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main_amp.py 6c7f7663e1 Initial commit 3 månader sedan


Mixed Precision ImageNet Training in PyTorch

main_amp.py is based on https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/imagenet. It implements Automatic Mixed Precision (Amp) training of popular model architectures, such as ResNet, AlexNet, and VGG, on the ImageNet dataset. Command-line flags forwarded to amp.initialize are used to easily manipulate and switch between various pure and mixed precision "optimization levels" or opt_levels. For a detailed explanation of opt_levels, see the updated API guide.

Three lines enable Amp:

# Added after model and optimizer construction
model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, flags...)
# loss.backward() changed to:
with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss:

With the new Amp API you never need to explicitly convert your model, or the input data, to half().



To train a model, create softlinks to the Imagenet dataset, then run main.py with the desired model architecture, as shown in Example commands below.

The default learning rate schedule is set for ResNet50. main_amp.py script rescales the learning rate according to the global batch size (number of distributed processes * per-process minibatch size).

Example commands

Note: batch size --b 224 assumes your GPUs have >=16GB of onboard memory. You may be able to increase this to 256, but that's cutting it close, so it may out-of-memory for different Pytorch versions.

Note: All of the following use 4 dataloader subprocesses (--workers 4) to reduce potential CPU data loading bottlenecks.

Note: --opt-level O1 and O2 both use dynamic loss scaling by default unless manually overridden. --opt-level O0 and O3 (the "pure" training modes) do not use loss scaling by default. O0 and O3 can be told to use loss scaling via manual overrides, but using loss scaling with O0 (pure FP32 training) does not really make sense, and will trigger a warning.

Softlink training and validation datasets into the current directory:

$ ln -sf /data/imagenet/train-jpeg/ train
$ ln -sf /data/imagenet/val-jpeg/ val


Amp allows easy experimentation with various pure and mixed precision options.

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 128 --workers 4 --opt-level O0 ./
$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O3 ./
$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O3 --keep-batchnorm-fp32 True ./
$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O1 ./
$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O1 --loss-scale 128.0 ./
$ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O1 ./
$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O2 ./
$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O2 --loss-scale 128.0 ./
$ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O2 ./

Options are explained below. Again, the updated API guide provides more detail.

--opt-level O0 (FP32 training) and O3 (FP16 training)

"Pure FP32" training:

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 128 --workers 4 --opt-level O0 ./

"Pure FP16" training:

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O3 ./

FP16 training with FP32 batchnorm:

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O3 --keep-batchnorm-fp32 True ./

Keeping the batchnorms in FP32 improves stability and allows Pytorch to use cudnn batchnorms, which significantly increases speed in Resnet50.

The O3 options might not converge, because they are not true mixed precision. However, they can be useful to establish "speed of light" performance for your model, which provides a baseline for comparison with O1 and O2. For Resnet50 in particular, --opt-level O3 --keep-batchnorm-fp32 True establishes the "speed of light." (Without --keep-batchnorm-fp32, it's slower, because it does not use cudnn batchnorm.)

O1 patches Torch functions to cast inputs according to a whitelist-blacklist model. FP16-friendly (Tensor Core) ops like gemms and convolutions run in FP16, while ops that benefit from FP32, like batchnorm and softmax, run in FP32. Also, dynamic loss scaling is used by default.

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O1 ./

O1 overridden to use static loss scaling:

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O1 --loss-scale 128.0

Distributed training with 2 processes (1 GPU per process, see Distributed training below for more detail)

$ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O1 ./

For best performance, set --nproc_per_node equal to the total number of GPUs on the node to use all available resources.

--opt-level O2 ("Almost FP16" mixed precision. More dangerous than O1.)

O2 exists mainly to support some internal use cases. Please prefer O1.

O2 casts the model to FP16, keeps batchnorms in FP32, maintains master weights in FP32, and implements dynamic loss scaling by default. (Unlike --opt-level O1, --opt-level O2 does not patch Torch functions.)

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O2 ./

"Fast mixed precision" overridden to use static loss scaling:

$ python main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O2 --loss-scale 128.0 ./

Distributed training with 2 processes (1 GPU per process)

$ python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 main_amp.py -a resnet50 --b 224 --workers 4 --opt-level O2 ./

Distributed training

main_amp.py optionally uses apex.parallel.DistributedDataParallel (DDP) for multiprocess training with one GPU per process.

model = apex.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model)

is a drop-in replacement for

model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model,

(because Torch DDP permits multiple GPUs per process, with Torch DDP you are required to manually specify the device to run on and the output device. With Apex DDP, it uses only the current device by default).

The choice of DDP wrapper (Torch or Apex) is orthogonal to the use of Amp and other Apex tools. It is safe to use apex.amp with either torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel or apex.parallel.DistributedDataParallel. In the future, I may add some features that permit optional tighter integration between Amp and apex.parallel.DistributedDataParallel for marginal performance benefits, but currently, there's no compelling reason to use Apex DDP versus Torch DDP for most models.

To use DDP with apex.amp, the only gotcha is that

model, optimizer = amp.initialize(model, optimizer, flags...)

must precede

model = DDP(model)

If DDP wrapping occurs before amp.initialize, amp.initialize will raise an error.

With both Apex DDP and Torch DDP, you must also call torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) within each process prior to initializing your model or any other tensors. More information can be found in the docs for the Pytorch multiprocess launcher module torch.distributed.launch.

main_amp.py is written to interact with torch.distributed.launch, which spawns multiprocess jobs using the following syntax:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS main_amp.py args...

NUM_GPUS should be less than or equal to the number of visible GPU devices on the node. The use of torch.distributed.launch is unrelated to the choice of DDP wrapper. It is safe to use either apex DDP or torch DDP with torch.distributed.launch.

Optionally, one can run imagenet with synchronized batch normalization across processes by adding --sync_bn to the args...

Deterministic training (for debugging purposes)

Running with the --deterministic flag should produce bitwise identical outputs run-to-run, regardless of what other options are used (see Pytorch docs on reproducibility). Since --deterministic disables torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark, --deterministic may cause a modest performance decrease.


If you're curious how the network actually looks on the CPU and GPU timelines (for example, how good is the overall utilization? Is the prefetcher really overlapping data transfers?) try profiling main_amp.py. Detailed instructions can be found here.