Overview.rst 1.2 KB

  1. .. Overview
  2. Overview
  3. ============================
  4. Abstract
  5. ------------------------------
  6. EasyDevelopmentKit (hereinafter called "EDK") is a video stream processor SDK towards to MLU series. EDK can substantially simplify ability integration of inference ability with other ability, that include video codec ability, and neural network image pre-procession ability. When keep flexibility, EDK can sufficient exert MLU's hardware decode and machine learning algorithm computation's performance.
  7. EDK provides a set of C++ api, users could call them flexibly determins their actual needs.
  8. EDK provides 5 helper modules:
  9. Device provides MLU device context operation;
  10. EasyCodec provides video decode and encode function on MLU;
  11. EasyInfer provides neural network inference function on MLU;
  12. EasyBang provides Bang operator can be used without cncc and cnas, such as color-space coversion operator on MLU;
  13. EasyTrack provides objection track function.
  14. EasyDevelopmentKit Software Framework
  15. --------------------------------------
  16. Position of EDK in Cambricon software stack as the picture below:
  17. .. image:: ./images/software_stack.*
  18. picture2.2.1 Cambricon EasyDevelopmentKit software frame picture