config_infer_primary_yoloV5.txt 2.2 KB

  1. # Following properties are mandatory when engine files are not specified:
  2. # int8-calib-file(Only in INT8), model-file-format
  3. # Caffemodel mandatory properties: model-file, proto-file, output-blob-names
  4. # UFF: uff-file, input-dims, uff-input-blob-name, output-blob-names
  5. # ONNX: onnx-file
  6. #
  7. # Mandatory properties for detectors:
  8. # num-detected-classes
  9. #
  10. # Optional properties for detectors:
  11. # cluster-mode(Default=Group Rectangles), interval(Primary mode only, Default=0)
  12. # custom-lib-path
  13. # parse-bbox-func-name
  14. #
  15. # Mandatory properties for classifiers:
  16. # classifier-threshold, is-classifier
  17. #
  18. # Optional properties for classifiers:
  19. # classifier-async-mode(Secondary mode only, Default=false)
  20. #
  21. # Optional properties in secondary mode:
  22. # operate-on-gie-id(Default=0), operate-on-class-ids(Defaults to all classes),
  23. # input-object-min-width, input-object-min-height, input-object-max-width,
  24. # input-object-max-height
  25. #
  26. # Following properties are always recommended:
  27. # batch-size(Default=1)
  28. #
  29. # Other optional properties:
  30. # net-scale-factor(Default=1), network-mode(Default=0 i.e FP32),
  31. # model-color-format(Default=0 i.e. RGB) model-engine-file, labelfile-path,
  32. # mean-file, gie-unique-id(Default=0), offsets, process-mode (Default=1 i.e. primary),
  33. # custom-lib-path, network-mode(Default=0 i.e FP32)
  34. #
  35. # The values in the config file are overridden by values set through GObject
  36. # properties.
  37. [property]
  38. gpu-id=0
  39. net-scale-factor=0.0039215697906911373
  40. #0=RGB, 1=BGR
  41. model-color-format=0
  42. # custom-network-config=yolov3-tiny.cfg
  43. # model-file=yolov3-tiny.weights
  44. model-engine-file=yolov5s.engine
  45. labelfile-path=labels.txt
  46. process-mode=1
  47. batch-size=2
  48. ## 0=FP32, 1=INT8, 2=FP16 mode
  49. network-mode=1
  50. num-detected-classes=1
  51. gie-unique-id=1
  52. network-type=0
  53. #is-classifier=0
  54. output-blob-names=prob
  55. ## 0=Group Rectangles, 1=DBSCAN, 2=NMS, 3= DBSCAN+NMS Hybrid, 4 = None(No clustering)
  56. #cluster-mode=2
  57. maintain-aspect-ratio=1
  58. parse-bbox-func-name=NvDsInferParseCustomYoloV5
  59. custom-lib-path=/home/nvidia/work/MIVA/lib/
  60. engine-create-func-name=NvDsInferYoloCudaEngineGet
  61. #scaling-filter=0
  62. #scaling-compute-hw=0
  63. [class-attrs-all]
  64. nms-iou-threshold=0.5
  65. pre-cluster-threshold=0.4