6.5 KB

  1. import torch
  2. import numpy as np
  3. import apex
  4. import syncbn
  5. import os
  6. import argparse
  7. import torch.optim as optim
  8. def compare(desc, inp1, inp2, error):
  9. a = inp1.clone().detach().cpu().numpy()
  10. b = inp2.clone().detach().cpu().numpy()
  11. close = np.allclose(a,b, error, error)
  12. if not close:
  13. print(desc, close)
  14. z = a - b
  15. index = (np.abs(z) >= error + error * np.abs(b)).nonzero()
  16. print("dif : ", z[index])
  17. print("inp1 : ", a[index])
  18. print("inp2 : ", b[index])
  19. return close
  20. feature_size = 10
  21. space_size = 40
  22. batch_size = 32
  23. from apex.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP
  24. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  25. parser.add_argument("--local_rank", default=0, type=int)
  26. parser.add_argument("--fp16", action='store_true', default=False)
  27. parser.add_argument("--fp64", action='store_true', default=False)
  28. args = parser.parse_args()
  29. args.world_size = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE'])
  30. torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank)
  31. torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://')
  32. start = args.local_rank * batch_size//args.world_size
  33. finish = (args.local_rank + 1) * batch_size//args.world_size
  34. error = 1e-5
  35. dtype = np.float32
  36. if args.fp16:
  37. error = 1e-3
  38. dtype = np.float16
  39. elif args.fp64:
  40. error = 1e-8
  41. dtype = np.float64
  42. np.random.seed(18)
  43. inp = np.random.randn(batch_size, feature_size, space_size, space_size).astype(dtype)
  44. grad = np.random.randn(batch_size, feature_size, space_size, space_size).astype(dtype)
  45. weight = np.random.randn(feature_size).astype(dtype)
  46. bias = np.random.randn(feature_size).astype(dtype)
  47. type_tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor
  48. if args.fp16:
  49. type_tensor = torch.cuda.HalfTensor
  50. if args.fp64:
  51. type_tensor = torch.cuda.DoubleTensor
  52. ref_tensor = torch.cuda.DoubleTensor
  53. inp_t = type_tensor(inp)
  54. weight_t = type_tensor(weight)
  55. bias_t = type_tensor(bias)
  56. inp_r = ref_tensor(inp.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(feature_size, -1))
  57. inp2_r = ref_tensor(inp)
  58. weight_r = ref_tensor(weight).view(-1, 1, 1)
  59. bias_r = ref_tensor(bias).view(-1, 1, 1)
  60. grad_output_t = type_tensor(grad)
  61. m = inp_r.mean(1)
  62. b_v = inp_r.var(1, unbiased=False)
  63. unb_v = inp_r.var(1, unbiased=True)
  64. eps = 1e-5
  65. mean, var_biased = syncbn.welford_mean_var(inp_t)
  66. inv_std = 1.0 / torch.sqrt(var_biased + eps)
  67. bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(feature_size).cuda()
  68. bn.momentum = 1.0
  69. = weight_t.clone()
  70. = bias_t.clone()
  71. if args.fp16:
  72. bn.half()
  73. if args.fp64:
  74. bn.double()
  75. inp_bn = inp_t.clone().requires_grad_()
  76. grad_bn = grad_output_t.clone().detach()
  77. out_bn = bn(inp_bn)
  78. out_bn.backward(grad_bn)
  79. # compensating the averaging over processes done by DDP
  80. # in order to produce mathematically equivalent result
  81. #
  82. for param in bn.parameters():
  83. param.grad = param.grad / args.world_size
  84. bn_opt = optim.SGD(bn.parameters(), lr=1.0)
  85. sbn = apex.parallel.SyncBatchNorm(feature_size).cuda()
  86. sbn.momentum = 1.0
  87. = weight_t.clone()
  88. = bias_t.clone()
  89. if args.fp16:
  90. sbn.half()
  91. if args.fp64:
  92. sbn.double()
  93. sbn = DDP(sbn)
  94. sbn_opt = optim.SGD(sbn.parameters(), lr=1.0)
  95. inp_sbn = inp_t.clone().requires_grad_()
  96. grad_sbn = grad_output_t.clone().detach()
  97. out_sbn = sbn(inp_sbn[start:finish])
  98. out_sbn.backward(grad_sbn[start:finish])
  99. count = [ space_size**2 * ( (i+1) * batch_size // args.world_size - i * batch_size // args.world_size ) for i in range(0, args.world_size)]
  100. count = torch.cuda.IntTensor(count)
  101. print("--- count : " , count)
  102. sbn_result = True
  103. bn_result = True
  104. if args.local_rank == 0:
  105. sbn_result = compare("comparing mean: ", mean, m, error) and sbn_result
  106. sbn_result = compare("comparing biased variance: ", var_biased, b_v, error) and sbn_result
  107. out = syncbn.batchnorm_forward(inp_t, mean, inv_std, weight_t, bias_t)
  108. out_r = weight_r * (inp2_r - m.view(-1, 1, 1)) * torch.rsqrt(b_v.view(-1,1,1) + eps) + bias_r
  109. if args.local_rank == 0:
  110. sbn_result = compare("comparing output: ", out, out_r, error) and sbn_result
  111. compare("comparing bn output: ", out_bn, out_r, error)
  112. grad_output_t = type_tensor(grad)
  113. grad_output_r = ref_tensor(grad.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(feature_size, -1))
  114. grad_output2_r = ref_tensor(grad)
  115. grad_bias_r = grad_output_r.sum(1)
  116. grad_weight_r = ((inp2_r - m.view(-1, 1, 1)) * torch.rsqrt(b_v.view(-1,1,1) + eps) * grad_output2_r).transpose(1,0).contiguous().view(feature_size, -1).sum(1)
  117. sum_dy_r = grad_output_r.sum(1)
  118. mean_dy_r = grad_output_r.mean(1)
  119. mean_dy_xmu_r = ((inp2_r - m.view(-1, 1, 1)) * grad_output2_r).transpose(1,0).contiguous().view(feature_size, -1).mean(1)
  120. sum_dy_xmu_r = ((inp2_r - m.view(-1, 1, 1)) * grad_output2_r).transpose(1,0).contiguous().view(feature_size, -1).sum(1)
  121. grad_input_r = (grad_output2_r - mean_dy_r.view(-1, 1, 1) - (inp2_r - m.view(-1, 1, 1)) / (b_v.view(-1,1,1) + eps) * mean_dy_xmu_r.view(-1, 1, 1) ) * torch.rsqrt(b_v.view(-1,1,1) + eps) * weight_r.view(-1,1,1)
  122. sum_dy, sum_dy_xmu, grad_weight, grad_bias = syncbn.reduce_bn(grad_output_t, inp_t, mean, inv_std, weight_t)
  123. grad_input = syncbn.batchnorm_backward(grad_output_t, inp_t, mean, inv_std, weight_t, sum_dy, sum_dy_xmu, count)
  124. if args.local_rank == 0:
  125. sbn_result = compare("comparing bias grad: ", grad_bias, grad_bias_r, error) and sbn_result
  126. sbn_result = compare("comparing weight grad: ", grad_weight, grad_weight_r, error) and sbn_result
  127. sbn_result = compare("comparing sum_dy grad: ", sum_dy, sum_dy_r, error) and sbn_result
  128. sbn_result = compare("comparing sum_dy_xmu grad: ", sum_dy_xmu, sum_dy_xmu_r, error) and sbn_result
  129. sbn_result = compare("comparing input grad: ", grad_input, grad_input_r, error) and sbn_result
  130. compare("comparing bn input grad: ", inp_bn.grad, grad_input_r, error)
  131. if args.local_rank == 0:
  132. sbn_result = compare("comparing running_mean: ",,, error) and sbn_result
  133. sbn_result = compare("comparing running_variance: ",,, error) and sbn_result
  134. # execute by both
  135. compare("comparing layers output: ", out_bn[start:finish], out_sbn, error) and sbn_result
  136. compare("comparing layers grad_input: ", inp_bn.grad[start:finish], inp_sbn.grad[start:finish], error) and sbn_result
  137. bn_opt.step()
  138. sbn_opt.step()
  139. if args.local_rank == 0:
  140. compare("comparing bn vs sbn bias: ", bn.bias, sbn.module.bias, error)
  141. compare("comparing bn vs sbn weight: ", bn.weight, sbn.module.weight, error)
  142. if sbn_result:
  143. print("====SBN two gpu passed tests")
  144. else:
  145. print("*SBN two gpu failed*")