Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection

High speed performance Jittor implementation Code accompanying the paper "Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection" (ECCV 2020, PAMI 2021). [arXiv2003.04676]( | [Online Demo]( | [Project page]( | [New dataset]( | [Line Annotator]( * Jittor inference code is open available now. * Training code will come soon. ### High speed of Jittor framework Network inference FPS and speedup ratio (without post processing):
TITAN XP Tesla P100 RTX 2080Ti
bs=1 bs=4 bs=8 bs=1 bs=4 bs=8 bs=1 bs=4 bs=8
Jittor 44 54 56 42 49 52 82 98 100
Pytorch 39 48 49 35 44 44 64 71 71
Speedup 1.13 1.13 1.14 1.20 1.11 1.18 1.28 1.38 1.41
Tesla V100 (16G PCI-E) Tesla V100 RTX TITAN
bs=1 bs=4 bs=8 bs=1 bs=4 bs=8 bs=1 bs=4 bs=8
Jittor 89 115 120 88 108 113 27 74 106
Pytorch 38 75 82 10 34 53 9 15 34
Speedup 2.34 1.53 1.46 8.80 3.18 2.13 3.00 4.93 3.12
### Requirements ``` jittor numpy scipy opencv-python scikit-image pytorch 1.0<=1.3 tqdm yml ``` Pretrain model (based on ResNet50-FPN): (SEL dataset) and (NKL dataset / used in online demo) ### Prepare training data Download original SEL dataset from [here]( and extract to `data/` directory. After that, the directory structure should be like: ``` data ├── ICCV2017_JTLEE_gtlines_all ├── ICCV2017_JTLEE_gt_pri_lines_for_test ├── ICCV2017_JTLEE_images ├── ├── Readme.txt ├── test_idx_1716.txt └── train_idx_1716.txt ``` Then run python script to generate parametric space label. ```sh cd deep-hough-transfrom python data/ --root './data/ICCV2017_JTLEE_images/' --label './data/ICCV2017_JTLEE_gtlines_all' --save-dir './data/training/JTLEE_resize_100_100/' --list './data/training/JTLEE.lst' --prefix 'JTLEE_resize_100_100' --fixsize 400 --numangle 100 --numrho 100 ``` For NKL dataset, you can download the dataset and put it to data dir. Then run python script to generate parametric space label. ```sh cd deep-hough-transform python data/ --root './data/NKL' --label './data/NKL' --save-dir './data/training/NKL_resize_100_100' --fixsize 400 ``` ### Forward Generate visualization results and save coordinates to _.npy file. ```sh CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model (your_best_model.pth) --tmp (your_result_save_dir) ``` ### Citation If our method/dataset are useful to your research, please consider to cite us: ``` @article{hu2020jittor, title={Jittor: a novel deep learning framework with meta-operators and unified graph execution}, author={Hu, Shi-Min and Liang, Dun and Yang, Guo-Ye and Yang, Guo-Wei and Zhou, Wen-Yang}, journal={Information Sciences}, volume={63}, number={222103}, pages={1--21}, year={2020} } ``` ``` @article{zhao2021deep, author = {Kai Zhao and Qi Han and Chang-bin Zhang and Jun Xu and Ming-ming Cheng}, title = {Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)}, year = {2021}, doi = {10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3077129} } ``` ``` @inproceedings{eccv2020line, title={Deep Hough Transform for Semantic Line Detection}, author={Qi Han and Kai Zhao and Jun Xu and Ming-Ming Cheng}, booktitle={ECCV}, pages={750--766}, year={2020} } ``` ### License This project is licensed under the [Creative Commons NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 3.0)]( license where only non-commercial usage is allowed. For commercial usage, please contact us.