**# config yaml guide** KeyPoint config guide,Take an example of [tinypose_256x192.yml](../../configs/keypoint/tiny_pose/tinypose_256x192.yml) ```yaml use_gpu: true #train with gpu or not log_iter: 5 #print log every 5 iter save_dir: output #the directory to save model snapshot_epoch: 10 #save model every 10 epochs weights: output/tinypose_256x192/model_final #the weight to load(without postfix “.pdparams”) epoch: 420 #the total epoch number to train num_joints: &num_joints 17 #number of joints pixel_std: &pixel_std 200 #the standard pixel length(don't care) metric: KeyPointTopDownCOCOEval #metric function num_classes: 1 #number of classes(just for object detection, don't care) train_height: &train_height 256 #the height of model input train_width: &train_width 192 #the width of model input trainsize: &trainsize [*train_width, *train_height] #the shape of model input hmsize: &hmsize [48, 64] #the shape of model output flip_perm: &flip_perm [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16]] #the correspondence between left and right keypoint id, for example: left wrist become right wrist after image flip, and also the right wrist becomes left wrist \#####model architecture: TopDownHRNet #the model architecture TopDownHRNet: #TopDownHRNet configs backbone: LiteHRNet #which backbone to use post_process: HRNetPostProcess #the post_process to use flip_perm: *flip_perm #same to the upper "flip_perm" num_joints: *num_joints #the joint number(the number of output channels) width: &width 40 #backbone output channels loss: KeyPointMSELoss #loss funciton use_dark: true #whther to use DarkPose in postprocess LiteHRNet: #LiteHRNet configs network_type: wider_naive #the network type of backbone freeze_at: -1 #the branch match this id doesn't backward,-1 means all branch backward freeze_norm: false #whether to freeze normalize weights return_idx: [0] #the branch id to fetch features KeyPointMSELoss: #Loss configs use_target_weight: true #whether to use target weights loss_scale: 1.0 #loss weights,finalloss = loss*loss_scale \#####optimizer LearningRate: #LearningRate configs base_lr: 0.002 #the original base learning rate schedulers: \- !PiecewiseDecay #the scheduler to adjust learning rate ​ milestones: [380, 410] #the milestones(epochs) to adjust learning rate ​ gamma: 0.1 #the ratio to adjust learning rate, new_lr = lr*gamma \- !LinearWarmup #Warmup configs ​ start_factor: 0.001 #the original ratio with respect to base_lr ​ steps: 500 #iters used to warmup OptimizerBuilder: #Optimizer type configs optimizer: ​ type: Adam #optimizer type: Adam regularizer: ​ factor: 0.0 #the regularizer weight ​ type: L2 #regularizer type: L2/L1 \#####data TrainDataset: #Train Dataset configs !KeypointTopDownCocoDataset #the dataset class to load data ​ image_dir: "" #the image directory, relative to dataset_dir ​ anno_path: aic_coco_train_cocoformat.json #the train datalist,coco format, relative to dataset_dir ​ dataset_dir: dataset #the dataset directory, the image_dir and anno_path based on this directory ​ num_joints: *num_joints #joint numbers ​ trainsize: *trainsize #the input size of model ​ pixel_std: *pixel_std #same to the upper "pixel_std" ​ use_gt_bbox: True #whether to use gt bbox, commonly used in eval EvalDataset: #Eval Dataset configs !KeypointTopDownCocoDataset #the dataset class to load data ​ image_dir: val2017 #the image directory, relative to dataset_dir ​ anno_path: annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json #the eval datalist,coco format, relative to dataset_dir ​ dataset_dir: dataset/coco #the dataset directory, the image_dir and anno_path based on this directory ​ num_joints: *num_joints #joint numbers ​ trainsize: *trainsize #the input size of model ​ pixel_std: *pixel_std #same to the upper "pixel_std" ​ use_gt_bbox: True #whether to use gt bbox, commonly used in eval ​ image_thre: 0.5 #the threshold of detected rect, used while use_gt_bbox is False TestDataset: #the test dataset without label !ImageFolder #the class to load data, find images by folder ​ anno_path: dataset/coco/keypoint_imagelist.txt #the image list file worker_num: 2 #the workers to load Dataset global_mean: &global_mean [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] #means used to nomalize image global_std: &global_std [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] #stds used to nomalize image TrainReader: #TrainReader configs sample_transforms: #transform configs ​ \- RandomFlipHalfBodyTransform: #random flip & random HalfBodyTransform ​ scale: 0.25 #the maximum scale for size transform ​ rot: 30 #the maximum rotation to transoform ​ num_joints_half_body: 8 #the HalfBodyTransform is skiped while joints found is less than this number ​ prob_half_body: 0.3 #the ratio of halfbody transform ​ pixel_std: *pixel_std #same to upper "pixel_std" ​ trainsize: *trainsize #the input size of model ​ upper_body_ids: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] #the joint id which is belong to upper body ​ flip_pairs: *flip_perm #same to the upper "flip_perm" ​ \- AugmentationbyInformantionDropping: ​ prob_cutout: 0.5 #the probability to cutout keypoint ​ offset_factor: 0.05 #the jitter offset of cutout position, expressed as a percentage of trainwidth ​ num_patch: 1 #the numbers of area to cutout ​ trainsize: *trainsize #same to upper "trainsize" ​ \- TopDownAffine: ​ trainsize: *trainsize #same to upper "trainsize" ​ use_udp: true #whether to use udp_unbias(just for flip eval) ​ \- ToHeatmapsTopDown_DARK: #generate gt heatmaps ​ hmsize: *hmsize #the size of output heatmaps ​ sigma: 2 #the sigma of gaussin kernel which used to generate gt heatmaps batch_transforms: ​ \- NormalizeImage: #image normalize class ​ mean: *global_mean #mean of normalize ​ std: *global_std #std of normalize ​ is_scale: true #whether scale by 1/255 to every image pixels,transform pixel from [0,255] to [0,1] ​ \- Permute: {} #channel transform from HWC to CHW batch_size: 128 #batchsize used for train shuffle: true #whether to shuffle the images before train drop_last: false #whether drop the last images which is not enogh for batchsize EvalReader: sample_transforms: #transform configs ​ \- TopDownAffine: #Affine configs ​ trainsize: *trainsize #same to upper "trainsize" ​ use_udp: true #whether to use udp_unbias(just for flip eval) batch_transforms: ​ \- NormalizeImage: #image normalize, the values should be same to values in TrainReader ​ mean: *global_mean ​ std: *global_std ​ is_scale: true ​ \- Permute: {} #channel transform from HWC to CHW batch_size: 16 #batchsize used for test TestReader: inputs_def: ​ image_shape: [3, *train_height, *train_width] #the input dimensions used in model,CHW sample_transforms: ​ \- Decode: {} #load image ​ \- TopDownEvalAffine: #Affine class used in Eval ​ trainsize: *trainsize #the input size of model ​ \- NormalizeImage: #image normalize, the values should be same to values in TrainReader ​ mean: *global_mean #mean of normalize ​ std: *global_std #std of normalize ​ is_scale: true #whether scale by 1/255 to every image pixels,transform pixel from [0,255] to [0,1] ​ \- Permute: {} #channel transform from HWC to CHW batch_size: 1 #Test batchsize fuse_normalize: false #whether fuse the normalize into model while export model, this speedup the model infer ```