123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256 |
- # Defines functions and macros useful for building Google Test and
- # Google Mock.
- #
- # Note:
- #
- # - This file will be run twice when building Google Mock (once via
- # Google Test's CMakeLists.txt, and once via Google Mock's).
- # Therefore it shouldn't have any side effects other than defining
- # the functions and macros.
- #
- # - The functions/macros defined in this file may depend on Google
- # Test and Google Mock's option() definitions, and thus must be
- # called *after* the options have been defined.
- # Tweaks CMake's default compiler/linker settings to suit Google Test's needs.
- #
- # This must be a macro(), as inside a function string() can only
- # update variables in the function scope.
- macro(fix_default_compiler_settings_)
- if (MSVC)
- # For MSVC, CMake sets certain flags to defaults we want to override.
- # This replacement code is taken from sample in the CMake Wiki at
- # http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Dynamic_Replace.
- foreach (flag_var
- if (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND NOT gtest_force_shared_crt)
- # When Google Test is built as a shared library, it should also use
- # shared runtime libraries. Otherwise, it may end up with multiple
- # copies of runtime library data in different modules, resulting in
- # hard-to-find crashes. When it is built as a static library, it is
- # preferable to use CRT as static libraries, as we don't have to rely
- # on CRT DLLs being available. CMake always defaults to using shared
- # CRT libraries, so we override that default here.
- string(REPLACE "/MD" "-MT" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}")
- endif()
- # We prefer more strict warning checking for building Google Test.
- # Replaces /W3 with /W4 in defaults.
- string(REPLACE "/W3" "/W4" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}")
- endforeach()
- endif()
- endmacro()
- # Defines the compiler/linker flags used to build Google Test and
- # Google Mock. You can tweak these definitions to suit your need. A
- # variable's value is empty before it's explicitly assigned to.
- macro(config_compiler_and_linker)
- if (NOT gtest_disable_pthreads)
- find_package(Threads)
- endif()
- fix_default_compiler_settings_()
- if (MSVC)
- # Newlines inside flags variables break CMake's NMake generator.
- # TODO(vladl@google.com): Add -RTCs and -RTCu to debug builds.
- set(cxx_base_flags "-GS -W4 -WX -wd4251 -wd4275 -nologo -J -Zi")
- if (MSVC_VERSION LESS 1400) # 1400 is Visual Studio 2005
- # Suppress spurious warnings MSVC 7.1 sometimes issues.
- # Forcing value to bool.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -wd4800")
- # Copy constructor and assignment operator could not be generated.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -wd4511 -wd4512")
- # Compatibility warnings not applicable to Google Test.
- # Resolved overload was found by argument-dependent lookup.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -wd4675")
- endif()
- if (MSVC_VERSION LESS 1500) # 1500 is Visual Studio 2008
- # Conditional expression is constant.
- # When compiling with /W4, we get several instances of C4127
- # (Conditional expression is constant). In our code, we disable that
- # warning on a case-by-case basis. However, on Visual Studio 2005,
- # the warning fires on std::list. Therefore on that compiler and earlier,
- # we disable the warning project-wide.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -wd4127")
- endif()
- if (NOT (MSVC_VERSION LESS 1700)) # 1700 is Visual Studio 2012.
- # Suppress "unreachable code" warning on VS 2012 and later.
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3232669 explains the issue.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -wd4702")
- endif()
- if (NOT (MSVC_VERSION GREATER 1900)) # 1900 is Visual Studio 2015
- # BigObj required for tests.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -bigobj")
- endif()
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -D_UNICODE -DUNICODE -DWIN32 -D_WIN32")
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -DSTRICT -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN")
- set(cxx_exception_flags "-EHsc -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1")
- set(cxx_no_exception_flags "-D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0")
- set(cxx_no_rtti_flags "-GR-")
- set(cxx_base_flags "-Wall -Wshadow")
- set(cxx_exception_flags "-fexceptions")
- set(cxx_no_exception_flags "-fno-exceptions")
- # Until version 4.3.2, GCC doesn't define a macro to indicate
- # whether RTTI is enabled. Therefore we define GTEST_HAS_RTTI
- # explicitly.
- set(cxx_no_rtti_flags "-fno-rtti -DGTEST_HAS_RTTI=0")
- set(cxx_strict_flags
- "-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers")
- set(cxx_exception_flags "-features=except")
- # Sun Pro doesn't provide macros to indicate whether exceptions and
- # RTTI are enabled, so we define GTEST_HAS_* explicitly.
- set(cxx_no_exception_flags "-features=no%except -DGTEST_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0")
- set(cxx_no_rtti_flags "-features=no%rtti -DGTEST_HAS_RTTI=0")
- # CMake 2.8 changes Visual Age's compiler ID to "XL".
- set(cxx_exception_flags "-qeh")
- set(cxx_no_exception_flags "-qnoeh")
- # Until version 9.0, Visual Age doesn't define a macro to indicate
- # whether RTTI is enabled. Therefore we define GTEST_HAS_RTTI
- # explicitly.
- set(cxx_no_rtti_flags "-qnortti -DGTEST_HAS_RTTI=0")
- set(cxx_base_flags "-AA -mt")
- set(cxx_exception_flags "-DGTEST_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1")
- set(cxx_no_exception_flags "+noeh -DGTEST_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0")
- # RTTI can not be disabled in HP aCC compiler.
- set(cxx_no_rtti_flags "")
- endif()
- if (CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) # The pthreads library is available and allowed.
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -DGTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=1")
- else()
- set(cxx_base_flags "${cxx_base_flags} -DGTEST_HAS_PTHREAD=0")
- endif()
- # For building gtest's own tests and samples.
- set(cxx_exception "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${cxx_base_flags} ${cxx_exception_flags}")
- set(cxx_no_exception
- "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${cxx_base_flags} ${cxx_no_exception_flags}")
- set(cxx_default "${cxx_exception}")
- set(cxx_no_rtti "${cxx_default} ${cxx_no_rtti_flags}")
- set(cxx_use_own_tuple "${cxx_default} -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=1")
- # For building the gtest libraries.
- set(cxx_strict "${cxx_default} ${cxx_strict_flags}")
- endmacro()
- # Defines the gtest & gtest_main libraries. User tests should link
- # with one of them.
- function(cxx_library_with_type name type cxx_flags)
- # type can be either STATIC or SHARED to denote a static or shared library.
- # ARGN refers to additional arguments after 'cxx_flags'.
- add_library(${name} SHARED ${ARGN})
- # add_library(${name} ${type} ${ARGN})
- # abadon this to make Shared lib
- set_target_properties(${name}
- COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_flags}")
- set_target_properties(${name}
- endif()
- target_link_libraries(${name} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
- endif()
- endfunction()
- ########################################################################
- #
- # Helper functions for creating build targets.
- function(cxx_shared_library name cxx_flags)
- cxx_library_with_type(${name} SHARED "${cxx_flags}" ${ARGN})
- endfunction()
- function(cxx_library name cxx_flags)
- cxx_library_with_type(${name} "" "${cxx_flags}" ${ARGN})
- endfunction()
- # cxx_executable_with_flags(name cxx_flags libs srcs...)
- #
- # creates a named C++ executable that depends on the given libraries and
- # is built from the given source files with the given compiler flags.
- function(cxx_executable_with_flags name cxx_flags libs)
- add_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
- if (cxx_flags)
- set_target_properties(${name}
- COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_flags}")
- endif()
- set_target_properties(${name}
- endif()
- # To support mixing linking in static and dynamic libraries, link each
- # library in with an extra call to target_link_libraries.
- foreach (lib "${libs}")
- target_link_libraries(${name} ${lib})
- endforeach()
- endfunction()
- # cxx_executable(name dir lib srcs...)
- #
- # creates a named target that depends on the given libs and is built
- # from the given source files. dir/name.cc is implicitly included in
- # the source file list.
- function(cxx_executable name dir libs)
- cxx_executable_with_flags(
- ${name} "${cxx_default}" "${libs}" "${dir}/${name}.cc" ${ARGN})
- endfunction()
- find_package(PythonInterp)
- # cxx_test_with_flags(name cxx_flags libs srcs...)
- #
- # creates a named C++ test that depends on the given libs and is built
- # from the given source files with the given compiler flags.
- function(cxx_test_with_flags name cxx_flags libs)
- cxx_executable_with_flags(${name} "${cxx_flags}" "${libs}" ${ARGN})
- add_test(${name} ${name})
- endfunction()
- # cxx_test(name libs srcs...)
- #
- # creates a named test target that depends on the given libs and is
- # built from the given source files. Unlike cxx_test_with_flags,
- # test/name.cc is already implicitly included in the source file list.
- function(cxx_test name libs)
- cxx_test_with_flags("${name}" "${cxx_default}" "${libs}"
- "test/${name}.cc" ${ARGN})
- endfunction()
- # py_test(name)
- #
- # creates a Python test with the given name whose main module is in
- # test/name.py. It does nothing if Python is not installed.
- function(py_test name)
- # We are not supporting Python tests on Linux yet as they consider
- # all Linux environments to be google3 and try to use google3 features.
- # ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} is known at configuration time, so we can
- # directly bind it from cmake. ${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE} is known
- # only at ctest runtime (by calling ctest -c <Configuration>), so
- # we have to escape $ to delay variable substitution here.
- add_test(
- NAME ${name}
- --build_dir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})
- add_test(
- ${name}
- endif()
- endfunction()