInfo(){} /** * @brief availablePortInfos 获取串口信息列表 * @return return available port infolist 返回可用串口名称列表 */ static vector availablePortInfos(){ return CSERIALPORTINFOBASE::availablePortInfos(); } }; } // namespace itas109 #endif //__CSERIALPORTINFO_H__